The Reign Of Frederick The Great
Youth of Frederick the Great. --His attempted Escape. --Lieutenant von
Katte's Fate. --Frederick's Subjection. --His Marriage. --His first
Measures as King. --Maria Theresa in Austria. --The First Silesian
war. --Maria Theresa in Hungary. --Prussia acquires Silesia.
--Frederick's Alliance with France and the Emperor Karl VII. --The
Second Silesian war. --Frederick alone a
ainst Austria. --Battles
of Hohenfriedberg, Sorr and Kesselsdorf. --War of the Austrian
Succession. --Peace. --Frederick as a Ruler. --His Habits and
Tastes. --Answers to Petitions. --Religious Freedom. --Development
of Prussia. --War between England and France. --Designs against
Prussia. --Beginning of the Seven Years' War. --Battle at Prague.
--Defeat at Kollin. --Victory of Rossbach. --Battle of Leuthen.
--Help from England. --Campaign of 1758. --Victory of Zorndorf.
--Surprise at Hochkirch. --Campaign of 1759. --Battle of
Kunnersdorf. --Operations in 1760. --Frederick victorious. --Battle
of Torgau. --Desperate Situation of Prussia. --Campaign of 1761.
--Alliance with Russia. --Frederick's Successes. --The Peace of
Hubertsburg. --Frederick's Measures of Relief. --His arbitrary
Rule. --His literary Tastes. --First Division of Poland.
--Frederick's last Years. --His Death.
Few royal princes ever had a more unfortunate childhood and youth than
Frederick the Great. His mother, Sophia Dorothea of Hannover, a sister
of George II. of England, was an amiable, mild-tempered woman who was
devotedly attached to him, but had no power to protect him from the
violence of his hard and tyrannical father. As a boy his chief tastes
were music and French literature, which he could only indulge by
stealth: the king not only called him "idiot!" and "puppy!" when he
found him occupied with a flute or a French book, but threatened him
with personal chastisement. His whole education, which was gained almost
in secret, was chiefly received at the hands of French emigres, and
his taste was formed in the school of ideas which at that time ruled in
France, and which was largely formed by Voltaire, whom Frederick during
his boyhood greatly admired, and afterward made one of his chief
correspondents and intimates. The influence of this is most clearly to
be traced throughout his life.
[Sidenote: 1728.]
His music became almost a passion with him, though it is doubtful
whether any of the praises of his proficiency that have come down to us
are more than the remains of the flatteries of the time. His
compositions, which were performed at his concerts, to which leading
musicians were often invited, do not give any evidence of the genius
claimed for him in this respect; but it is certain that he attained a
considerable degree of mechanical skill in playing the flute. In
after-life his musical taste continued to influence him greatly, and the
establishment of the opera at Berlin was chiefly due to him. His
father's persistent opposition rather fanned than suppressed the
eagerness which he showed in this and other studies, as a boy; and
doubtless contributed to a thoroughness which afterward stood him in
good stead.
In 1728, when only sixteen years old, he accompanied his father on a
visit to the court of Augustus the Strong, at Dresden, and was for a
time led astray by the corrupt society into which he was there thrown.
The wish of his mother, that he should marry the Princess Amelia, the
daughter of George II., was thwarted by his father's dislike of England;
the tyranny to which he was subjected became intolerable, and in 1730,
while accompanying his father on a journey to Southern Germany, he
determined to run away.
His accomplice was a young officer, Lieutenant von Katte, who had been
his bosom-friend for two or three years. A letter written by Frederick
to the latter fell by accident into the hands of another officer of the
same name, who sent it to the king, and the plot was thus discovered.
Frederick had already gone on board of a vessel at Frankfort, and was on
the point of sailing down the Rhine, when his father followed, beat him
until his face was covered with blood, and then sent him as a prisoner
of State to Prussia. Katte was arrested before he could escape, tried by
a court-martial and sentenced to several years' imprisonment. Frederick
William annulled the sentence and ordered him to be immediately
executed. To make the deed more barbarous, it was done before the window
of the cell in which Frederick was confined. The young Prince fainted,
and lay so long senseless that it was feared he would never recover. He
was then watched, allowed no implements except a wooden spoon, lest he
might commit suicide, and only permitted to read a Bible and hymn-book.
The officer who had him in charge could only converse with him by means
of a hole bored through the ceiling of his cell.
The king insisted that he should be formally tried; but the
court-martial, while deciding that "Colonel Fritz" was guilty, as an
officer, asserted that it had no authority to condemn the Crown-Prince.
The king overruled the decision, and ordered his son to be executed.
This course excited such horror and indignation among the officers that
Frederick was pardoned, but not released from imprisonment until his
spirit was broken and he had promised to obey his father in all things.
For a year he was obliged to work as a clerk in the departments of the
Government, beginning with the lowest position and rising as he acquired
practical knowledge. He did not appear at Court until November, 1731,
when his sister Wilhelmine was married to the Margrave of Baireuth. The
ceremony had already commenced when Frederick, dressed in a plain suit
of grey, without any order or decoration, was discovered among the
servants. The King pulled him forth, and presented him to the Queen with
these words: "Here, Madam, our Fritz is back again!"
In 1732 Frederick was forced to marry the Princess Elizabeth of
Brunswick-Bevern, whom he disliked, and with whom he lived but a short
time. His father gave him the castle of Rheinsberg, near Potsdam, and
there, for the first time, he enjoyed some independence: his leisure was
devoted to philosophical studies, and to correspondence with Voltaire
and other distinguished French authors. During the war of the Polish
Succession he served for a short time under Prince Eugene of Savoy, but
had no opportunity to test or develop his military talent. Until his
father's death he seemed to be more of a poet and philosopher than
anything else: only the few who knew him intimately perceived that his
mind was occupied with plans of government and conquest.
