Germany During The Reign Of Maximilian I
Maximilian I. as Man and Emperor. --The Diet of 1495, at Worms. --The
Perpetual Peace declared. --The Imperial Court. --Marriage of
Philip of Hapsburg to Joanna of Spain. --War with Switzerland.
--March to Italy. --League against Venice. --The "Holy League"
against France. --The Diet of 1512. --The Empire divided into Ten
Districts. --Revolts of the Peasants. --The "Bond-
hoe" and "Poor
Konrad." --Change in Military Service. --Character of Maximilian's
Reign. --The Cities of Germany. --Their Wealth and Architecture.
--The Order of the "Holy Vehm." --Other Changes under Maximilian.
--Last Years of his Reign. --His Death.
[Sidenote: 1493.]
As Maximilian had been elected in 1486, he began to exercise the full
Imperial power, without any further formalities, after his father's
death. For the first time since the death of Henry VII. in 1313, the
Germans had a popular Emperor. They were at last weary of the prevailing
disorder and insecurity, and partly conscious that the power of the
Empire had declined, while that of France, Spain, and even Poland, had
greatly increased. Therefore they brought themselves to submit to the
authority of an Emperor who was in every respect stronger than any of
the Electors by whom he had been chosen.
Maximilian had all the qualities of a great ruler, except prudence and
foresight. He was tall, finely-formed, with remarkably handsome
features, clear blue eyes, and blonde hair falling in ringlets upon his
shoulders; he possessed great muscular strength, his body was developed
by constant exercise, and he was one of the boldest, bravest and most
skilful knights of his day. While his bearing was stately and dignified,
his habits were simple: he often marched on foot, carrying his lance, at
the head of his troops, and was able to forge his armor and temper his
sword, as well as wear them. Yet he was also well-educated, possessed a
taste for literature and the arts, and became something of a poet in
his later years. Unlike his avaricious predecessors, he was generous
even to prodigality; but, inheriting his father's eccentricity of
character, he was whimsical, liable to act from impulse instead of
reflection, headstrong and impatient. If he had been as wise as he was
honest and well-meaning, he might have regenerated Germany.
The commencement of his reign was signalized by two threatening events.
The Turks were renewing their invasions, and boldly advancing into
Carinthia, between Vienna and the Adriatic; Charles VIII. of France had
made himself master of Naples, and was apparently bent on conquering and
annexing all of Italy. Maximilian had just married Blanca Maria Sforza,
niece of the reigning Duke of Milan, which city, with others in
Lombardy, and even the Pope--forgetting their old enmity to the German
Empire--demanded his assistance. He called a Diet, which met at Worms in
1495; but many of the princes, both spiritual and temporal, had learned
a little wisdom, and they were unwilling to interfere in matters outside
of the Empire until something had been done to remedy its internal
condition. Berthold, Archbishop of Mayence, Frederick the Wise of
Saxony, John Cicero of Brandenburg, and Eberhard of the Beard, first
Duke of Wuertemberg, with many of the free cities, insisted so strongly
on the restoration of order, security, and the establishment of laws
which should guarantee peace, that the Emperor was forced to comply. For
fourteen weeks the question was discussed with the greatest earnestness:
the opposition of many princes and nearly the whole class of nobles was
overcome, and a Perpetual National Peace was proclaimed. By this
measure, the right to use force was prohibited to all; the feuds which
had desolated the land for a thousand years were ordered to be
suppressed; and all disputes were referred to an Imperial Court,
permanently established at Frankfort, and composed of sixteen
Councillors. It was also agreed that the Diet should meet annually, and
remain in session for one month, in order to insure the uninterrupted
enforcement of its decrees. A proposition to appoint an Imperial Council
of State (equivalent to a modern "Ministry"), of twenty members, which
should have power, in certain cases, to act in the Emperor's name, was
rejected by Maximilian, as an assault upon his personal rights.
[Sidenote: 1496.]
Although the decree of Perpetual Peace could not be carried into effect
immediately, it was not a dead letter, as all former decrees of the kind
had been. Maximilian bound himself, in the most solemn manner, to
respect the new arrangements, and there were now several honest and
intelligent princes to assist him. One difficulty was the collection of
a government tax, called "the common penny," to support the expenses of
the Imperial Court. Such a tax had been for the first time imposed
during the war with the Hussites, but very little of it was then paid.
