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Haldimand Pierre
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Nephew of Sir Frederick Haldimand, joins him
in Florida, 72; placed in charge of seigniory of Pabos, 73, 111;
appointed ranger of the woods, 294; death of, 294.
Haldimand Papers
Haldimand Sir Frederick 1718-1791 Sir Frederick Haldimand Era Descent And Birth 1-3
Haldimand Barthelemi
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Uncle of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 2; a philanthropic fighting Calvinist, 2. ...
Haldimand Bertrand
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Nephew of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 311, 340. ...
Haldimand Francois-lois
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Father of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 2. ...
Haldimand Francois-louis
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Brother of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 2, 312, 343. ...
Haldimand Frederick
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Nephew of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 17; serves in his uncle's battalion, 49; runs into debt, 50; drowned, 61, 294; Haldimand's affection for, 62. ...
Haldimand Henry
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Nephew of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 311; his death, 312. ...
Haldimand Honnete Gaspard
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Grandfather of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 2, 17, 72, 311. ...
Haldimand Jean Abraham
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Younger brother of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 2, 17, 72, 88, 311. ...
Haldimand Jean-lois
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Uncle of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 2, 4. the spot by Richard Short] ...
Haldimand Justine
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Sister of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 3; death of, 338. ...
Haldimand Louis
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Nephew of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 88; his arrival and reception in Boston, 109; promoted, 110, 294; his debts, 312. ...
Haldimand Papers
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) In Canadian Archives, 319, 320. ...
Haldimand Pierre
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Nephew of Sir Frederick Haldimand, joins him in Florida, 72; placed in charge of seigniory of Pabos, 73, 111; appointed ranger of the woods, 294; death of, 294. ...
Haldimand Sir Frederick 1718-1791 Sir Frederick Haldimand Era Descent And Birth 1-3
antagonism to French nation, 3; joins Prussian army, 3; previous military service, 5; present at battle of Mollwitz, 6; his admiration for the king of Prussia, 6; recommended to command of second battalion, Royal American regiment, 9; stationed at Phi...
Haldimand William
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Grand-nephew of Sir Frederick Haldimand; and director of Bank of England, 343. ...
Haliburton Thomas Chandler 1796-1865 Born At Windsor Nova Scotia
Educated at the Grammar School and at King's College there. Called to the bar and practised for a time at Annapolis. Represented the county of Annapolis in the Nova Scotia Legislature, and in 1829 appointed district judge of the Court of Common Pleas....
A seaport, and the capital of Nova Scotia; founded in 1749 and named after the Earl of Halifax, then president of the Board of Trade. The first settlers were brought out from England in that year by Governor Cornwallis, in thirteen transports; followi...
Halifax Award
The treaty of Washington having provided for a commission, to settle the compensation due Canada by the United States for the use of her fisheries, in 1877 the United States appointed E.H. Kellogg, Canada appointed Sir Alexander Galt, and these two ag...
Hall Major George D
(Lord Sydenham era) Appointed military secretary and aide-de-camp, 152. ...
Halliburton John Croke 1806-1884 Eldest Son Of Sir Brenton
Halliburton, chief-justice of Nova Scotia. Called to the bar, 1829; appointed deputy-clerk of the Legislative Council, 1830, and clerk, 1838. In early life challenged Joseph Howe to a duel, but neither of the duellists injured. =Index=: (Joseph Howe e...
Halliburton Sir Brenton 1773-1860 Joseph Howe Era Chief-justice Of Nova
Scotia, presides at trial of Joseph Howe for libel, 24; contest for his office, 168; his son challenges Howe, because of supposed insulting references to the father, 236. =Bib.=: Hill, Memoir of Sir Brenton Halliburton; Campbell, History of Nova Scoti...
Haly Sir William O'grady 1811-1878 Entered The Army 1828 Served
with distinction in the Crimea and in India. Created K.C.B., 1855. Appointed commander-in-chief of the forces in British North America, 1873. Acted as administrator of the government of Canada during the absence of Lord Dufferin, 1875. Attained the ra...
City of Ontario, on Burlington Bay, west end of Lake Ontario. Laid out and settled, 1813, by George Hamilton, from whom it takes its name. =Index=: (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Early municipal government of, 298, 300. ...
Hamilton Alexander 1757-1804 American Statesman Index : Lord Dorchester Era
Anxious to keep on good terms with Britain, 286; Talleyrand's opinion of, 287. =Bib.=: Hamilton, Life of Alexander Hamilton. For further biog., and bibliog. of works by and of him, see Cyc. Am. Biog. and Lit. Am. Hist. ...