End Of The Thirty Years' War
The Battle of Noerdlingen. --Aid furnished by France. --Treachery of
Protestant Princes. --Offers of Ferdinand II. --Duke Bernard of
Saxe-Weimar visits Paris. --His Agreement with Louis XIII. --His
Victories. --Death of Ferdinand II. --Ferdinand III. succeeds.
--Duke Bernard's Bravery, Popularity and Death. --Banner's
Successes. --Torstenson's Campaigns. --He threatens Vi
nna. --The
French victorious in Southern Germany. --Movements for Peace.
--Wrangel's Victories. --Capture of Prague by the Swedes. --The
Peace of Westphalia. --Its Provisions. --The Religious Settlement.
--Defeat of the Church of Rome. --Desolation of Germany.
--Sufferings and Demoralization of the People. --Practical
Overthrow of the Empire. --A Multitude of Independent States.
The Austrian army, composed chiefly of Wallenstein's troops and
commanded nominally by the Emperor's son, the Archduke Ferdinand, but
really by General Gallas, marched upon Ratisbon and forced the Swedish
garrison to surrender before Duke Bernard, hastening back from Eger,
could reach the place. Then, uniting with the Spanish and Bavarian
forces, the Archduke took Donauwoerth and began the siege of the
fortified town of Noerdlingen, in Wuertemberg. Duke Bernard effected a
junction with Marshal Horn, and, with his usual daring, determined to
attack the Imperialists at once. Horn endeavored to dissuade him, but in
vain: the battle was fought on the 6th of September, 1634, and the
Protestants were terribly defeated, losing 12,000 men, beside 6,000
prisoners, and nearly all their artillery and baggage-wagons. Marshal
Horn was among the prisoners, and Duke Bernard barely succeeded in
escaping with a few followers.
The result of this defeat was that Wuertemberg and the Palatinate were
again ravaged by Catholic armies. Oxenstierna, who was consulting with
the Protestant princes in Frankfort, suddenly found himself nearly
deserted: only Hesse-Cassel, Wuertemberg and Baden remained on his side.
In this crisis he turned to France, which agreed to assist the Swedes
against the Emperor, in return for more territory in Lorraine and
Alsatia. For the first time, Richelieu found it advisable to give up his
policy of aiding the Protestants with money, and now openly supported
them with French troops. John George of Saxony, who had driven the
Imperialists from his land and invaded Bohemia, cunningly took advantage
of the Emperor's new danger, and made a separate treaty with him, at
Prague, in May, 1635. The latter gave up the "Edict of Restitution" so
far as Saxony was concerned, and made a few other concessions, none of
which favored the Protestants in other lands. On the other hand, he
positively refused to grant religious freedom to Austria, and excepted
Baden, the Palatinate and Wuertemberg from the provision which allowed
other princes to join Saxony in the treaty.
[Sidenote: 1635.]
Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, Brunswick, Anhalt, and many free cities
followed the example of Saxony. The most important, and--apparently for
the Swedes and South-German Protestants--fatal provision of the treaty
was that all the States which accepted it should combine to raise an
army to enforce it, the said army to be placed at the Emperor's
disposal. The effect of this was to create a union of the Catholics and
German Lutherans against the Swedish Lutherans and German Calvinists--a
measure which gave Germany many more years of fire and blood. Duke
Bernard of Saxe-Weimar and the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel scorned to be
parties to such a compact: the Swedes and South-Germans were outraged
and indignant: John George was openly denounced as a traitor, as, on the
Catholic side, the Emperor was also denounced, because he had agreed to
yield anything whatever to the Protestants. France, only, enjoyed the
miseries of the situation.
Ferdinand II. was evidently weary of the war, which had now lasted
nearly eighteen years, and he made an effort to terminate it by offering
to Sweden three and a half millions of florins and to Duke Bernard a
principality in Franconia, provided they would accept the treaty of
Prague. Both refused: the latter took command of 12,000 French troops
and marched into Alsatia, while the Swedish General Banner defeated the
Saxons, who had taken the field against him, in three successive
battles. The Imperialists, who had meanwhile retaken Alsatia and invaded
France, were recalled to Germany by Banner's victories, and Duke
Bernard, at the same time, went to Paris to procure additional support.