When Frederick William I. died, the people rejoiced in the prospect of a
just and peaceful rule. Frederick II. declared to his ministers, on
receiving their oath of allegiance, that no distinction should be
allowed between the interests of the country and the king, since they
were identical; but if any conflict of the two should arise, the
interests of the country must have the preference. Then he at once
corrected the abuses of the game and recruiting laws, disbanded his
father's body-guard of giants, abolished torture in criminal cases,
reformed the laws of marriage, and established a special Ministry for
Commerce and Manufactures. When he set out for Koenigsberg to receive the
allegiance of Prussia proper, his whole Court travelled in three
carriages. On arriving, he dispensed with the ceremony of coronation, as
being unnecessary, and then succeeded in establishing a much closer
political union between Prussia and Brandenburg, which, in many
respects, had been independent of each other up to that time.
[Sidenote: 1740.]
The death of the Emperor Karl VI. was the signal for a general
disturbance. Maria Theresa, as the events of her reign afterwards
proved, was a woman of strong, even heroic, character; stately, handsome
and winning in her personal appearance, and morally irreproachable. No
Hapsburg Emperor before her inherited the crown under such discouraging
circumstances, and none could have maintained himself more bravely and
firmly than she did. The ministers of Karl VI. flattered themselves that
they would now have unlimited sway over the Empire, but they were
mistaken. Maria Theresa listened to their counsels, but decided for
herself: even her husband, Francis of Lorraine and Tuscany, was unable
to influence her judgment. The Elector Karl Albert of Bavaria, whose
grandmother was a Hapsburg, claimed the crown, and was supported by
Louis XV. of France, who saw another opportunity of weakening Germany.
The reigning Archbishops on the Rhine were of course on the side of
France. Poland and Saxony, united under Augustus III., at the same time
laid claim to some territory along the northern frontier of Austria.
Frederick II. saw his opportunity, and was first in the field. His
pretext was the right of Brandenburg to four principalities in Silesia,
which had been relinquished to Austria under the pressure of
circumstances. The real reason was, as he afterwards confessed, his
determination to strengthen Prussia by the acquisition of more
territory. The kingdom was divided into so many portions, separated so
widely from each other, that it could not become powerful and permanent
unless they were united. He had secretly raised his military force to
100,000 men, and in December, 1740, he marched into Silesia, almost
before Austria suspected his purpose. His army was kept under strict
discipline; the people were neither plundered nor restricted in their
religious worship, and the capital, Breslau, soon opened its gates.
Several fortresses were taken during the winter, and in April, 1741, a
decisive battle was fought at Mollwitz. The Austrian army had the
advantage of numbers and its victory seemed so certain that Marshal
Schwerin persuaded Frederick to leave the field; then, gathering
together the remainder of his troops, he made a last and desperate
charge which turned defeat into victory. All Lower Silesia was now in
the hands of the Prussians.
France, Spain, Bavaria and Saxony immediately united against Austria. A
French army crossed the Rhine, joined the Bavarian forces, and marched
to Linz, on the Danube, where Karl Albert was proclaimed Arch-Duke of
Austria. Maria Theresa and her Court fled to Presburg, where the
Hungarian nobles were already convened, in the hope of recovering the
rights they had lost under Leopold I. She was forced to grant the most
of their demands; after which she was crowned with the crown of St.
Stephen, galloped up "the king's hill," and waved her sword towards the
four quarters of the earth, with so much grace and spirit that the
Hungarians were quite won to her side. Afterwards, when she appeared
before the Diet in their national costume, with her son Joseph in her
arms, and made an eloquent speech, setting forth the dangers which beset
her, the nobles drew their sabres and shouted: "We will die for our
King, Maria Theresa!"
While the support of Hungary and Austria was thus secured, the combined
German and French force did not advance upon Vienna, but marched to
Prague, where Karl Albert was crowned King of Bohemia. This act was
followed, in February, 1742, by his coronation in Frankfort as Emperor,
under the name of Karl VII. Before this took place, Austria had been
forced to make a secret treaty with Frederick II. The latter, however,
declared that the conditions of it had been violated, and in the spring
of 1742 he marched into Bohemia. He was victorious in the first great
battle: England then intervened, and persuaded Maria Theresa to make
peace by yielding to Prussia both Upper and Lower Silesia and the
principality of Glatz. Thus ended the First Silesian War, which gave
Prussia an addition of 1,200,000 to her population, with 150 large and
small cities, and about 5,000 villages.
[Sidenote: 1742.]
The most dangerous enemy of Austria being thus temporarily removed, the
fortunes of Maria Theresa speedily changed, especially since England,
Holland and Hannover entered into an alliance to support her against
France. George II. of England took the field in person, and was
victorious over the French in the battle of Dettingen (not far from
Frankfort), in June, 1743. After this Saxony joined the Austrian
alliance, and the Landgrave of Hesse, who cared nothing for the war, but
was willing to make money, sold an equal number of soldiers to France
and to England. Frederick II. saw that France would not be able to stand
long against such a coalition, and he knew that the success of Austria
would probably be followed by an attempt to regain Silesia; therefore,
regardless of appearances, he entered into a compact with France and the
Emperor Karl VII., and prepared for another war.