Even now, when the object of it was of such importance to the whole
people, several years elapsed before the Court could be permanently
established. The annual sessions of the Diet, also, were much less
effective than had been anticipated: princes, priests and cities were so
accustomed to a selfish independence, that they could not yet work
together for the general good.
Before the Diet at Worms adjourned, it agreed to furnish the Emperor
with 9,000 men, to be employed in Italy against the French, and
afterwards against the Turks on the Austrian frontier. Charles VIII.
retreated from Italy on hearing of this measure, yet not rapidly enough
to avoid being defeated, near Parma, by the combined Germans and
Milanese. In 1496 Sigismund of Tyrol died, and all the Hapsburg lands
came into Maximilian's possession. The same year, he married his son
Philip, then eighteen years old and accepted as Regent by the
Netherlands, to Joanna, the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of
Castile. The other heirs to the Spanish throne died soon afterwards, and
when Isabella followed them, in 1504, she appointed Philip and Joanna
her successors. The pride and influence of the house of Hapsburg were
greatly increased by this marriage, but its consequences were most
disastrous to Germany, for Philip's son was Charles V.
The next years of Maximilian's reign were disturbed, and, on the whole,
unfortunate for the Empire. An attempt to apply the decrees of the Diet
of Worms to Switzerland brought on a war, which, after occasioning the
destruction of 2,000 villages and castles, and the loss of 20,000 lives,
resulted in the Emperor formally acknowledging the independence of
Switzerland in a treaty concluded at Basel in 1499. Then Louis XII. of
France captured Milan, interfered secretly in a war concerning the
succession, which broke out in Bavaria, and bribed various German
princes to act in his interest, when Maximilian called upon the Diet to
assist him in making war upon France. After having with much difficulty
obtained 12,000 men, the Emperor marched to Italy, intending to replace
the Sforza family in Milan and then be crowned by Pope Julius II. in
Rome. But the Venetians stopped him at the outset of the expedition, and
he was forced to return ingloriously to Germany.
Maximilian's next step was another example of his want of judgment in
political matters. In order to revenge himself upon Venice, he gave up
his hostility to France, and in 1508 became a party to the League of
Cambray, uniting with France, Spain and the Pope in a determined effort
to destroy the Venetian Republic. The war, which was bloody and
barbarous, even for those times, lasted three years. Venice lost, at the
outset, Trieste, Verona, Padua and the Romagna, and seemed on the verge
of ruin, when Maximilian suddenly left Italy with his army, offended, it
was said, at the refusal of the French knights, to fight side by side
with his German troops. The Venetians then recovered so much of their
lost ground that they purchased the alliance of the Pope, and finally of
Spain. A new alliance, called "the Holy League," was formed against
France; and Maximilian, after continuing to support Louis XII. a while
longer, finally united with Henry VII. of England in joining it. But
Louis XII., who was a far better diplomatist than any of his enemies,
succeeded, after he had suffered many inevitable losses, in dissolving
this powerful combination. He married the sister of Henry of England,
yielded Navarre and Naples to Spain, promised money to the Swiss, and
held out to Maximilian the prospect of a marriage which would give Milan
to the Hapsburgs.
Thus the greater part of Europe was for years convulsed with war chiefly
because instead of a prudent and intelligent national power in
Germany, there was an unsteady and excitable family leader, whose
first interest was the advantage of his house. After such sacrifices of
blood and treasure, such disturbance to the development of industry, art
and knowledge among the people, the same confusion prevailed as before.
[Sidenote: 1512.]
Before the war came to an end, another general Diet met at Cologne, in
1512, to complete the organization commenced in 1495. Private feuds and
acts of retaliation had not yet been suppressed, and the Imperial
Council was working under great disadvantages, both from the want of
money and the difficulty of enforcing obedience to its decisions. The
Emperor demanded the creation of a permanent military force, which
should be at the service of the Empire; but this was almost unanimously
refused. In other respects, the Diet showed itself both willing and
earnest to complete the work of peace and order. The whole Empire was
divided into ten Districts, each of which was placed under the
jurisdiction of a Judicial Chief and Board of Councillors, whose duty it
was to see that the decrees of the Diet and the judgments of the
Imperial Court were obeyed.
