The Thrilling Adventure Of Captain John Smith

For those who love stories of the Indians, and the strange and perilous

adventures of white men in dealing with the forest tribes, we cannot do

better than give a remarkable anecdote of life in the Virginia woodlands

three centuries ago.

On a day near the opening of the winter of 1608 a small boat, in which

were several men, might have been seen going up the James River under

the shadow of the high trees
hat bordered its banks.

They came at length to a point where a smaller stream flowed into the

James, wide at its mouth but soon growing narrow. Into this the boat was

turned and rowed briskly onward, under the direction of the leader of

the expedition. They were soon in the heart of the wildwood, whose dense

forest growth clustered thickly on either bank of the stream, which ran

in a narrow silver thread through the green wilderness. The stream they

pursued is that now known as the Chickahominy River, so called from an

Indian tribe of that name, the most daring and warlike of all the

savages of the region.

As they went on the stream grew narrower still, and in time became so

shallow that the boat could go no farther. As they sat there in doubt,

debating what had better be done, the bushes by the waterside were

thrust aside and dusky faces looked out upon them through the leaves.

The leader of the whites beckoned to them and two men stepped out of the

bushy thicket, making signs of great friendliness. They pointed to the

large boat, and indicated by gestures that they had smaller craft near

at hand and would lend one to the whites if they wished to go farther

up. They would go along with them and show them the way.

The leader of the party of whites was named John Smith. This is a very

common name, but he was the one John Smith who has made the name famous

in history. He had met many Indians before and found most of them

friendly, but he had never seen any of the Chickahominies and did not

know that they were enemies to the whites. So he accepted the offer of

the Indians. The boat was taken back down the stream to a sort of wide

bay where he thought it would be safe. Here the Indians brought him one

of their light but strong canoes. Smith wanted to explore the stream

higher up, and, thinking that he could trust these very friendly looking

red men, he got into the canoe, bidding two of his men to come with him.

To the others he said,--

"Do not leave your boat on any account. These fellows seem all right,

but they are never to be trusted too far. There may be more of them in

the woods, so be wide awake and keep your wits about you."

The two Indians now got into the canoe with Smith and his men and began

to paddle it up the stream, keeping on until they were miles from the

starting-point. Undergrowth rose thickly on the banks and vines hung

down in green masses from the trees, so that the boat they had left was

quickly lost to sight. Soon after that the men in the large boat did a

very foolish thing. Heedless of the orders of their leader, they left

the boat and strolled into the woods. They had not gone far before a

party of savages came rushing at them with wild cries, and followed them

fiercely as they turned and ran back to their boat. One of them was

caught by the savages, and as the fugitives sprang into their boat they

were horrified to see the hapless fellow killed by his captors. This

lesson taught them not to leave the boat again.

Ignorant of all this, Smith went on, the boat being paddled here under a

low canopy of vines, there through open spaces, until far up the stream.

At length, as passage grew more difficult, he bade his guides to stop,

and stepped ashore. Taking one of the Indians with him, he set out,

carbine on shoulder, saying that he would provide food for the party. He

cautioned his two followers, as he had done those in the large boat, to

keep a sharp look-out and not let themselves be surprised.

But these men proved to be as foolish and reckless as the others. The

air was cool and they built a fire on the bank. Then, utterly heedless

of danger, they lay down beside it and soon were fast asleep. As they

lay slumbering the Indians, who had started up the stream after killing

their prisoner at the boat, came upon them in this helpless state. They

at once killed the foolish pair, and then started into the woods on the

trail of Smith.

Daring and full of resources as Captain John Smith was, he had taken a

dangerous risk in thus venturing alone into those forest depths, peopled

only by prowling and hostile savages. It proved to be the most desperate

crisis of his life, full of adventure as this life had been. As a

youthful soldier he had gone through great perils in the wars with the

Turks, and once had killed three Turkish warriors in single combat

between two armies, but never before had he been in such danger of death

as he was now, alone with a treacherous Indian while a dozen or more of

others, bent on his death, were trailing him through the woods.

