North-west Territories

Comprised all the western portions of Canada,

except Manitoba and British Columbia. Its early history is the history

of the western fur trade, whose forts became in time centres of

settlement. In 1870, the territories were transferred to Canada by the

Hudson's Bay Company. In 1882, four provisional districts were

formed--Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Athabaska. In 1905 these

were made into the two provinces of
Alberta and Saskatchewan. =Index=:

(George Brown Era) Annexation of, advocated by George Brown, 137; communication to be

opened with, 166; value of, 174; acquisition of, 186; Brown's interest

in, 211-213, 217, 218-221; R.B. Sullivan's address on, 1847, 211; warns

Canadians of danger of American occupation, and urges immediate steps to

settle and develop the country, 211; Isbister's work on behalf of, 212,

213; Globe article on, 213-215; value of the country, 214; Edward

Fitzgerald on agricultural possibilities of, 214; "Huron's" letters in

the Globe on, 216; Toronto Board of Trade urges acquisition and

settlement of, 216; Globe carries on vigorous campaign, 216-217;

William Macdougall an enthusiastic advocate, 217; incorporation of,

adopted as part of Reform Convention of 1857, 217; project ridiculed by

Niagara Mail, 217-218; and Montreal Transcript, 218; matter taken up

by Canadian government, and arrangements made for acquiring the

territories, 220-221; bill for government of, provision for separate

schools opposed by George Brown, 249. (Sir John A Macdonald era) Terms upon which Hudson's Bay

Company transfers territory to the crown, 156-157; causes of discontent

and rebellion involved in annexation of, 157-163. See also Assiniboia;

Alberta; Athabaska; Saskatchewan. =Bib.=: Adam, Canadian North-West;

Tasse, Canadiens de l'Ouest; Dugas, Legendes du Nord-Ouest; Begg,

History of the North-West; Hind, North-West Territory; MacBeth,

Making of the Canadian West.

