Nelson Robert 1794-1873 Born In Montreal Practised As A Surveyor

and in 1812 served during the War. In 1827 elected with Louis J.

Papineau to the Assembly as member for Montreal. In 1838, while residing

in the United States, organized a force of 600 filibusters, and invaded

Canada, making his headquarters at Napierville, and as president of a

provisional government proclaimed a Canadian republic. The insurgents

were defeated at Lacolle and Odelltown, and Nelson fled to the United

States. In 1862-1873 practised as a surgeon in New York. =Index=: (Louis Joseph Papineau era)

Leads outbreak at Lacolle and Odelltown in 1838, 139-140. =Bib.=:

Morgan, Cel. Can.; Christie, History of Lower Canada.