In the summer of 1744 he marched into Bohemia with an army of 80,000
men, took Prague on the 16th of September, and conquered the greater
part of the country. But the Bohemians were hostile to him, the
Hungarians rose again in defence of Austria, and an army under Charles
of Lorraine, which was operating against the French in Alsatia, was
recalled to resist his advance. He was forced to retreat in the dead of
winter, leaving many cannon behind him, and losing a large number of
soldiers on the way. On the 20th of January, 1745, Karl VII. died, and
his son, Max Joseph, gave up his pretensions to the Imperial crown, on
condition of having Bavaria (which Austria had meanwhile conquered)
restored to him. France thereupon practically withdrew from the
struggle, leaving Prussia in the lurch. Frederick stood alone, with
Austria, Saxony and Poland united against him, and a prospect of England
and Russia being added to the number: the tables had turned, and he was
very much in the condition of Maria Theresa, four years before.
In May, 1745, Silesia was invaded with an army of 100,000 Austrians and
Saxons. Frederick marched against them with a much smaller force, met
them at Hohenfriedberg, and gave battle on the 4th of June. He began
with a furious charge of Prussian cavalry at dawn, and by nine o'clock
the enemy was utterly routed, leaving sixty-six standards, 5,000 dead
and wounded, and 7,000 prisoners. This victory produced a great effect
throughout Europe. England intervened in favor of peace, and Frederick
declared that he would only fight until the possession of Silesia was
firmly guaranteed to him; but Maria Theresa (who hated Frederick
intensely, as she had good reason to do) answered that she would sooner
part with the clothes on her body than give up Silesia.
[Sidenote: 1745. THE SECOND SILESIAN WAR.]
Frederick entered Bohemia with 18,000 men, and on the 30th of September
was attacked, at a village called Sorr, by a force of 40,000.
Nevertheless he managed his cavalry so admirably, that he gained the
victory. Then, learning that the Saxons were preparing to invade Prussia
in his rear, he garrisoned all the passes leading from Bohemia into
Silesia, and marched into Saxony with his main force. The "Old
Dessauer," as Prince Leopold was called, took Leipzig, and, pressing
forwards, won another great victory on the 15th of December, at
Kesselsdorf. Frederick, who arrived on the field at the close of the
fight, embraced the old veteran in the sight of the army. The next day,
the Prussians took possession of Dresden: the capital was not damaged,
but, like the other cities of Saxony, was made to pay a heavy
contribution. Peace was concluded with Austria ten days afterwards:
Prussia was confirmed in the possession of all Silesia and Glatz, and
Frederick agreed to recognize Francis of Lorraine, Maria Theresa's
husband, who had already been crowned Emperor at Frankfort, as Francis
I. Thus ended the Second Silesian War. Frederick was first called "the
Great," on his return to Berlin, where he was received with boundless
popular rejoicings.
The "War of the Austrian Succession," as it was called, lasted three
years longer, but its character was changed. Its field was shifted to
Italy and Flanders: in the latter country Maurice of Saxony (better
known as Marshal de Saxe), one of the many sons of Augustus the Strong,
was signally successful. He conquered the greater part of the
Netherlands for France, in the year 1747. Then Austria, although she had
regained much of her lost ground in Northern Italy, formed an alliance
with the Empress Elizabeth of Russia, who furnished an army of 40,000
men. The money of France was exhausted, and Louis XV. found it best to
make peace, which was concluded at Aix-la-Chapelle in October, 1748. He
gave up all the conquests which France had made during the war. Austria
yielded Parma and Piacenza to Spain, a portion of Lombardy to Sardinia,
and again confirmed Frederick the Great in the possession of Silesia.
[Sidenote: 1747.]
After the Peace of Dresden, in 1745, Prussia enjoyed a rest of nearly
eleven years. Frederick's first care was to heal the wounds which his
two Silesian wars had made in the population and the industry of his
people. He called himself "the first official servant of the State," and
no civil officer under him labored half so earnestly and zealously. He
looked upon his kingdom as a large estate, the details of which must be
left to agents, while the general supervision devolved upon him alone.
Therefore he insisted that all questions which required settlement, all
changes necessary to be made, even the least infractions of the laws,
should be referred directly to himself, so that his secretaries had much
more to do than his ministers. While he claimed the absolute right to
govern, he accepted all the responsibility which it brought upon him. He
made himself acquainted with every village and landed estate in his
kingdom, watched, as far as possible, over every official, and
personally studied the operation of every reform. He rose at four or
five o'clock, labored at his desk for hours, reading the multitude of
reports and letters of complaint or appeal, which came simply addressed
"to the King," and barely allowed himself an hour or two towards evening
for a walk with his greyhounds, or a little practise on his beloved
flute. His evenings were usually spent in conversation with men of
culture and intelligence. His literary tastes, however, remained French
all his life: his many works were written in that language, he preferred
to speak it, and he sneered at German literature at a time when authors
like Lessing, Klopstock, Herder and Goethe were gradually lifting it to
such a height of glory as few other languages have ever attained.
His rough, practical common-sense as a ruler is very well illustrated by
his remarks upon the documents sent for his inspection, many of which
are still preserved. On the back of the "Petition from the merchant
Simon of Stettin, to be allowed to purchase an estate for 40,000
thalers," he wrote: "40,000 thalers invested in commerce will yield
eight per cent., in landed property only four per cent.; this man does
not understand his own business." On the "Petition from the city of
Frankfort-on-Oder, against the quartering of troops upon them," he
wrote: "Why, it cannot be otherwise. Do they think I can put the
regiment in my pocket? But the barracks shall be rebuilt." And finally,
on the "Petition of the Chamberlain, Baron Mueller, for leave to visit
the baths of Aix-la-Chapelle," he wrote: "What would he do there? He
would gamble away the little money he has left, and come back like a
beggar." The expenses of Frederick's own Court were restricted to about
100,000 dollars a year, at a time when nearly every petty prince in
Germany was spending from five to ten times that sum.