During the years 1636 and 1637 nearly all Germany was wasted by the
opposing armies; the struggle had become fiercer and more barbarous than
ever, and the last resources of many States were so exhausted that
famine and disease carried off nearly all of the population whom the
sword had spared.
[Sidenote: 1636. DUKE BERNARD IN PARIS.]
Duke Bernard made an agreement with Louis XIII. whereby he received the
rank of Marshal of France, and a subsidy of four million livres a year,
to pay for a force of 18,000 men, which he undertook to raise in
Germany. After the death of Gustavus Adolphus, the hope of the
Protestants was centred on him; soldiers flocked to his standard at
once, and his fortunes suddenly changed. The Swedes were driven from
Northern Germany, with the aid of the Elector of Brandenburg, who
surrendered to the Emperor the most important of his rights as reigning
prince: by the end of 1637, Banner was compelled to retreat to the
Baltic coast, and there await reinforcements. At the same time, Duke
Bernard entered Alsatia, routed the Imperialists, took their commander
prisoner, and soon gained possession of all the territory with the
exception of the fortress of Breisach, to which he laid siege.
On the 15th of February, 1637, the Emperor Ferdinand II. died, in the
fifty-ninth year of his age, after having occasioned, by his policy, the
death of 10,000,000 of human beings. Yet the responsibility of his fatal
and terrible reign rests not so much upon himself, personally, as upon
the Jesuits who educated him. He appears to have sincerely believed that
it was better to reign over a desert than a Protestant people. As a man
he was courageous, patient, simple in his tastes, and without personal
vices. But all the weaknesses and crimes of his worst predecessors,
added together, were scarcely a greater curse to the German people than
his devotion to what he considered the true faith. His son, Ferdinand
III., was immediately elected to succeed him. The Protestants considered
him less subject to the Jesuits and more kindly disposed towards
themselves, but they were mistaken: he adopted all the measures of his
father, and carried on the war with equal zeal and cruelty.
[Sidenote: 1638.]
More than one army was sent to the relief of Breisach, but Duke Bernard
defeated them all, and in December, 1638, the strong fortress
surrendered to him. His compact with France stipulated that he should
possess the greater part of Alsatia as his own independent principality,
after conquering it, relinquishing to France the northern portion,
bordering on Lorraine. But now Louis XIII. demanded Breisach, making its
surrender to him the condition of further assistance. Bernard refused,
gave up the French subsidy, and determined to carry on the war alone.
His popularity was so great that his chance of success seemed good: he
was a brave, devout and noble-minded man, whose strong personal ambition
was always controlled by his conscience. The people had entire faith in
him, and showed him the same reverence which they had manifested towards
Gustavus Adolphus; yet their hope, as before, only preceded their loss.
In the midst of his preparations Duke Bernard died suddenly, on the 18th
of July, 1639, only thirty-six years old. It was generally believed that
he had been poisoned by a secret agent of France, but there is no
evidence that this was the case, except that a French army instantly
marched into Alsatia and held the country.
Duke Bernard's successes, nevertheless, had drawn a part of the
Imperialists from Northern Germany, and in 1638 Banner, having recruited
his army, marched through Brandenburg and Saxony into the heart of
Bohemia, burning and plundering as he went, with no less barbarity than
Tilly or Wallenstein. Although repulsed in 1639, near Prague, by the
Archduke Leopold (Ferdinand III.'s brother), he only retired as far as
Thuringia, where he was again strengthened by Hessian and French troops.
In this condition of affairs, Ferdinand III. called a Diet, which met at
Ratisbon in the autumn of 1640. A majority of the Protestant members
united with the Catholics in their enmity to Sweden and France, but they
seemed incapable of taking any measures to put an end to the dreadful
war: month after month went by and nothing was done.
Then Banner conceived the bold design of capturing the Emperor and the
Diet. He made a winter march, with such skill and swiftness, that he
appeared before the walls of Ratisbon at the same moment with the first
news of his movement. Nothing but a sudden thaw, and the breaking up of
the ice in the Danube, prevented him from being successful. In May,
1641, he died, his army broke up, and the Emperor began to recover some
of the lost ground. Several of the Protestant princes showed signs of
submission, and ambassadors from Austria, France and Sweden met at
Hamburg to decide where and how a Peace Congress might be held.
