The Stratagem Of Theodomir

The defeat of the Guadalete seemed for the time to have robbed the Goths

of all their ancient courage. East and west, north and south, rode the

Arab horsemen, and stronghold after stronghold fell almost without

resistance into their hands, until nearly the whole of Spain had

surrendered to the scimitar. History has but a few stories to tell of

valiant defence by the Gothic warriors. One was that of Pelistes, at

which we have just told. The other was that of the wise and

valorous Theodomir, which we have next to relate.

Abdul-Aziz, Musa's noble son, whose sad fate we have chronicled, had been

given the control of Southern Spain, with his head-quarters in Seville.

Here, after subduing the Comarca, he decided on an invasion of far-off

Murcia, the garden-land of the south, a realm of tropic heat, yet richly

fertile and productive. There ruled a valiant Goth named Theodomir, who

had resisted Tarik on his landing, had fought in the fatal battle in which

Roderic fell, and had afterwards, with a bare remnant of his followers,

sought his own territory, which after him was called the land of Tadmir.

Hither marched Abdul-Aziz, eager to meet in battle a warrior of such

renown, and to add to his dominions a country so famed for beauty and

fertility. He was to find Theodomir an adversary worthy of his utmost

powers. So small was the force of the Gothic lord that he dared not meet

the formidable Arab horsemen in open contest, but he checked their advance

by all the arts known in war, occupying the mountain defiles and gorges

through which his country must be reached, cutting off detachments, and

making the approach of the Arabs difficult and dangerous.


His defence was not confined to the hills. At times he would charge

fiercely on detached parties of Arabs in the valleys or plains, and be off

again to cover before the main force could come up. Long he defeated every

effort of the Arab leader to bring on an open battle, but at length found

himself cornered at Lorca, in a small valley at a mountain's foot. Here,

though the Goths fought bravely, they found themselves too greatly

outnumbered, and in the end were put to panic-flight, numbers of them

being left dead on the hotly contested field.

The handful of fugitives, sharply pursued by the Moorish cavalry, rode in

all haste to the fortified town of Orihuela, a place of such strength that

with sufficient force they might have defied there the powerful enemy. But

such had been their losses in battle and in flight that Theodomir found

himself far too weak to face the Moslem host, whose advance cavalry had

followed so keenly on his track as to reach the outer walls by the time he

had fairly closed the gates.

Defence was impossible. He had not half enough men to guard the walls and

repel assaults. It would have been folly to stand a siege, yet Theodomir

did not care to surrender except on favorable terms, and therefore adopted

a shrewd stratagem to deceive the enemy in regard to his strength.

To the surprise of the Arab leader the walls of the town, which he had

thought half garrisoned, seemed to swarm with armed and bearded warriors,

far too great a force to be overcome by a sudden dash. In the face of so

warlike an array, caution awoke in the hearts of the assailants. They had

looked for an easy victory, but against such numbers as these assault

might lead to severe bloodshed and eventual defeat. They felt that it

would be necessary to proceed by the slow and deliberate methods of a

regular siege.

While Abdul-Aziz was disposing his forces and making heedful preparations

for the task he saw before him, he was surprised to see the principal gate

of the city thrown open and a single Gothic horseman ride forth, bearing a

flag of truce and making signals for a parley. A safe-conduct was given

him, and he was led to the tent of the Moslem chief.

"Theodomir has sent me to negotiate with you," he said, "and I have full

power to conclude terms of surrender. We are abundantly able to hold out,

as you may see by the forces on our walls, but as we wish to avoid

bloodshed we are willing to submit on honorable terms. Otherwise we will

defend ourselves to the bitter end."

The boldness and assurance with which he spoke deeply impressed the Arab

chief. This was not a fearful foe seeking for mercy, but a daring

antagonist as ready to fight as to yield.

"What terms do you demand?" asked Abdul-Aziz.

"My lord," answered the herald, "will only surrender on such conditions as

a generous enemy should grant and a valiant people receive. He demands

peace and security for the province and its people and such authority for

himself as the strength of his walls and the numbers of his garrison

justify him in demanding."

The wise and clement Arab saw the strength of the argument, and, glad to

obtain so rich a province without further loss of life, he assented to the

terms proposed, bidding the envoy to return and present them to his chief.

The Gothic knight replied that there was no need of this, he having full

power to sign the treaty. The terms were therefore drawn up and signed by

the Arab general, after which the envoy took the pen and, to the

astonishment of the victor, signed the name of Theodomir at the foot of

the document. It was the Gothic chief himself.

Pleased alike with his confidence and his cleverness, Abdul-Aziz treated

the Gothic knight with the highest honor and distinction. At the dawn of

the next day the gates of the city were thrown open for surrender, and

Abdul-Aziz entered at the head of a suitable force. But when the garrison

was drawn up in the centre of the city for surrender, the surprise of the

Moslem became deep amazement. What he saw before him was a mere handful of

stalwart soldiers, eked out with feeble old men and boys. But the main

body before him was composed of women, whom the astute Goth had bidden to

dress like men and to tie their long hair under their chins to represent

beards; when, with casques on their heads and spears in their hands, they

had been ranged along the walls, looking at a distance like a line of

sturdy warriors.

Theodomir waited with some anxiety, not knowing how the victor would

regard this stratagem. Abdul might well have viewed with anger the

capitulation of an army of women and dotards, but he had a sense of humor

and a generous heart, and the smile of amusement on his face told the

Gothic chief that he was fully forgiven for his shrewd stratagem.

Admiration was stronger than mortification in the Moslem's heart. He

praised Theodomir for his witty and successful expedient, and for the

three days that he remained at Orihuela banquets and fetes marked his

stay, he occupying the position of a guest rather than an enemy. No injury

was done to people or town, and the Arabs soon left the province to

continue their career of conquest, satisfied with the arrangements for

tribute which they had made.

By a strange chance the treaty of surrender of the land of Tadmir still

exists. It is drawn up in Latin and in Arabic, and is of much interest as

showing the mode in which such things were managed at that remote date. It

stipulates that war shall not be waged against Theodomir, son of the

Goths, and his people; that he shall not be deprived of his kingdom; that

the Christians shall not be separated from their wives and children, or

hindered in the services of their religion; and that their temples shall

not be burned. Theodomir was left lord of seven cities,--Orihuela,

Valencia, Alicante, Mula, Biscaret, Aspis, and Lorca,--in which he was to

harbor no enemies of the Arabs.

The tribute demanded of him and his nobles was a dinar (a gold coin)

yearly from each, also four measures each of wheat, barley, must, vinegar,

honey, and oil. Vassals and taxable people were to pay half this amount.

These conditions were liberal in the extreme. The tribute demanded was by

no means heavy for a country so fertile, in which light culture yields

abundant harvests; the delightful valley between Orihuela and Murcia, in

particular, being the garden spot of Spain. The inhabitants for a long

period escaped the evils of war felt in other parts of the conquered

territory, their province being occupied by only small garrisons of the

enemy, while its distance from the chief seat of war removed it from


After the murder of Abdul-Aziz, Theodomir sent an embassy to the Caliph

Soliman, begging that the treaty should be respected. The caliph in reply

sent orders that its stipulations should be faithfully observed. In this

the land of Tadmir almost stood alone in that day, when treaties were

usually made only to be set at naught.