[Sidenote: 1748. FREDERICK AS RULER.]
In the administration of justice and the establishment of entire
religious liberty, Prussia rapidly became a model which put to shame and
disturbed the most of the other German States. Frederick openly
declared: "I mean that every man in my kingdom shall have the right to
be saved in his own way:" in Silesia, where the Protestants had been
persecuted under Austria, the Catholics were now free and contented.
This course gave him a great popularity outside of Prussia among the
common people, and for the first time in two hundred years, the hope of
better times began to revive among them. Frederick was as absolute a
despot as any of his fellow-rulers of the day; but his was a despotism
of intelligence, justice and conscience, opposed to that of ignorance,
bigotry and selfishness.
Frederick's rule, however, was not without its serious faults. He
favored the education of his people less than his father, and was almost
equally indifferent to the encouragement of science. The Berlin Academy
was neglected, and another in which the French language was used, and
French theories discussed, took its place. Prussian students were for a
while prohibited from visiting Universities outside of the kingdom. On
the other hand, agriculture was favored in every possible way: great
tracts of marshy land, which had been uninhabited, were transformed into
fertile and populous regions; canals, roads and bridges were built, and
new markets for produce established. The cultivation of the potato, up
to that time unknown in Germany as an article of food, was forced upon
the unwilling farmers. In return for all these advantages, the people
were heavily taxed, but not to such an extent as to impoverish them, as
in Saxony and Austria. The army was not only kept up, but largely
increased, for Frederick knew that the peace which Prussia enjoyed could
not last long.
[Sidenote: 1755.]
The clouds of war slowly gathered on the political horizon. The peace of
Europe was broken by the quarrel between England and France, in 1755, in
regard to the boundaries between Canada and the English Colonies. This
involved danger to Hannover, which was not yet disconnected from
England, and the latter power proposed to Maria Theresa an alliance
against France. The minister of the Empress was at this time Count
Kaunitz, who fully shared her hatred of Frederick II., and determined,
with her, to use this opportunity to recover Silesia. She therefore
refused England's proposition, and wrote a flattering letter to Madame
de Pompadour, the favorite of Louis XV., to prepare the way for an
alliance between Austria and France. At the same time secret
negotiations were carried on with Elizabeth of Russia, who was mortally
offended with Frederick II., on account of some disparaging remarks he
had made about her. Louis XV., nevertheless, hesitated until Maria
Theresa promised to give him the Austrian (the former Spanish)
Netherlands, in return for his assistance: then the compact between the
three great military powers of the Continent was concluded, and
everything was quietly arranged for commencing the war against Prussia
in the spring of 1757. So sure were they of success that they agreed
beforehand on the manner in which the Prussian kingdom should be cut up
and divided among themselves and the other States.
Through his paid agents at the different courts, and especially through
the Crown Prince Peter of Russia, who was one of his most enthusiastic
admirers, Frederick was well-informed of these plans. He saw that the
coalition was too powerful to be defeated by diplomacy: his ruin was
determined upon, and he could only prevent it by accepting war against
such overwhelming odds. England was the only great power which could
assist him, and Austria's policy left her no alternative: she concluded
an alliance with Prussia in January, 1756, but her assistance,
afterwards, was furnished in the shape of money rather than troops. The
small States of Brunswick, Hesse-Cassel and Saxe-Gotha were persuaded to
join Prussia, but they added very little to Frederick's strength,
because Bavaria and all the principalities along the Rhine were certain
to go with France, in a general German war.
[Sidenote: 1756. WAR IN BOHEMIA.]
Knowing when the combined movement against him was to be made,
Frederick boldly determined to anticipate it. Disregarding the
neutrality of Saxony, he crossed its frontier on the 29th of August,
1756, with an army of 70,000 men. Ten days afterwards he entered
Dresden, besieged the Saxon army of 17,000 in their fortified camp on
the Elbe, and pushed a column forwards into Bohemia. Maria Theresa
collected her forces, and sent an army of nearly 70,000 in all haste
against him. Frederick met them with 20,000 men at Lobositz, on the 1st
of October, and after hard fighting gained a victory by the use of the
bayonet. He wrote to Marshal Schwerin: "Never have my Prussians
performed such miracles of bravery, since I had the honor to command
them." The Saxons surrendered soon afterwards, and Frederick went into
winter-quarters, secure against any further attack before the spring.
This was a severe check to the plans of the allied powers, and they made
every effort to retrieve it. Sweden was induced to join them, and "the
German Empire," through its almost forgotten Diet, declared war against
Prussia. All together raised an armed force of 430,000 men, while
Frederick, with the greatest exertion, could barely raise 200,000:
England sent him an utterly useless general, the Duke of Cumberland, but
no soldiers. He dispatched a part of his army to meet the Russians and
Swedes, marched with the rest into Bohemia, and on the 6th of May won a
decided but very bloody victory before the walls of Prague. The old
hero, Schwerin, charging at the head of his troops, was slain, and the
entire loss of the Prussians was 18,000 killed and wounded. But there
was still a large Austrian army in Prague: the city was besieged with
the utmost vigor for five weeks, and was on the very point of
surrendering when Frederick heard that another Austrian army, commanded
by Daun, was marching to its rescue.