In 1642 the Swedish army was reorganized under the command of
Torstenson, one of the greatest of the many distinguished generals of
the time. Although he was a constant sufferer from gout and had to be
carried in a litter, he was no less rapid than daring and successful in
all his military operations. His first campaign was through Silesia and
Bohemia, almost to the gates of Vienna; then, returning through Saxony,
towards the close of the year, he almost annihilated the army of
Piccolomini before the walls of Leipzig. The Elector John George,
fighting on the Catholic side, was forced to take refuge in Bohemia.
Denmark having declared war against Sweden, Torstenson made a campaign
in Holstein and Jutland in 1643, in conjunction with a Swedish fleet on
the coast, and soon brought Denmark to terms. The Imperialist general,
Gallas, followed him, but was easily defeated, and then Torstenson, in
turn, followed him back through Bohemia into Austria. In March, 1645,
the Swedish army won such a splendid victory near Tabor, that Ferdinand
III. had scarcely any troops left to oppose their march. Again
Torstenson appeared before Vienna, and was about commencing the siege of
the city, when a pestilence broke out among his troops and compelled him
to retire, as before, through Saxony. Worn out with the fatigues of his
marches, he died before the end of the year, and the command was given
to General Wrangel.
During this time the French, under the famous Marshals, Turenne and
Conde, had not only maintained themselves in Alsatia, but had crossed
the Rhine and ravaged Baden, the Palatinate, Wuertemberg and part of
Franconia. Although badly defeated by the Bavarians in the early part of
1645, they were reinforced by the Swedes and Hessians, and, before the
close of the year, won such a victory over the united Imperialist
forces, not far from Donauwoerth, that all Bavaria lay open to them. The
effect of these French successes, and of those of the Swedes under
Torstenson, was to deprive Ferdinand III. of nearly his whole military
strength. John George of Saxony concluded a separate armistice with the
Swedes, thus violating the treaty of Prague, which had cost his people
ten years of blood. He was followed by Frederick William, the young
Elector of Brandenburg; and then Maximilian of Bavaria, in March, 1647,
also negotiated a separate armistice with France and Sweden. Ferdinand
III. was thus left with a force of only 12,000 men, the command of
which, as he had no Catholic generals left, was given to a renegade
Calvinist named Melander von Holzapfel.
[Sidenote: 1645.]
The chief obstacle to peace--the power of the Hapsburgs--now seemed to
be broken down. The wanton and tremendous effort made to crush out
Protestantism in Germany, although helped by the selfishness, the
cowardice or the miserable jealousy of so many Protestant princes, had
signally failed, owing to the intervention of three foreign powers, one
of which was Catholic. Yet the Peace Congress, which had been agreed
upon in 1643, had accomplished nothing. It was divided into two bodies:
the ambassadors of the Emperor were to negotiate at Osnabrueck with
Sweden, as the representative of the Protestant powers, and at Muenster
with France, as the representative of the Catholic powers which desired
peace. Two more years elapsed before all the ambassadors came together,
and then a great deal of time was spent in arranging questions of rank,
title and ceremony, which seem to have been considered much more
important than the weal or woe of a whole people. Spain, Holland,
Venice, Poland and Denmark also sent representatives, and about the end
of 1645 the Congress was sufficiently organized to commence its labors.
But, as the war was still being waged with as much fury as ever, one
side waited and then the other for the result of battles and campaigns;
and so two more years were squandered.
After the armistice with Maximilian of Bavaria, the Swedish general,
Wrangel, marched into Bohemia, where he gained so many advantages that
Maximilian finally took sides again with the Emperor and drove the
Swedes into Northern Germany. Then, early in 1648, Wrangel effected a
junction with Marshal Turenne, and the combined Swedish and French
armies overran all Bavaria, defeated the Imperialists in a bloody
battle, and stood ready to invade Austria. At the same time Koenigsmark,
with another Swedish army, entered Bohemia, stormed and took half the
city of Prague, and only waited the approach of Wrangel and Turenne to
join them in a combined movement upon Vienna. But before this movement
could be executed, Ferdinand III. had decided to yield. His ambassadors
at Osnabrueck and Muenster had received instructions, and lost no time in
acting upon them: the proclamation of peace, after such heartless
delays, came suddenly and put an end to thirty years of war.
[Sidenote: 1648. THE PEACE OF WESTPHALIA.]
