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Cosmos Amor De
(Sir James Douglas era) Editor of British Colonist, 271; bitter
opponent of Sir James Douglas, 306-307; his character, 306; his tribute
to Douglas, 307-308; advocates union of colonies, 308. =Bib.=: Begg,
History of British Columbia.
Costa Francis
Coppermine River
Rises in a small lake, a little west of long. 110 deg., and south of lat. 66 deg., and after a course of 525 miles flows into Coronation Gulf, on the Arctic coast of Canada. It was discovered by Samuel Hearne, 1771; and subsequently visited by Sir Joh...
Coquart Claude-godefroy
Jesuit missionary. Accompanied La Verendrye on his Western explorations, 1741, but got no farther than Michilimackinac. His letter, quoted by Margry, throws an interesting light on La Verendrye's explorations. ...
Coram Joseph
(Tilley era) Runs for St. John County as Anti-Confederate, 85; a leading Orangeman, 86; defeated in St. John County, 109. ...
Corbiere Captain
(Wolfe / Montcalm era) Killed in battle of Ste. Foy, 264. ...
See Schenectady. =Index=: (Count Frontenac era) Indian name for governors of New York, 253. ...
Corn Laws
(Lord Sydenham era) Their repeal advocated by Poulett Thomson, 37, 40, 52. (George Brown Era) Their effect on Canadian industries, 15, 31, 32. ...
Cornwall Canal
(Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Construction of, provided for by government in 1841, 98. =Bib.=: Keefer, Canals of Canada (R. S. C., 1893); Mme. L. N. Rheaume, Origin of Cornwall and Williamsburg Canal (Women's Can. Hist. Soc. of Ottawa, Trans.)....
Cornwallis Charles First Marquis 1738-1805 Served In American
Revolutionary War; won victory at Camden over Gates, 1780, and in 1781 defeated Greene at Guildford. In 1781 hemmed in at Yorktown between the American army and the French fleet, and forced to surrender. Governor-general and commander-in-chief of Beng...
Cornwallis Edward
Born, 1812. Member of the British House of Commons for Eyre, 1749. Appointed governor of Nova Scotia, 1749. Sailed from England with 2576 emigrants and on July 2, 1749, reached the harbour of Chebucto, the site of the present city of Halifax. His admi...
Corpo Father
(Bishop Laval era) Dies a martyr, 62. ...
Correspondent And Advocate
Newspaper. =Index=: (William Lyon Mackenzie era) Newspaper, published by Dr. O'Grady, 259. ...
Corrupt Practices
(Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Bill in reference to, introduced, 99; excites great public attention, 99; passed by Assembly, but rejected by Legislative Council, 100. ...
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Ancient French custom, 122; used in transporting provisions to upper posts, 140; complaint against Haldimand's use of, 182, 291; MacLean asks for decrease of, 306. ...
Cosmos Amor De
(Sir James Douglas era) Editor of British Colonist, 271; bitter opponent of Sir James Douglas, 306-307; his character, 306; his tribute to Douglas, 307-308; advocates union of colonies, 308. =Bib.=: Begg, History of British Columbia. ...
Costa Francis
(John Graves Simcoe era) Naval officer, Upper Canada, 178. ...
Costigan John 1835- Represented Victoria In New Brunswick
Legislature, 1861-1866; elected to Dominion House of Commons, 1867; interested himself in questions of Roman Catholic schools of New Brunswick, and Irish home-rule. Minister of inland revenue, 1882; secretary of state, 1892; minister of marine and fis...
Cote Ste Genevieve
(Wolfe / Montcalm era) Slope to the north of Plains of Abraham, 186, 252. ...
Coteau Du Lac
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Canal at, 185. ...
Coton Father
(Samuel de Champlain era) Jesuit provincial, accepts proposals of Recollets, 151. ...
Couillard Guillaume
(Samuel de Champlain era) Early settler, 145. ...
Couillard Henry
(Samuel de Champlain era) Captain of the Don de Dieu, 39. ...
Couillard Jacques
(Samuel de Champlain era) An interpreter, 144. ...
See Legislative Council; Executive Council; Sovereign Council. ...
Council Of Assiniboia
Appointed by the Hudson's Bay Company, for the government of the colonists in their territory. The first meeting was held Feb. 12, 1835, with Sir George Simpson as president. Bishop Tache, Alexander Christie, Alexander Ross, Cuthbert Ross, and ten oth...
County Courts
(Lord Sydenham era) Act passed establishing, 339. ...
Courcelles Daniel De Remy Sieur De
Governor of Canada, 1665-1672. His tenure of office marked by an unsuccessful expedition against the Iroquois, and a long and acrimonious dispute with Laval and the Jesuits. The Marquis de Tracy was viceroy over all the French possessions in America ...