Cornwallis Charles First Marquis 1738-1805 Served In American

Revolutionary War; won victory at Camden over Gates, 1780, and in 1781

defeated Greene at Guildford. In 1781 hemmed in at Yorktown between the

American army and the French fleet, and forced to surrender.

Governor-general and commander-in-chief of Bengal, 1786-1793.

Lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 1798; British plenipotentiary to negotiate

peace of Amiens, 1801. Five years later again returned to India as

governor-general, and died at Ghazeepore. =Index=: (General Brock era) British

plenipotentiary in negotiating peace of Amiens, 30. (Lord Dorchester era) Surrender at

Yorktown, 191. (Sir Frederick Haldimand era) His capitulation, 211-212, 297. =Bib.=: Cornwallis,

Despatches; Kaye, Lives of Indian Officers; Dict. Nat. Biog.;

Johnston, Yorktown Campaign; Cyc. Am. Biog.

