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History of the Irish
North-west Passage
(Sir James Douglas era) Tenacity of belief in its existence, 50;
Mackenzie's journey to Pacific is additional blow to belief in, 55.
North-west Coast
North-west Rebellion
Nootka Sound
On west coast of Vancouver Island. Discovered and named by Captain James Cook in 1778. Prior discovery in 1774 claimed by Spaniards, but not established. They built a fort there in 1789, and remained in possession until 1795, when the district was tak...
Normanby Constantine Henry Phipps Marquis Of 1797-1863 Entered
Parliament, 1818; appointed governor of Jamaica, 1832; entered the Cabinet as lord of the privy seal, 1834; lord lieutenant of Ireland, 1835; secretary of war and the colonies, 1839; home secretary, 1839-1841; ambassador at Paris, 1846-1852; minister ...
(Bishop Laval era) Many of colonists natives of, 116. ...
Norquay John 1841-1889 Born In St Andrews Manitoba After The
suppression of the Riel Rebellion, elected to the Assembly of Manitoba, and entered the ministry as minister of public works. Defeated for election to the House of Commons, 1872. Resigned from the ministry, 1874, but became provincial secretary, 1875;...
North America From The French Of M D'anville Improved With The
English Surveys made since the Peace. London. Printed for Robt. Sayer and J. Bennett, Map and Print Sellers, No. 53, Fleet Street, June 10, 1775. Print from Plate. North American Atlas. ...
North American
Newspaper published at Toronto. =Index.=: (George Brown Era) The organ of the Clear Grits, edited by Macdougall, 40; absorbed by the Globe, 74; publishes personal attack on George Brown, editor apologizes, 93. (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Radi...
North American Colonial Association
(Lord Sydenham era) On appointment of Poulett Thomson (Sydenham), 132. ...
North American Fur Company
(Sir James Douglas era) Succeeds Pacific Fur Company, 134; Astor at head of, 134. See also Astor; Pacific Fur Company. ...
North Lord Frederick
See Guilford. ...
North West Company
Organized in 1795, by a number of merchants chiefly of Montreal, engaged in the fur trade. The first "partners," or bourgeois, of the Company were Simon McTavish, Joseph Frobisher, John Gregory, William McGillivray, Angus Shaw, Roderick McKenzie, Cuth...
North-west America
(Sir James Douglas era) Built by Meares at Nootka--first ship launched in what is now British Columbia, 28; seized by Martinez, 28; crew sent to China, 29. ...
North-west Coast
(Sir James Douglas era) Spanish influence delays colonization, 4; history of, affected by Russian occupation of Alaska, 4; by British trade interests by sea, 4; by North West Company, 4; by Hudson's Bay Company, 4; by Astorians, 4; unvisited by Europe...
North-west Passage
(Sir James Douglas era) Tenacity of belief in its existence, 50; Mackenzie's journey to Pacific is additional blow to belief in, 55. ...
North-west Rebellion
See Riel Rebellion. ...
North-west Territories
Comprised all the western portions of Canada, except Manitoba and British Columbia. Its early history is the history of the western fur trade, whose forts became in time centres of settlement. In 1870, the territories were transferred to Canada by the...
Northern Railway
Chartered in 1849 as the Toronto, Sarnia, and Lake Huron Railway. The line ran north from Toronto to Lake Simcoe, thence to Georgian Bay. In 1879 the Northern acquired the Hamilton and North-Western; and in 1888 was itself absorbed by the Grand Trunk....
Norton John
Born in Scotland. Came to America and settled among the Mohawks, who made him a chief. After the close of the War of 1812, went to Georgia. Died in Scotland. =Index=: (General Brock era) In battle of Queenston Heights, 310. =Bib.=: Richardson, War of ...
Norway House
Also known at one time as Jack River House. A post of the Hudson's Bay Company, on Little Playgreen Lake, at the northern end of Lake Winnipeg. The post formerly stood on Mossy Point, where the Nelson River flows out of Lake Winnipeg, but was burnt to...
Notre Dame De La Recouvrance
First parish church of Quebec; built by Champlain, 1633, and enlarged, 1635. Totally destroyed by fire, June 14, 1640. Replaced in 1645 by the Church of Notre Dame de la Paix, now the Basilica of Quebec. =Index=: (Samuel de Champlain era) First servic...
Notre Dame De Montreal
(Bishop Laval era) Parish erected, 175; united to Seminary, 175, 176. ...
Notre Dame Des Anges
(Samuel de Champlain era) Jesuit convent, 45, 227; views of Jesuits in connection with, 229; instruction of Indian children, 232, 233; Recollet convent dedicated to, 148. ...
Notre Dame Des Victoires
Church in Quebec. The corner-stone was laid May 1, 1688, Bishop Laval officiating. The building was completed the following year. In 1690 the name was changed to Notre Dame de la Victoire, to commemorate the repulse of Phipps. In 1711 the name was ag...
Nouee Anne De 1587-1646 Born In France Entered The Jesuit
novitiate in 1612; and came to Canada in 1626. For several years laboured among the Hurons and Montagnais, and from 1632 spent the remainder of his life in mission work in the French settlements along the St. Lawrence. =Index=: (Samuel de Champlain er...
Nouveau Monde
(Sir Georges E. Cartier era) Edited by Canon Lamarche, 81; bitterly attacks Cartier, 81-82. ...