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Connell Charles
(Tilley era) Resigns as postmaster-general, New Brunswick,
49-51; runs for Carleton County in Confederation interest, 89; member of
Mitchell government, 105; elected for Carleton County, 107.
Connolly William
Commissariat Department
(John Graves Simcoe era) Abuses in, 212. ...
Company Of Canada Merchant Adventurers Of Canada
Organized by David Kirke, and chartered by Charles I, to exploit the fur trade of the St. Lawrence. The restoration of Canada to France in 1632 brought the operations of Kirke, Sir William Alexander, and their associates to an untimely end. =Index=: ...
Company Of De Caen
Organized by William de Caen and his nephew Emery, merchants of Rouen. Monopoly granted the company on usual terms as to settlement, missionaries, etc., 1621. Absorbed Champlain's Company, 1622, and the united Companies carried on trade until 1633. =I...
Company Of New France Compagnie Des Cent-associes
Established, 1627, by Cardinal Richelieu, on the advice of Isaac de Razilly. A monopoly of fifteen years was granted, with full ownership of the entire valley of the St. Lawrence, in return for which the Company was to take out three hundred colonist...
Company Of Notre Dame De Montreal
(Bishop Laval era) Consecrates the island of Montreal to the Virgin, 85; makes over its rights to the Seminary of St. Sulpice, in 1663, 108, 135; its debts discharged by De Belmont, 135. ...
Company Of Rouen And St Malo Champlain's Company
Established at the instance of Champlain, in 1614. The shares were divided among the merchants of Rouen and St. Malo. The terms of their charter required the Company to bring out colonists, but as usual they did not take this obligation very seriousl...
Company Of The West Indies Compagnie Des Indes Occidentales
Chartered by Louis XIV, 1664, following the cancellation of the charter of the Company of New France. Its field of operations was enormous, covering the west coast of Africa, the east coast of South America from the Amazon to the Orinoco, Canada, Acad...
Conde Prince Henri De 1588-1646 Samuel De Champlain Era Licenses Three Vessels To
trade in St. Lawrence, 78; letter to, in Champlain's Quatrieme Voyage, 79; contributes to building of Recollet Convent, 117; source of trouble to the colony, 122; incarcerated for conspiracy, 122; released, and transfers his commission to the Duke of ...
The first definite step in the movement looking towards the union of the British North American colonies, was the Charlottetown Conference, 1864. Delegates from the three Maritime Provinces met to consider the union of those provinces. At the Conferen...
Congregation De Notre Dame
(Count Frontenac era) Montreal, established, 29. ...
Congress United States
(Lord Dorchester era) Address of, to French-Canadians, 71, 77; action of, at Philadelphia, 77; sends commission to inquire into military situation of Canada, 135; its action in the Asgill case, 199. (Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Meets at Concord, 102;...
Conkling Senator Roscoe 1829-1888 American Statesman Index : George Brown Era
Favourable to proposed Reciprocity Treaty of 1864, 230-231. ...
(Count Frontenac era) Takes part in expedition against Montreal, 279. ...
Connell Charles
(Tilley era) Resigns as postmaster-general, New Brunswick, 49-51; runs for Carleton County in Confederation interest, 89; member of Mitchell government, 105; elected for Carleton County, 107. ...
Connolly William
(Mackenzie / Selkirk / Simpson era) Chief factor, Hudson's Bay Company, 1825, 224; his family, 224. (Sir James Douglas era) Succeeds Stuart in New Caledonia, 1824, 99; his native wife, and family, 99. ...
Connor George Skeffington
Born in Ireland. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin. Came to Canada, 1832, with William Hume Blake. Settled on a farm near Lake Simcoe. Called to the bar of Upper Canada, 1842. Sat in the Assembly as a Reformer, 1859-1862; judge of the Court of Queen...
Conolly William
(Lord Dorchester era) Of Stratton Hall, Staffordshire; member of Parliament and privy councillor, 30; his powerful influence exerted on behalf of Guy Carleton and his brother, 30; Wolfe alludes to his death, 1754, as "a deadly blow to the Carletons," ...
Conseil Souverain
See Sovereign Council. ...
Conservative Party
(George Brown Era) Organized by Sir John A. Macdonald, out of old Tory party, 69; its debt to Canada First Association, 241. =Bib.=: Pope, Memoirs of Sir John A. Macdonald; Dent, Last Forty Years. ...
(William Lyon Mackenzie era) Newspaper, Mackenzie starts, 320; destroyed by mob, 321; draft constitution of provisional government published in, 356. ...
Constitutional Act 1791
The Act was designed to harmonize the conflicting interests of French and English by dividing Quebec into two provinces,--Upper and Lower Canada,--thereby giving to each a larger control of its own local affairs. It established in each province a Leg...
Constitutional Associations
(Lord Sydenham era) Of Quebec and Montreal, their aims, 112; send delegations to Upper Canada and to England to urge union of the provinces, 112. ...
Constitutional Reform Society
(Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Organized in Upper Canada, July 16, 1836. (Lord Dorchester era) William Baldwin, president, Francis Hincks, secretary, 42; its programme, 42. ...
Cook Captain James 1728-1779 Served In Canada During Siege Of
Quebec, 1759. Discovered New Zealand, 1769, and New South Wales, 1770. In his famous voyage of 1776-1778, explored the north-west coast of America. Returning the following year, murdered by the natives of Owhyhee or Hawaii, in the Sandwich Islands. =I...
Cook Dr Henry
(Tilley era) Tilley in his service, 7. ...
Cook River
(Sir James Douglas era) Named by Captain Cook, 21; Captain Douglas there in 1788, 27, 28. ...