In 1869, the survivors of the early occupants of York, Upper Canada,
formed themselves into a Society entitled The Pioneers, for the joint
purpose of mutual conference, and of gathering together and preserving
whatever memorials of the local Past might be found to be yet extant.
The names of the members of this Association are subjoined, all of whom
were resident at York customably or occasionally, at some period prior
to March 6th, 1834, when the name of the town was changed to Toronto.
The date which precedes each group shows the year in which the members
included in the group became identified with York, whether by birth or
otherwise. In numerous instances, the father of the individual named in
the following list, having been the establisher of a family in these
parts and its first breadwinner here, was the true pioneer. (By a change
in the original constitution of the Society, the sons and descendants of
the first members of the Association, and of all the first grantees or
occupants of land in the county of York, as defined in 1798, are, on
their attaining the age of 40 years, eligible to be members.)
1794.--Edward Simcoe Wright, Toronto.--Isaac White, do.
1795.--Lieut. Francis Button, Buttonville.
1797.--John Thompson, Toronto.
1798.--Hon. W. B. Robinson, Toronto.--John Bright, do.
1799.--John W. Gamble, Pine Grove, Vaughan.
1800.--Andrew Heron, Toronto.--Cornelius Van Nostrand, Yonge Street.
1801.--Robert Bright, Toronto.
1805.--John Murchison, Toronto.
1806.--Hon. H. J. Boulton, Toronto.--William Cawthra, do.--John Ridout,
1808.--Rev. Saltern Givins, Toronto.--Allan Macdonell, do.--Joseph
Gould, ex-M.P.P., Uxbridge.--James Marshall, Youngstown, N.Y.
1809.--Judge G. S. Jarvis, Cornwall--William Roe, Newmarket.
1810.--Rev. William MacMurray, D.D., Niagara.--Richard P. Willson,
Holland Landing.
1811.--George Bostwick, Yorkville.--Joseph Lawrence, Collingwood.--Rev.
D. McMullen, Picton.
1812.--Francis H. Heward, Toronto.--William Dougall, Picton.
1813.--R. E. Playter, Toronto.--George Snider, M.P.P., Owen
Sound.--Capt. Thomas G. Anderson, Cobourg.
1814.--Lieut.-Col. Richard L. Denison, Toronto.--Henry B. Heward, do.
1815.--R. G. Anderson, Toronto.--George Monro, do.--Dr. George Crawford,
1816.--Col. George T. Denison, Toronto.--Ven. Archdeacon Fuller,
do.--Lieut.-Col. W. M. Button, Buttonville.--Capt. Robert Brock Playter,
Queenston.--Thomas Montgomery, Etobicoke.
1817.--R. H. Oates, Toronto.--Charles Stotesbury, do.--Sheriff B. W.
Smith, Barrie.--Robert Petch, Toronto.--J. W. Drummond, do.--Alex.
Stewart, do.--James Stafford, do.
1818.--James Beaty, M.P., Toronto.--J. O. Bouchier, Georgina.--John
Doel, senior, Toronto.--John Doel, junior, do.--James Gedd, do.--Thomas
Humphrey, do.--John Harper, do.--John Moore, do.--William Reynolds,
do.--James Sparks, do.
1819.--W. B. Phipps, Toronto.--Grant Powell, Ottawa.--F. H. Medcalf,
Toronto, ex-Mayor.--Robert H. Smith, Newmarket.--John Raper,
Toronto.--John B. Bagwell, Hamilton.
1820.--W. J. Coates, Toronto.--Alexander Hamilton, do.--Clarke Gamble,
do.--Hon. J. G. Spragge, do.--W. H. Lee, Ottawa.--Dr. John Turquand,
Woodstock.--Charles L. Helliwell, Stayner.--William Helliwell, Highland
Creek.--Edward Musson, Toronto.--Thomas J. Wallis, do.
1821.--Lieut.-Col. Robert B. Denison, Toronto.--William Barber, M.P.P.,
Springfield.--Henry Sproatt, Toronto.--John Eastwood, Port
Elgin.--Edward C. Fisher, Humber.--William Duncan, York
Township.--Jonathan Scott, Toronto.--Charles Scadding, do.--Rev. Dr.
Scadding, do.
1822.--Lieut.-Col. Frederick Wells, Davenport.--Stephen M. Jarvis,
Toronto.--John Helliwell, do.