He thereupon raised the siege, hastened onwards and met Daun at Kollin,
on the Elbe, on the 18th of June. He had 31,000 men and the Austrians
54,000: he prepared an excellent plan of battle, then deviated from it,
and commenced the attack against the advice of General Zieten, his chief
commander. His haste and stubbornness were well nigh proving his ruin;
he tried to retrieve the fortunes of the day by personally leading his
soldiers against the Austrian batteries, but in vain,--they were
repulsed, with a loss of 14,000 dead and wounded. That evening
Frederick was found alone, seated on a log, drawing figures in the sand
with his cane. He shed tears on hearing of the slaughter of all his best
guardsmen; then, after a long silence, said: "It is a day of sorrow for
us, my children, but have patience, for all will yet be well."
[Sidenote: 1757.]
The defeat at Kollin threw Frederick's plans into confusion: it was now
necessary to give up Bohemia, and simply act on the defensive, on
Prussian soil. Here he was met by the news of fresh disasters. His other
army had been defeated by a much superior Russian force, and the useless
Duke of Cumberland had surrendered Hannover to the French. But the
Russians had retreated after their victory, instead of advancing, and
Frederick's general, Lehwald, then easily repulsed the Swedes, who had
invaded Pomerania. By this time a combined French and German array of
60,000 men, under Marshal Soubise, was approaching from the west,
confident of an easy victory and comfortable winter-quarters in Berlin.
Frederick united his scattered and diminished forces: they only amounted
to 22,000, and great was the amusement of the French when they learned
that he meant to dispute their advance.
After some preliminary manoeuvring the two armies approached each
other, on the 5th of November, at Rossbach, not far from Naumburg. When
Marshal Soubise saw the Prussian camp, he said to his officers: "It is
only a breakfast for us!" and ordered his forces to be spread out so as
to cut off the retreat of the enemy. Frederick was at dinner when he
received the news of the approaching attack: he immediately ordered
General Seidlitz to charge with his cavalry, broke up his camp and
marshalled his infantry in the rear of a range of low hills which
concealed his movements. The French, supposing that he was retreating,
pressed forwards with music and shouts of triumph; then, suddenly,
Seidlitz burst upon them with his 8,000 cavalry, and immediately
afterwards Frederick's cannon began to play upon their ranks from a
commanding position. They were thrown into confusion by this surprise:
Frederick and his brother, Prince Henry, led the infantry against them,
and in an hour and a half from the commencement of the battle they were
flying from the field in the wildest panic, leaving everything behind
them. Nine generals, 320 other officers and 7,000 men were made
prisoners, and all the artillery, arms and stores captured. The
Prussian loss was only 91 dead and 274 wounded.
[Sidenote: 1757. THE BATTLE OF LEUTHEN.]
The remnant of the French army never halted until it reached the Rhine.
All danger from the west was now at an end, and Frederick hastened
towards Silesia, which had in the mean time been occupied by a powerful
Austrian army under Charles of Lorraine. By making forced marches, in
three weeks Frederick effected a junction near Breslau with his
retreating Prussians, and found himself at the head of an army of about
32,000 men. Charles of Lorraine and Marshal Daun had united their
forces, taken Breslau, and opposed him with a body of more than 80,000;
but, instead of awaiting his attack, they moved forward to meet him.
Near the little town of Leuthen, the two came together. Frederick
summoned his generals, and addressed them in a stirring speech: "Against
all the rules of military science," he said, "I am going to engage an
army nearly three times greater than my own. We must beat the enemy, or
all together make for ourselves graves before his batteries. This I
mean, and thus will I act: remember that you are Prussians. If one among
you fears to share the last danger with me, he may resign now, without
hearing a word of reproof from me."
The king's heroic courage was shared by his officers and soldiers. At
dawn, on the 5th of December, the troops sang a solemn hymn, after which
shouts of "It is again the 5th!" and "Rossbach!" rang through the army.
Frederick called General Zieten to him, and said: "I am going to expose
myself more than ordinarily, to-day. Should I fall, cover my body with
your cloak, and say nothing to any one. The fight must go on and the
enemy must be beaten." He concealed the movement of his infantry behind
some low hills, as at Rossbach, and surprised the left flank of the
Austrian army, while his cavalry engaged its right flank. Both attacks
were so desperate that the Austrians struggled in vain to recover their
ground: after several hours of hard fighting they gave way, then broke
up and fled in disorder, losing more than 20,000 in killed, wounded and
prisoners. The Prussian loss was about 5,000. The cold winter night came
down on the battle-field, still covered with wounded and dying and
resounding with cries of suffering. All at once a Prussian grenadier
began to sing the hymn: "Now let all hearts thank God;" the regiment
nearest him presently joined, then the military bands, and soon the
entire army united in the grand choral of thanksgiving. Thus gloriously
for Prussia closed the second year of this remarkable war.
[Sidenote: 1758.]
Frederick immediately took Breslau, with its garrison of 17,000
Austrians, and all of Silesia except the fortress of Schweidnitz. During
the winter Maria Theresa made vigorous preparations for a renewal of the
war, and urged Russia and France to make fresh exertions. The reputation
which Frederick had gained, however, brought him also some assistance:
after the victories of Rossbach and Leuthen, there was so much popular
enthusiasm for him in England that the Government granted him a subsidy
of 4,000,000 thalers annually, and allowed him to appoint a commander
for the troops of Hannover and the other allied States. Frederick
selected Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, who operated with so much skill
and energy that by the summer of 1758 he had driven the French from all
Northern Germany.
