The Siege Of Sinching

When the great dynasty of the Hans, which had held supreme rule in China

for more than four hundred years, came to an end, it left that country

divided up into three independent kingdoms. The emperors who had once

ruled over all China found themselves now lords of its smallest

division, while the kingdom of Wei included the largest and most

populous districts in the realm. A war for supremacy arose between these

ingdoms, which ended in the kings of Wei becoming supreme over

the whole empire and establishing a new dynasty, which they named the

dynasty of Tsin. Of this war we have only one event to relate, an

interesting example of Chinese fortitude and valor.

Shortly after 250 A.D. an army of the Han emperor, led by a general

named Chukwoko, settled down to the siege of a small walled town named

Sinching, held by three thousand men under the command of a leader named

Changte, whose fortitude and energy alone saved this place for the king

of Wei.

For ninety days the siege went on, the catapults of the besieging force

playing incessantly upon the walls, which, despite the activity of the

garrison, were in time pierced in many places, while several gaping

breaches lay open to the foe. Changte had defended the place

vigorously, no commander could have done more, and, as no sign of a

relieving force appeared, he could with all honor have capitulated,

thrown open the gates, and marched out with such dignity as the

victorious enemy would permit.

But this was not the view of his duty held by the valorous soldier. He

was one of the kind who die but do not surrender, and in his extremity

had recourse to the following ruse. He sent word to Chukwoko that, as

the place was clearly untenable, he was willing to surrender if he were

granted ten days more of grace.

"It is a law among the princes of Wei," he said, "that the governor of a

place which has held out for a hundred days, and then, seeing no

prospect of relief, surrenders, shall not be held guilty of dereliction

of duty."

Chukwoko gladly accepted this offer, being weary of his long delay

before this small post, and quite willing to save his men from the

perils of an assault. But, to his astonishment, a few days later he saw

fresh bulwarks rising above those which had been ruined by his engines,

while the breaches were rapidly repaired, new gates replaced those that

had been destroyed, and Sinching seemed suddenly to regain the

appearance it had presented three months before. Inside the walls a new

spirit prevailed, the courage of the bold commander reanimating his

troops, while the sentinels on the ramparts shouted messages of disdain

to the besieging force.

Indignant at this violation of the terms of the agreement, Chukwoko sent

a flag of truce to the gate, demanding angrily what these proceedings

meant, and if this was Changte's way of keeping his word.

"I am preparing my tomb," replied the bold commander. "I propose to bury

myself under the ruins of Sinching."

The tomb remained untenanted by the daring commandant. The long-delayed

relief appeared, and Chukwoko was obliged to make a hasty retreat, with

the loss of half his army. It is safe to say that in the pursuit Changte

and his faithful three thousand played a leading part.