The Districts were as follows: 1.--THE AUSTRIAN, embracing all the lands
governed by the Hapsburgs, from the Danube to the Adriatic, with the
Tyrol, and some territory on the Upper Rhine: Bohemia, Silesia and
Hungary were not included. 2.--THE BAVARIAN, comprising the divisions on
both sides of the Danube, and the bishopric of Salzburg. 3.--THE
SUABIAN, made up of no less than 90 spiritual and temporal
principalities, including Wuertemberg, Baden, Hohenzollern, and the
bishoprics of Augsburg and Constance. 4.--THE FRANCONIAN, embracing the
Brandenburg possessions, Ansbach and Baireuth, with Nuremberg and the
bishoprics of Bamberg, Wuerzburg, &c. 5.--THE UPPER-RHENISH, comprising
the Palatinate, Hesse, Nassau, the bishoprics of Basel, Strasburg,
Speyer, Worms, &c., the free cities of the Rhine as far as Frankfort,
and a number of petty States. 6.--THE ELECTORAL-RHENISH, with the
Archbishoprics of the Palatinate, Mayence, Treves, Cologne, and the
principality of Amberg. 7.--THE BURGUNDIAN, made up of 21 States, four
of them dukedoms and eight countships. 8.--THE WESTPHALIAN, with the
dukedoms of Juelich, Cleves and Berg, Oldenburg, part of Friesland, and 7
bishoprics. 9.--THE LOWER SAXON, embracing the dukedoms of
Brunswick-Lueneburg, Saxe-Lauenburg, Holstein and Mecklenburg, the
Archbishoprics of Magdeburg and Luebeck, the free cities of Bremen,
Hamburg and Luebeck, and a number of smaller States. 10.--THE UPPER
SAXON, including the Electorates of Saxony and Brandenburg, the dukedom
of Pomerania, the smaller States of Anhalt, Schwarzburg, Mansfeld,
Reuss, and many others of less importance.
[Sidenote: 1512. MILITARY CHANGES.]
This division of Germany into districts had the external appearance of
an orderly political arrangement; but the States, great and little, had
been too long accustomed to having their own way. The fact that an
independent baron, like Franz von Sickingen, could still disturb a large
extent of territory for a number of years, shows the weakness of the new
national power. Moreover, nothing seems to have been done, or even
attempted, by the Diet, to protect the agricultural population from the
absolute despotism of the landed nobility. In Alsatia, as early as 1493,
there was a general revolt of the peasants (called by them the
Bond-shoe), which was not suppressed until much blood had been shed.
It excited a spirit of resistance throughout all Southern Germany. In
1514, Duke Ulric of Wuertemberg undertook to replenish his treasury by
using false weights and measures, and provoked the common people to rise
against him. They formed a society, to which they gave the name of "Poor
Konrad," which became so threatening that, although it was finally
crushed by violence, it compelled the reform of many flagrant evils and
showed even the most arrogant rulers that there were bounds to tyranny.
But, although the feudal system was still in force, the obligation to
render military service, formerly belonging to it, was nearly at an end.
The use of cannon, and of a rude kind of musket, had become general in
war: heavy armor for man and horse was becoming not only useless, but
dangerous; and the courage of the soldier, not his bodily strength or
his knightly accomplishments, constituted his value in the field. The
Swiss had set the example of furnishing good troops to whoever would pay
for them, and a similar class, calling themselves Landsknechte
(Servants of the Country), arose in Germany. The robber-knights, by this
time, were nearly extinct: when Frederick of Hohenzollern began to use
artillery against their castles, it was evident that their days of
plunder were over. The reign of Maximilian, therefore, marks an
important turning-point in German history. It is, at the same time, the
end of the stormy and struggling life of the Middle Ages, and the
beginning of a new and fiercer struggle between men and their
oppressors. Maximilian, in fact, is called in Germany "the Last of the
[Sidenote: 1512.]
The strength of Germany lay chiefly in the cities, which, in spite of
their narrow policy towards the country, and their jealousy of each
other, had at least kept alive and encouraged all forms of art and
industry, and created a class of learned men outside of the Church.
While the knighthood of the Hohenstaufen period had sunk into corruption
and semi-barbarism, and the people had grown more dangerous through
their ignorance and subjection, the cities had gradually become centres
of wealth and intelligence. They were adorned with splendid works of
architecture; they supported the early poets, painters and sculptors;
and, when compelled to act in concert against the usurpations of the
Emperor or the inferior rulers, whatever privileges they maintained or
received were in favor of the middle-class, and therefore an indirect
gain to the whole people.