He was first made aware of his danger when a flight of arrows came from

the low bushes near by. Then, with fierce war-whoops, the Indian braves

rushed upon him with brandished knives and tomahawks. But desperate as

was his situation, in the heart of the forest, far from help, surrounded

by foes who thirsted for his blood, Smith did not lose his courage or

his coolness. He fired his pistol at the Indians, two of them falling

wounded or dead. As they drew back in dismay, he seized his guide and

tied him to his left arm with his garter as a protection from their

arrows, and then started through the woods in the direction of the

canoe. Walking backward, with his face to his pursuers, and keeping

them off with his weapons, he had not taken many steps before he found

his feet sinking in the soft soil. He was in the edge of the great swamp

still known in that region, and before he was aware of the danger he

sank into it to his waist and his guide with him. The other Indians held

back in fear until he had thrown away his weapons, when they rushed upon

him, drew him out of the mud, and led him captive to the fire where his

two companions lay dead.

Smith's case now seemed truly desperate. He knew enough of the savages

to have very little hope of life. Yet he was not inclined to give up

while a shadowy chance remained. Taking from his pocket a small compass,

which he carried to aid him in his forest journeys, he gave it to the

Indian chief, showing him how the needle always pointed to the north.

But while the chief was looking curiously at this magic toy, as it

seemed to him, the other Indians bound their captive to a tree, and bent

their bows to shoot him. Their deadly purpose was prevented by the

chief, who waved the compass in the air and bade them stop. For the time

the mystery of the compass seemed to have saved the captive's life.

Smith was now taken through the woods, the journey ending at an Indian

village called Orapakes. Here the dusky women and children took the

captive in hand, dancing wildly around him, with fierce cries and

threatening gestures, while the warriors looked grimly on. Yet Smith

bore their insults and threats with impassive face and unflinching

attitude. At length Opechancanough, the chief, pleased to find that he

had a brave man for captive, bade them cease, and food was brought forth

for Smith and his captors.

While they were in this village two interesting examples of the

simplicity of Indian thought took place. Smith wrote a message to

Jamestown, the settlement of the whites, sending it by one of the

Indians, and receiving an answer. On his reading this and speaking of

what he had learned from it, the Indians looked on it as the work of

enchantment. They could not comprehend how "paper could talk." Another

thing was the following: They showed him a bag of gunpowder which they

had somehow obtained, saying that they were going to sow it in the

ground the next spring and gather a crop of this useful substance. After

spending some days in this and other villages, the captive was taken

into the woods, his captors making him understand that they were going

on a long journey.

Whither he was being taken or what was to be his fate Smith was not

aware. The language of gestures, which was his only way of conversing

with the savages, soon reached its limit, and he was quite ignorant of

what they proposed to do with him, though his heart must have sunk as

they went on day after day, northward through the forest. On they walked

in single file, Smith unbound and seemingly free in their midst, but

with a watchful Indian guard close beside him, ready to shoot him if he

made any effort to escape. Village after village was passed, in each of

which the women and children danced and shrieked around him as at

Orapakes. It was evident they knew the value of their prisoner, and

recognized that they had in their hands the great chief of the Pale


In fact, the Chickahominy chief felt that his captive was of too much

importance to be dealt with hastily, and was taking him to the village

of the great chief Powhatan, who ruled like an emperor over a powerful

confederation of tribes. In summer his residence was near the Falls of

the James River, but he was in the habit of spending the winter on the

banks of York River, his purpose being to enjoy the fish and oysters of

the neighboring Chesapeake. Wesowocomoca was the name of this winter

residence, and here the captive was at length brought, after the long

woodland journey.

Captain Smith had met the old Indian emperor before, at his summer home

on the James River, near where the city of Richmond now stands. But that

was as a freeman, with his guard around him and his hands unbound. Now

he was brought before him as a captive, subject to his royal will or


He found the famous lord of the tribes in his large wigwam, with his

wives around him, and his vigilant guard of warriors grouped on the

greensward outside, where the Indian lodges stretched in a considerable

village along the stream. Powhatan wore a large robe made of raccoon

skins. A rich plume of feathers ornamented his head and a string of

beads depended from his neck. At his head and feet sat two young Indian

girls, his favorite wives, wearing richly adorned dresses of fur, with

plumes in their hair and necklaces of pearls. Other women were in the

room, and a number of the leading warriors who sat around gave the

fierce war-cry of the tribe as the captive was brought in.