The Peace of Westphalia, as it is called, was concluded on the 24th of
October, 1648. Inasmuch as its provisions extended not to Germany alone,
but fixed the political relations of Europe for a period of nearly a
hundred and fifty years, they must be briefly stated. France and Sweden,
as the military powers which were victorious in the end, sought to draw
the greatest advantages from the necessities of Germany, but France
opposed any settlement of the religious questions (in order to keep a
chance open for future interference), and Sweden demanded an immediate
and final settlement, which was agreed to. France received Lorraine,
with the cities of Metz, Toul and Verdun, which she had held nearly a
hundred years, all Southern Alsatia with the fortress of Breisach, the
right of appointing the governors of ten German cities, and other rights
which practically placed nearly the whole of Alsatia in her power.
Sweden received the northern half of Pomerania, with the cities of
Wismar and Stettin, and the coast between Bremen and Hamburg, together
with an indemnity of 5,000,000 thalers. Electoral Saxony received
Lusatia and part of the territory of Magdeburg. Brandenburg received the
other half of Pomerania, the archbishopric of Magdeburg, the bishoprics
of Minden and Halberstadt, and other territory which had belonged to the
Roman Church. Additions were made to the domains of Mecklenburg,
Brunswick, and Hesse-Cassel, and the latter was also awarded an
indemnity of 600,000 thalers. Bavaria received the Upper Palatinate
(north of the Danube), and Baden, Wuertemberg and Nassau were restored to
their banished rulers. Other petty States were confirmed in the position
which they had occupied before the war, and the independence of
Switzerland and Holland was acknowledged.
In regard to Religion, the results were much more important to the
world. Both Calvinists and Lutherans received entire freedom of worship
and equal civil rights with the Catholics. Ferdinand II.'s "Edict of
Restitution" was withdrawn, and the territories which had been
secularized up to the year 1624 were not given back to the Church.
Universal amnesty was decreed for everything which had happened during
the war, except for the Austrian Protestants, whose possessions were not
restored to them. The Emperor retained the authority of deciding
questions of war and peace, taxation, defences, alliances, &c. with the
concurrence of the Diet: he acknowledged the absolute sovereignty of the
several Princes in their own States, and conceded to them the right of
forming alliances among themselves or with foreign powers! A special
article of the treaty prohibited all persons from writing, speaking or
teaching anything contrary to its provisions.
[Sidenote: 1648.]
The Pope (at that time Innocent X.) declared the Treaty of Westphalia
null and void, and issued a bull against its observance. The parties to
the treaty, however, did not allow this bull to be published in Germany.
The Catholics in all parts of the country (except Austria, Styria and
the Tyrol) had suffered almost as severely as the Protestants, and would
have welcomed the return of peace upon any terms which simply left their
faith free.
Nothing shows so conclusively how wantonly and wickedly the Thirty
Years' War was undertaken than the fact that the Peace of 1648, in a
religious point of view, yielded even more to the Protestants than the
Religious Peace of Augsburg, granted by Charles V. in 1555. After a
hundred years, the Church of Rome, acting through its tools, the
Hapsburg Emperors, was forced to give up the contest: the sword of
slaughter was rusted to the hilt by the blood it had shed, and yet
religious freedom was saved to Germany. It was not zeal for the spread
of Christian truth which inspired this fearful Crusade against
twenty-five millions of Protestants, for the Catholics equally
acknowledged the authority of the Bible: it was the despotic
determination of the Roman Church to rule the minds and consciences of
all men, through its Pope and its priesthood.
Thirty years of war! The slaughters of Rome's worst Emperors, the
persecution of the Christians under Nero and Diocletian, the invasions
of the Huns and Magyars, the long struggle of the Guelphs and
Ghibellines, left no such desolation behind them. At the beginning of
the century, the population of the German Empire was about thirty
millions: when the Peace of Westphalia was declared, it was scarcely
more than twelve millions! Electoral Saxony, alone, lost 900,000 lives
in two years. The population of Augsburg had diminished from 80,000 to
18,000, and out of 500,000 inhabitants, Wuertemberg had but 48,000 left.