Frederick, as usual, resumed his work before the Austrians were ready,
took Schweidnitz, re-established his rule over Silesia, penetrated into
Moravia and laid siege to Olmuetz. But the Austrian Marshal Laudon cut
off his communications with Silesia and forced him to retreat across the
frontier, where he established himself in a fortified camp near
Landshut. The Russians by this time had conquered the whole of the Duchy
of Prussia, invaded Pomerania, which they plundered and laid waste, and
were approaching the river Oder. On receiving this news, Frederick left
Marshal Keith in command of his camp, took what troops could be spared
and marched against his third enemy, whom he met on the 25th of August,
1758, near the village of Zorndorf, in Pomerania. The battle lasted from
nine in the morning until ten at night. Frederick had 32,000 men, mostly
new recruits, the Russian General Fermor 50,000. The Prussian lines were
repeatedly broken, but as often restored by the bravery of General
Seidlitz, who finally won the battle by daring to disobey Frederick's
orders. The latter sent word to him that he must answer for his
disobedience with his head, but Seidlitz replied: "Tell the king he may
have my head when the battle is over, but until then I must use it in
his service." When, late at night, the Russians were utterly defeated,
leaving 20,000 dead upon the field--for the Prussians gave them no
quarter--Frederick embraced Seidlitz, crying out: "I owe the victory to
The three great powers had been successively repelled, but the strength
of Austria was not yet broken. Marshal Daun marched into Saxony and
besieged the fortified camp of Prince Henry, thus obliging Frederick to
hasten to his rescue. The latter's confidence in himself had been so
exalted by his victories, that he and his entire army would have been
lost but for the prudent watchfulness of Zieten. All except the latter
and his hussars were quietly sleeping at Hochkirch, on the night of the
13th of October, when the camp was suddenly attacked by Daun, in
overwhelming force. The village was set on fire, the Prussian batteries
captured, and a terrible fight ensued. Prince Francis of Brunswick and
Marshal Keith were killed and Prince Maurice of Dessau severely wounded:
the Prussians defended themselves heroically, but at nine o'clock on the
morning of the 14th they were compelled to retreat, leaving all their
artillery and camp equipage behind them. This was the last event of the
campaign of 1758, and it was a bad omen for the following year.
Frederick tried to negotiate for peace, but in vain. The strength of his
army was gone; his victories had been dearly bought with the loss of all
his best regiments. Austria and Russia reinforced their armies and
planned, this time, to unite in Silesia, while the French, who defeated
the Duke of Brunswick in April, 1759, regained possession of Hannover.
Frederick was obliged to divide his troops and send an army under
General Wedel against the Russians, while he, with a very reduced force,
attempted to check the Austrians in Silesia. Wedel was defeated, and the
junction of his two enemies could no longer be prevented; they marched
against him, 70,000 strong, and took up a position at Kunnersdorf,
opposite Frankfort-on-Oder. Frederick had but 48,000 men, after calling
together almost the entire military strength of his kingdom, and many of
these were raw recruits who had never smelt powder.
On the 12th of August, 1759, after the good news arrived that Ferdinand
of Brunswick had defeated the French at Minden, Frederick gave battle.
At the end of six hours the Russian left wing gave way; then Frederick,
against the advice of Seidlitz, ordered a charge upon the right wing,
which occupied a very strong position and was supported by the Austrian
army. Seidlitz twice refused to make the charge; and then when he
yielded, was struck down, severely wounded, after his cavalry had been
cut to pieces. Frederick himself led the troops to fresh slaughter, but
all in vain: they fell in whole battalions before the terrible artillery
fire, until 20,000 lay upon the field. The enemy charged in turn, and
the Prussian army was scattered in all directions, only about 3,000
accompanying the king in his retreat. For some days after this Frederick
was in a state of complete despair, listless, helpless, unable to decide
or command in anything.
[Sidenote: 1759.]
Prussia was only saved by a difference of opinion between Marshal Daun
and the Russian general, Soltikoff. The latter refused to advance on
Berlin, but fell back upon Silesia to rest his troops: Daun marched into
Saxony, took Dresden, which the Prussians had held up to that time, and
made 12,000 prisoners. Thus ended this unfortunate year. Prussia was in
such an exhausted condition that it seemed impossible to raise more men
or more money, to carry on the war. Frederick tried every means to break
the alliance of his enemies, or to acquire new allies for himself, even
appealing to Spain and Turkey, but without effect. In the spring of
1760, the armies of Austria, "the German Empire," Russia and Sweden
amounted to 280,000, to meet which he was barely able, by making every
sacrifice, to raise 90,000. In Hannover Ferdinand of Brunswick had
75,000, opposed by a French army of 115,000.
Silesia was still the bone of contention, and it was planned that the
Austrian and Russian armies should unite there, as before, while
Frederick was equally determined to prevent their junction, and to hold
the province for himself. But he first sent Prince Henry and General
Fouque to Silesia, while he undertook to regain possession of Saxony. He
bombarded Dresden furiously, without success, and was then called away
by the news that Fouque with 7,000 men had been defeated and taken
prisoners near Landshut. All Silesia was overrun by the Austrians,
except Breslau, which was heroically defended by a small force. Marshal
Laudon was in command, and as the Russians had not yet arrived, he
effected a junction with Daun, who had followed Frederick from Saxony.
On the 15th of August, 1760, they attacked him at Liegnitz with a
combined force of 95,000 men. Although he had but 35,000, he won such a
splendid victory that the Russian army turned back on hearing of it, and
in a short time Silesia, except the fortress of Glatz, was restored to
[Sidenote: 1760. CAPTURE OF BERLIN.]