The cities, moreover, exercised an influence over the country population
by their markets, fairs, and festivals. The most of them were as largely
and as handsomely built as at present, but in times of peace the life
within their walls was much gayer and more brilliant. Pope Pius II.,
when he was secretary to Frederick III. as AEneas Sylvius, wrote of them
as follows: "One may veritably say that no people in Europe live in
cleaner or more cheerful cities than the Germans; their appearance is as
new as if they had only been built yesterday. By their commerce they
amass great wealth: there is no banquet at which they do not drink from
silver cups, no dame who does not wear golden ornaments. Moreover, the
citizens are also soldiers, and each one has a sort of arsenal in his
own house. The boys in this country can ride before they can talk, and
sit firmly in the saddle when the horses are at full speed: the men move
in their armor without feeling its weight. Verily, you Germans might be
masters of the world, as formerly, but for your multitude of rulers,
which every wise man has always considered an evil!"
During the fifteenth century a remarkable institution, called "the
Vehm"--or, by the people, "the Holy Vehm"--exercised a great authority
throughout Northern Germany. Its members claimed that it was founded by
Charlemagne, to assist in establishing Christianity among the Saxons;
but it is not mentioned before the twelfth century, and the probability
is that it sprang up from the effort of the people to preserve their old
democratic organization, in a secret form, after it had been overthrown
by the reigning princes. The object of the Vehm was to enforce impartial
justice among all classes, and for this purpose it held open courts for
the settlement of quarrels and minor offences, while graver crimes were
tried at night, in places known only to the members. The latter were
sworn to secrecy, and also to implicit obedience to the judgments of the
courts or the orders of the chiefs, who were called "Free Counts." The
head-quarters of the Vehm were in Westphalia, but its branches spread
over a great part of Germany, and it became so powerful during the reign
of Frederick III. that it even dared to cite him to appear before its
In all probability the dread of the power of the Vehm was one of the
causes which induced both Maximilian and the princes to reorganize the
Empire. In proportion as order and justice began to prevail in Germany,
the need of such a secret institution grew less; but about another
century elapsed before its courts ceased to be held. After that, it
continued to exist in Westphalia as an order for mutual assistance,
something like that of the Freemasons. In this form it lingered until
1838, when the last "Free Count" died.
Among the other changes introduced during Maximilian's reign were the
establishment of a police system, and the invention of a postal system
by Franz of Taxis. The latter obtained a monopoly of the post routes
throughout Germany, and his family, which afterwards became that of
Thurn and Taxis, received an enormous revenue from this source, from
that time down to the present day. Maximilian himself devoted a great
deal of time and study to the improvement of artillery, and many new
forms of cannon, which were designed by him, are still preserved in
Although the people of Germany did not share to any great extent in the
passion for travel and adventure which followed the discovery of America
in 1492 and the circumnavigation of Africa in 1498, they were directly
affected by the changes which took place in the commerce of the world.
The supremacy of Venice in the South and of the Hanseatic League in the
North of Europe, began slowly to decline, while the powers which
undertook to colonize the new lands--England, Spain and Portugal--rose
in commercial importance.
[Sidenote: 1518.]
The last years of Maximilian promised new splendors to the house of
Hapsburg. In 1515 his younger grandson, Ferdinand, married the daughter
of Ladislas, king of Bohemia and Hungary, whose only son died shortly
afterwards, leaving Ferdinand heir to the double crown. In 1516, the
Emperor's elder grandson, Karl, became king of Spain, Sicily and Naples,
in addition to Burgundy and Flanders, which he held as the
great-grandson of Charles the Bold. At a Diet held at Augsburg, in 1518,
Maximilian made great exertions to have Karl elected his successor, but
failed on account of the opposition of Pope Leo X. and Francis I. of
France, whose agents were present with heavy bribes in their pockets.
Disappointed and depressed, the Emperor left Augsburg, and went to
Innsbruck, but the latter city refused to entertain him until some money
which he had borrowed of it should be refunded. His strength had been
failing for years before, and he always travelled with a coffin among
his baggage. He now felt his end approaching, took up his abode in the
little town of Wels, and devoted his remaining days to religious
exercises. There he died, on the 11th of January, 1519, in the sixtieth
year of his age.