The first definite step in the movement looking towards
the union of the British North American colonies, was the Charlottetown
Conference, 1864. Delegates from the three Maritime Provinces met to
consider the union of those provinces. At the Conference, delegates from
Canada (constituting what are now the provinces of Ontario and Quebec)
appeared, and urged the broadening of the discussion to cover all the
ut of this meeting grew the Quebec Conference, of the same
year, attended by delegates from Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,
Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland; the two latter subsequently
withdrew from the movement. The Quebec Conference drew up a series of
resolutions, which were made the basis of the final legislation. In 1866
delegates from the provinces met at the Westminster Hotel in London, and
framed the British North America Act. The Act was passed by the Imperial
Parliament, and received the queen's assent, March, 1867. It was
proclaimed throughout the new Dominion of Canada, July 1, 1867. Manitoba
was created a province, July 15, 1870. British Columbia joined the
union, July 20, 1871; and Prince Edward Island, July 1, 1873. The
provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were created Sept. 1, 1905.