Nevertheless, while Frederick was engaged in following up his victory,
the Austrians and Russians came to an understanding, and moved suddenly
upon Berlin,--the Russians from the Oder, the Austrians and Saxons
combined from Lusatia. The city defended itself for a few days, but
surrendered on the 9th of October: a contribution of 1,700,000 thalers
was levied by the conquerors, the Saxons ravaged the royal palace at
Charlottenburg, but the Russians and Austrians committed few
depredations. Four days afterwards, the news that Frederick was
hastening to the relief of Berlin compelled the enemy to leave. Without
attempting to pursue them, Frederick turned and marched back to Silesia,
where, on the 3d of November, he met the Austrians, under Daun, at
Torgau. This was one of the bloodiest battles of the Seven Years' War:
the Prussian army was divided between Frederick and Zieten, the former
undertaking to storm the Austrian position in front, while the latter
attacked their flank. But Frederick, either too impetuous or mistaken in
the signals, moved too soon: a terrible day's fight followed, and when
night came 10,000 of his soldiers, dead or wounded, lay upon the field.
He sat all night in the village church, making plans for the morrow;
then, in the early dawn, Zieten came and announced that he had been
victorious on the Austrian flank, and they were in full retreat. After
which, turning to his soldiers, Zieten cried: "Boys, hurrah for our
King!--he has won the battle!" The men answered: "Hurrah for Fritz, our
King, and hurrah for Father Zieten, too!" The Prussian loss was 13,000,
the Austrian 20,000.
Although Prussia had been defended with such astonishing vigor and
courage during the year 1760, the end of the campaign found her greatly
weakened. The Austrians held Dresden and Glatz, two important strategic
points, Russia and France were far from being exhausted, and every
attempt of Frederick to strengthen himself by alliance--even with Turkey
and with Cossack and Tartar chieftains--came to nothing. In October,
1760, George II. of England died, there was a change of ministry, and
the four, millions of thalers which Prussia had received for three years
were cut off. The French, under Marshals Broglie and Soubise, had been
bravely met by Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, but he was not strong
enough to prevent them from quartering themselves for the winter in
Cassel and Goettingen. Under these discouraging aspects the year 1761
[Sidenote: 1761.]
The first events were fortunate. Prince Ferdinand moved against the
French in February and drove them back nearly to the Rhine; the army of
"the German Empire" was expelled from Thuringia by a small detachment of
Prussians, and Prince Henry, Frederick's brother, maintained himself in
Saxony against the much stronger Austrian army of Marshal Daun. These
successes left Frederick free to act with all his remaining forces
against the Austrians in Silesia, under Laudon, and their Russian allies
who were marching through Poland to unite with them a third time. But
their combined force was 140,000 men, his barely 55,000. By the most
skilful military tactics, marching rapidly back and forth, threatening
first one and then the other, he kept them asunder until the middle of
August, when they effected a junction in spite of him. Then he
entrenched himself so strongly in a fortified camp near Schweidnitz,
that they did not dare to attack him immediately. Marshal Laudon and the
Russian commander, Buturlin, quarrelled, in consequence of which a large
part of the Russian army left, and marched northwards into Pomerania.
Then Frederick would have given battle, but on the 1st of October,
Laudon took Schweidnitz by storm and so strengthened his position
thereby that it would have been useless to attack him.
Frederick's prospects were darker than ever when the year 1761 came to a
close. On the 16th of December, the Swedes and Russians took the
important fortress of Colberg, on the Baltic coast: half Pomerania was
in their hands, more than half of Silesia in the hands of the Austrians,
Prince Henry was hard pressed in Saxony, and Ferdinand of Brunswick was
barely able to hold back the French. On all sides the allied enemies
were closing in upon Prussia, whose people could no longer furnish
soldiers or pay taxes. For more than a year the country had been hanging
on the verge of ruin, and while Frederick's true greatness had been
illustrated in his unyielding courage, his unshaken energy, his
determination never to give up, he was almost powerless to plan any
further measures of defence. With four millions of people, he had for
six years fought powers which embraced eighty millions; but now half his
territory was lost to him and the other half utterly exhausted.
Suddenly, in the darkest hour, light came. In January, 1762, Frederick's
bitter enemy, the Empress Elizabeth of Russia, died, and was succeeded
by Czar Peter III., who was one of his most devoted admirers. The first
thing Peter did was to send back all the Prussian prisoners of war; an
armistice was concluded, then a peace, and finally an alliance, by which
the Russian troops in Pomerania and Silesia were transferred from the
Austrian to the Prussian side. Sweden followed the example of Russia,
and made peace, and the campaign of 1762 opened with renewed hopes for
Prussia. In July, 1762, Peter III. was dethroned and murdered, whereupon
his widow and successor, Catharine II., broke off the alliance with
Frederick; but she finally agreed to maintain peace, and Frederick made
use of the presence of the Russian troops in his camp to win a decided
victory over Daun, on the 21st of July.
Austria was discouraged by this new turn of affairs; the war was
conducted with less energy on the part of her generals, while the
Prussians were everywhere animated with a fresh spirit. After a siege of
several months Frederick took the fortress of Schweidnitz on the 9th of
October; on the 29th of the same month Prince Henry defeated the
Austrians at Freiberg, in Saxony, and on the 1st of November Ferdinand
of Brunswick drove the French out of Cassel. After this Frederick
marched upon Dresden, while small detachments were sent into Bohemia and
Franconia, where they levied contributions on the cities and villages
and kept the country in a state of terror.
