Constitutional Act 1791

The Act was designed to harmonize the

conflicting interests of French and English by dividing Quebec into two

provinces,--Upper and Lower Canada,--thereby giving to each a larger

control of its own local affairs. It established in each province a

Legislative Council, appointed by the crown for life, and a Legislative

Assembly, elected by the people. See other constitutional acts: Quebec

Act, 1774; Union Act, 1840; Brit
sh North America Act, 1867. =Index=:

(Lord Elgin era) Racial and political difficulties arising out of, 17, 18; Clergy

Reserves granted by, 102, 119, 145, 150, 151, 158. (Sir Georges E. Cartier era) Its weak points,

6; constitution suspended after Rebellion of 1837, 11; its faults

exposed by Durham, 12-13. (George Brown Era) Clergy Reserves originate in, 51, 52. (Lord Sydenham era)

A fatal compromise, 68; meant to confer privileges of British

constitution, 73; its actual operation, 74-84; greatly increases power

of French majority in Lower Canada, 72, 80. (John Graves Simcoe era) Introduction of, 1;

discussion of, 5-9; passed, 10; provisions of, 10-12; its far-reaching

effects, 13; put in force by proclamation, 48. (Egerton Ryerson era) Its terms and how

they were applied, 29-35; Clergy Reserves, 46-47; Ryerson's

interpretation of, on question of established church, 78; its effect on

religious questions, 103. (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Its terms, 6-7; Pitt and Burke on, 6;

Grenville on, 7; Simcoe on, 7; its results, 8; intended to obviate

racial conflict, 8; makes landed provision for Church of England, 42,

343-344. (Louis Joseph Papineau era) Divides Canada into two provinces, 21; its shortcomings,

21-23; abuse of personal power under, 24; constitution suspended, 25;

suspension recommended by Sir James Craig, 29; Papineau's eulogy of, in

1820, 34-38. (William Lyon Mackenzie era) Its objects, 48, 49; debate on the bill, 49, 50;

handiwork of Pitt, 51; germ of the federal system, 51; divided Canada

into two provinces, 52; created Legislative Assembly, 52; created

Legislative Council, 52; created Executive Council, 53; General Simcoe

on, 54; Goldwin Smith on, 54; Durham's commentary on, 53, 56;

recommends revision of, 57; provisions creating Clergy Reserves, 70;

effect on parliamentary rule summarized, 71, 72; Mackenzie declares war

against, 72; silent on question of executive responsibility, 80; evils

of system of government summarized, 73-75; Durham on evils of, 76, 77.