The city of Berlin contained but three hundred citizens, the whole of
the Palatinate of the Rhine but two hundred farmers. In Hesse-Cassel
seventeen cities, forty-seven castles and three hundred villages were
entirely destroyed by fire: thousands of villages, in all parts of the
country, had but four or five families left out of hundreds, and landed
property sank to about one-twentieth of its former value. Franconia was
so depopulated that an Assembly held in Nuremberg ordered the Catholic
priests to marry, and permitted all other men to have two wives. The
horses, cattle and sheep were exterminated in many districts, the
supplies of grain were at an end, even for sowing, and large cultivated
tracts had relapsed into a wilderness. Even the orchards and vineyards
had been wantonly destroyed wherever the armies had passed. So terrible
was the ravage that in a great many localities, the same amount of
population, cattle, acres of cultivated land and general prosperity, was
not restored until the year 1848, two centuries afterwards!
[Sidenote: 1648. DESOLATION OF GERMANY.]
This statement of the losses of Germany, however, was but a small part
of the suffering endured. Only two commanders, Gustavus Adolphus and
Duke Bernard of Saxe-Weimar, preserved rigid discipline among their
troops, and prevented them from plundering the people. All others
allowed, or were powerless to prevent, the most savage outrages. During
the last ten or twelve years of the war both Protestants and Catholics
vied with each other in deeds of barbarity; the soldiers were nothing
but highway robbers, who maimed and tortured the country people to make
them give up their last remaining property, and drove hundreds of
thousands of them into the woods and mountains to die miserably or live
as half-savages. Multitudes of others flocked to the cities for refuge,
only to be visited by fire and famine. In the year 1637, when Ferdinand
II. died, the want was so great that men devoured each other, and even
hunted down human beings like deer or hares, in order to feed upon them.
Great numbers committed suicide, to avoid a slow death by hunger: on the
island of Ruegen many poor creatures were found dead, with their mouths
full of grass, and in some districts attempts were made to knead earth
into bread. Then followed a pestilence which carried off a large
proportion of the survivors. A writer of the time exclaims: "A thousand
times ten thousand souls, the spirits of innocent children butchered in
this unholy war, cry day and night unto God for vengeance, and cease
not: while those who have caused all these miseries live in peace and
freedom, and the shout of revelry and the voice of music are heard in
their dwellings!"
[Sidenote: 1648.]
In character, in intelligence and in morality, the German people were
set back two hundred years. All branches of industry had declined,
commerce had almost entirely ceased, literature and the arts were
suppressed, and except the astronomical discoveries of Copernicus and
Kepler there was no contribution to human knowledge. Even the modern
High-German language, which Luther had made the classic tongue of the
land, seemed to be on the point of perishing. Spaniards and Italians on
the Catholic, Swedes and French on the Protestant side, flooded the
country with foreign words and expressions, the use of which soon became
an affectation with the nobility, who did their best to destroy their
native language. Wallenstein's letters to the Emperor were a curious
mixture of German, French, Spanish, Italian and Latin.
Politically, the change was no less disastrous. The ambition of the
house of Hapsburg, it is true, had brought its own punishment; the
imperial dignity was secured to it, but henceforth the head of the "Holy
Roman Empire" was not much more than a shadow. Each petty State became,
practically, an independent nation, with power to establish its own
foreign relations, make war and contract alliances. Thus Germany, as a
whole, lost her place among the powers of Europe, and could not possibly
regain it under such an arrangement: the Emperor and the Princes,
together, had skilfully planned her decline and fall. The nobles who, in
former centuries, had maintained a certain amount of independence, were
almost as much demoralized as the people, and when every little prince
began to imitate Louis XIV. and set up his own Versailles, the nobles in
his territory became his courtiers and government officials. As for the
mass of the people, their spirit was broken: for a time they gave up
even the longing for rights which they had lost, and taught their
children abject obedience in order that they might simply live.
[Sidenote: 1648. THE GERMAN STATES.]
After the Thirty Years' War, Germany was composed of nine Electorates,
twenty-four Religious Principalities (Catholic), nine princely Abbots,
ten princely Abbesses, twenty-four Princes with seat and vote in the
Diet, thirteen Princes without seat and vote, sixty-two Counts of the
Empire, fifty-one Cities of the Empire, and about one thousand Knights
of the Empire. These last, however, no longer possessed any political
power. But, without them, there were two hundred and three more or less
independent, jealous and conflicting States, united by a bond which was
more imaginary than real; and this confused, unnatural state of things
continued until Napoleon came to put an end to it.