Trent Affair

Took place in November, 1861, when Captain C. Wilkes of

the United States navy intercepted the British mail steamer Trent

sailing from Havana, and arrested two commissioners from the Confederate

States who were passengers, and who were accredited to France. They were

conveyed to the United States and imprisoned in Boston. The affair

caused great excitement; war between Great Britain and the United States

seemed imminent, and was averted only by the release of the two

commissioners on the demand of Great Britain in January, 1862. =Index=:

(Sir Georges E. Cartier era) Canada's connection with, leads to reorganization of militia, 87.

(Tilley era) Helped along Intercolonial Railway project, 55. (Sir John A Macdonald era) Storm aroused

by seizure of the Trent, 97-98. =Bib.=: Dent, Last Forty Years;

Harris, The Trent Affair; King, Turning on the Light; Roberts,

History of Canada.

