New Brunswick

The gulf coast of the province was discovered by

Cartier in 1534; first settlement made by De Monts and Champlain, on St.

Croix Island, near the entrance to the Bay of Fundy, in 1604. The same

year they discovered and named the St. John River, at the mouth of which

La Tour built a fort in 1635. The territory embraced in this province

formed part of Acadie under French rule. It was included in Nova Scotia

from the date
f the cession to England up to 1784, when it became a

separate province. =Index=: (Lord Dorchester era) Creation of province, 224. (Lord Sydenham era)

Satisfactory political condition of, 265. (George Brown Era) Confederation an issue in,

and government defeated, 182-183; British government brings pressure on,

in interests of Confederation, 186-187, 206. (Sir John A Macdonald era) Its attitude towards

Confederation, 123; appoints delegates to confer on question of, 125;

sullen on completion of, 129; result of first general election in, 141;

selection of routes for Intercolonial through, 152; boundary dispute,

152; low tariff in, before Confederation, 218; supports Mackenzie in

election of 1878, 228; assents to resolution in favour of unrestricted

reciprocity, 298. See also Acadia; Nova Scotia; St. John; De Monts;

Champlain. =Bib.=: Hannay, History of Acadia and History of New