In the meantime negotiations for peace had been carried on between
England and France. The preliminaries were settled at Fontainebleau on
the 3d of November, and, although the Tory Ministry of George II. would
have willingly seen Prussia destroyed, Frederick's popularity was so
great in England that the Government was forced to stipulate that the
French troops should be withdrawn from Germany. The "German Empire,"
represented by its superannuated Diet at Ratisbon, became alarmed at its
position and concluded an armistice with Prussia; so that, before the
year closed, Austria was left alone to carry on the war. Maria
Theresa's personal hatred of Frederick, which had been the motive power
in the combination against him, had not been gratified by his ruin: she
could only purchase peace with him, after all his losses and dangers, by
giving up Silesia forever. It was a bitter pill for her to swallow, but
there was no alternative; she consented, with rage and humiliation in
her heart. On the 15th of February, 1763, peace was signed at
Hubertsburg, a little hunting-castle near Leipzig, and the Seven Years'
War was over.
[Sidenote: 1763.]
Frederick was now called "the Great" throughout Europe, and Prussia was
henceforth ranked among the "Five Great Powers," the others being
England, France, Austria and Russia. His first duty, as after the Second
Silesian War, was to raise the kingdom from its weak and wasted
condition. He distributed among the farmers the supplies of grain which
had been hoarded up for the army, gave them as many artillery and
cavalry horses as could be spared, practised the most rigid economy in
the expenses of the Government, and bestowed all that could be saved
upon the regions which had most suffered. The nobles derived the
greatest advantage from this support, for he considered them the main
pillar of his State, and took all his officers from their ranks. In
order to be prepared for any new emergency, he kept up his army, and
finally doubled it, at a great cost; but, as he only used one-sixth of
his own income and gave the rest towards supporting this burden, the
people, although often oppressed by his system of taxation, did not
openly complain.
Frederick continued to be sole and arbitrary ruler. He was unwilling to
grant any participation in the Government to the different classes of
the people, but demanded that everything should be trusted to his own
"sense of duty." Since the people did honor and trust him,--since
every day illustrated his desire to be just towards all, and his own
personal devotion to the interests of the kingdom,--his policy was
accepted. He never reflected that the spirit of complete submission
which he was inculcating weakened the spirit of the people, and might
prove to be the ruin of Prussia if the royal power should fall into base
or ignorant hands. In fact, the material development of the country was
seriously hindered by his admiration of everything French. He introduced
a form of taxation borrowed from France, appointed French officials who
oppressed the people, granted monopolies to manufacturers, prohibited
the exportation of raw material, and in other ways damaged the interests
of Prussia, by trying to force a rapid growth.
The intellectual development of the country was equally hindered. In
1750 Frederick invited Voltaire to Berlin, and the famous French author
remained there nearly three years, making many enemies by his arrogance
and intolerance of German habits, until a bitter quarrel broke out and
the two parted, never to resume their intimacy. It is doubtful whether
Frederick had the least consciousness of the swift and splendid rise of
German Literature during the latter years of his reign. Although he
often declared that he was perfectly willing his subjects should think
and speak as they pleased, provided they obeyed, he maintained a
strict censorship of the press, and was very impatient of all opinions
which conflicted with his own. Thus, while he possessed the clearest
sense of justice, the severest sense of duty, his policy was governed by
his own personal tastes and prejudices, and therefore could not be
universally just. What strength he possessed became a part of his
government, but what weakness also.
One other event, of a peaceful yet none the less of a violent character,
marks Frederick's reign. Within a year after the Peace of Hubertsburg
Augustus III. of Poland died, and Catharine of Russia persuaded the
Polish nobles to elect Prince Poniatowsky, her favorite, as his
successor. The latter granted equal rights to the Protestant sects,
which brought on a civil war, as the Catholics were in a majority in
Poland. A long series of diplomatic negotiations followed, in which
Prussia, Austria, and indirectly France, were involved: the end was,
that on the 5th of August, 1772, Frederick the Great, Catharine II. and
Maria Theresa (the latter most unwillingly) united in taking possession
of about one-third of the kingdom of Poland, containing 100,000 square
miles and 4,500,000 inhabitants, and dividing it among them. Prussia
received the territory between Pomerania and the former Duchy of
Prussia, except only the cities of Dantzig and Thorn, with about 700,000
inhabitants. This was the region lost to Germany in 1466, when the
incapable Emperor Frederick III. failed to assist the German Order: its
population was still mostly German, and consequently scarcely felt the
annexation as a wrong, yet this does not change the character of the
[Sidenote: 1786.]
The last years of Frederick the Great were peaceful. He lived to see the
American Colonies independent of England, and to send a sword of honor
to Washington: he lived when Voltaire and Maria Theresa were dead,
preserving to the last his habits of industry and constant supervision
of all affairs. Like his father, he was fond of walking or riding
through the parks and streets of Berlin and Potsdam, talking familiarly
with the people and now and then using his cane upon an idler. His Court
was Spartan in its simplicity, and nothing prevented the people from
coming personally to him with their complaints. On one occasion, in the
streets of Potsdam, he met a company of school-boys, and roughly
addressed them with: "Boys, what are you doing here? Be off to your
school!" One of the boldest answered: "Oh, you are king, are you, and
don't know that there is no school to-day!" Frederick laughed heartily,
dropped his uplifted cane, and gave the urchins a piece of money that
they might better enjoy their holiday. The windmill at Potsdam, which
stood on some ground he wanted for his park, but could not get because
the miller would not sell and defied him to take it arbitrarily, stands
to this day, as a token of his respect for the rights of a poor man.
When Frederick died, on the 17th of August, 1786, at the age of
seventy-four, he left a kingdom of 6,000,000 inhabitants, an army of
more than 200,000 men, and a sum of 72 millions of thalers in the
treasury. But, what was of far more consequence to Germany, he left
behind him an example of patriotism, of order, economy and personal
duty, which was already followed by other German princes, and an example
of resistance to foreign interference which restored the pride and
revived the hopes of the German people.