1823.--Hon. David Reesor, Markham.--Major John Paul, Weston.--John
Small, M.D., Toronto.--James McMullen, do.--Alderman Adamson, do.--James
Duncan, York Township.
1824.--Rev. Dr. Richardson, Toronto.--Matthew Teefy, Richmond
Hill.--John Bell, Toronto.--Charles Lount, do.--Robert Young,
Georgetown.--Rufus Skinner, Toronto.
1825.--Allan McLean Howard, Toronto.--D. O. Brooke, do.--Thomas
Helliwell, do.--Thomas Armstrong, do.--James Taylor, Eglinton.
1826.--James Stitt, Toronto.--Ishmael Iredale, do.--David Burns,
do.--Alex. Caird, Weston.
1827.--Col. Kingsmill, Toronto.--Stephen Heward, do.--William Hewitt,
do.--H. B. Holland, do.--Geo. Leslie, Leslieville.--W. L'Estarge,
Toronto.--Thomas J. Preston, do.--William H. Doel, do.--Andrew Sieber,
1828.--James Barber, Georgetown.--H. R. Corson, Markham.--Matthew Drew,
Toronto.--G. B. Holland, do.--Thomas A. Milne, Markham.--Dr. Ogden,
Toronto.--James R. Armstrong, do.--C. P. Reid, do.
1829.--Thomas D. Harris, Toronto.--Hon. Joseph C. Morrison, do.--Thomas
Meredith, do.--Archibald Barker, Markham.--W. R. Harris,
Toronto.--Robert Defries, do.--Capt. Robert Kerr, do.--R. B. Miller,
do.--Capt. John McGann, do.--J. Merritt, St. Catharines.--Samuel Platt,
Toronto.--J. C. Small, do.--William Quigley, do.--Alex. Rennie,
Hamilton.--John Kitson, Toronto.--Robert Hill, do.
1830.--Hon. W. P. Howland, Lieut.-Governor, Toronto.--John Wallis,
do.--Peter Hutty, Yorkville, do.--Philip Armstrong, Yorkville.--G. M.
Hawke, Toronto.--Alderman Spence, do.--Alex. Munro, do.--Thomas Metcalf,
do.--James Farrell, do.--Thomas Storm, do.--W. G. Storm, do.--Duncan
Macdonell, Montreal.--Edward Copping, Toronto.
1831.--James G. Worts, Toronto.--Thomas Swinarton, ex-M.P.P.,
Coventry.--James Acheson, Toronto.--George Henderson, do.--Samuel
Rogers, do.--John Small, do.--John Nixon, do.--Alfio de Grassi,
do.--Frederick Milligan, do.--George Balfour, do.--Jeremiah Iredale,
do.--James Ashfield, do.--Robert Fowler, do.--John Jacques, do.--Andrew
T. McCord, do.--John Argue, do.--Noah L. Piper, do.
1832.--Sir Francis Hincks, Ottawa.--William Gooderham, senior,
Toronto.--Isaac Gilmour, do.--John Paterson, do.--Samuel Bowman,
do.--John Brown, do.--John Carr, do.--Capt. C. G. Fortier, do.--George
Graham, do.--John G. Howard, Humber Bay.--A. K. Boomer, Toronto.--Thomas
Lailey, do.--Thomas Mara, Do.--William Osborne, do.--Wm. Rowland,
do.--Wm. Steers, Stratford.--John Bugg, Toronto.--C. W. Cooper,
do.--James Severs, do.--Arthur Crawford, do.--Thomas Clarkson,
do.--Robert Dodds, do.--John Evans, Montreal.--William Freeland,
Toronto.--George Price, do.--David Kennedy, do.
1833.--William Arthurs, Toronto.--Robert Beekman, do.--Thomas Burgess,
do.--John Dill, do.--Edward Dack, do.--Wm. Henderson, do.--Robert
Hornby, M.D., do.--W. M. Jamieson, do.--Wm. Lea, Don, York
Township.--John Lawder, Eglinton.--John P. Smith, Toronto.--John
Shanklin, do.--Samuel Thompson, do.--Alfred Willson, do.--Alex. Muir,
Newmarket.--John Gartshore, Toronto.--Samuel Westman, do.--Thomas
Dewson, Bradford.--W. Barchard, Toronto.--John Watson, York
Township.--William Grubbe, Weston.--J. A. Donaldson, Toronto.--John
Levs, do.
Under recent By-law.--Henry Quetton St. George, Toronto.--Hon. Member,
Dr. Canniff, Toronto.