The old chieftain looked with keen eyes on his famous prisoner, of whose

capture he had been advised by runners sent before. There was a look of

triumph and malignity in his eyes, but Captain Smith stood before him

unmoved. He had been through too many dangers to be easily dismayed, and

near death's door too often to yield to despair. Powhatan gave an order

to a young Indian woman, who brought him a wooden basin of water that he

might wash his hands. Then she presented him a bunch of feathers to

serve as a towel. This done, meat and corn-bread were placed before him.

As he ate Powhatan talked with his warriors, consulting with them, the

captive feared, upon his fate. But he finished his meal with little loss

of appetite, trusting to the Providence which had saved him more than

once before to come to his aid again.

As he ate, his vigilant eyes looked heedfully around the room. Many who

were there gazed on him with interest, and one of them, a young Indian

girl of twelve or thirteen years of age, with pity and concern. It was

evident that she was of high rank in the tribe, for she was richly

dressed and wore in her hair a plume of feathers like that of Powhatan,

and on her feet moccasins embroidered like his. There was a troubled and

compassionate look in her eyes, as she gazed on the captive white man, a

look which he may perhaps have seen and taken comfort from in his hour

of dread.

No such feeling as this seemed to rest in the heart of the old chief and

his warriors. Their conference quickly ended, and, though its words were

strange to him, the captive could read his fate in their dark and

frowning faces. They had grown to hate the whites, and now that their

leader was a captive before them, they decided to put him to death.

There was no loss of time in preparation for the execution of the fatal

decree. At an order from Powhatan the captive was seized and securely

bound, then he was laid on the floor of the hut, with his head on a

large stone brought in from outside. Beside him stood a stalwart savage

grasping a huge war-club. A word, a signal from Powhatan, was alone

needed and the victim's brains would have been dashed out.

At this critical moment Smith's good angel watched over him. A low cry

of pity was heard, and the young girl who had watched him with such

concern sprang forward and clasped her arms around the poor prisoner,

looking up at the Indian emperor with beseeching eyes. It was

Pocahontas, his favorite daughter. Her looks touched the old man's

heart, and he bade the executioner to stand back, and gave orders that

the captive should be released. Powhatan soon showed that he was in

earnest in his act of mercy. He treated the prisoner in a friendly

fashion, and two days later set him free to return to Jamestown.

All that he asked in return was that the whites should send him two of

their great guns and a grindstone. Smith readily consented, no doubt

with a secret sense of amusement, and set out for the settlement, led by

Indian guides. Rawhunt, a favorite servant of Powhatan, was one of the

guides, and on reaching Jamestown Smith showed him two cannon and a

grindstone, and bade him carry them home to his master. Rawhunt tried,

but when he found that he could not stir one of the weighty presents

from the ground, he was quite content to take back less bulky presents

in their place.

So runs the story of Captain Smith's remarkable adventure. No doubt it

is well to say here that there are writers who doubt the whole story of

Pocahontas and her deed of mercy, simply because Captain Smith did not

speak of it in his first book. But there is no very good reason to doubt

it, and we know that things like this happened in other cases. Thus, in

the story of De Soto we have told how Juan Ortiz, the Spanish captive,

was saved from being burned alive by an Indian maiden in much the same


Pocahontas after that was always a friend of the English, and often

visited them in Jamestown. Once she stole away through the woods and

told her English friends that Powhatan and his warriors were going to

attack them. Then she stole back again. When the Indians came they found

the English ready, and concluded to defer their attack. Later, after she

had grown up, she was taken prisoner and held in Jamestown as a hostage

to make her father quit threatening the English. While there a young

planter named John Rolfe fell deeply in love with her, and she loved him

warmly in return.

In the end Pocahontas became a Christian and was baptized at Jamestown

under the name of Rebecca. Then she and John Rolfe were married and went

to live in England, where she was known as the "Lady Rebecca" and

treated as if she were indeed a princess. She met John Smith once more,

and was full of joy at sight of her "father," as she called him. But

when he told her that she must not call him that, and spoke to her very

respectfully as Lady Rebecca, she covered her face with her hands and

began to weep. She had always called him father, she said, and he had

called her child, and she meant to do so still. They had told her he was

dead, and she was very glad to learn that this was false, for she loved

him as a father and would always do so.

That was her last meeting with Captain Smith. In less than a year

afterward she was taken sick and died, just as she was about to return

to her beloved Virginia.

