David Laurent Olivier 1840- Educated At St Therese College
studied law and called to the bar of Lower Canada, 1864. One of
founders, and editor, of L'Opinion Publique, 1870. Represented
Montreal East in Quebec Legislature, 1886-1890. Called to the Senate,
1903. =Index=: (Sir Georges E. Cartier era) One of the founders of Le Parti National, and its
organ, Le National, 30. =Bib.=: Works: Biographies et Portraits;
Les Heros de Chateauguay; Les Patriotes de 1837-1838; Mes
Contemporains; Les Deux Papineau; L'Union des Deux Canadas; Le
Drapeau de Carillon; Laurier et Son Temps; Le Clerge Canadien: Sa
Mission et Son [OE]uvre. For biog., see Morgan, Can. Men; Canadian
Who's Who.