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Eldon John Scott First Earl 1751-1838 British Statesman Index :
(Lord Sydenham era) Resigns from Cabinet, 16. =Bib.=: Dict. Nat. Biog.
Effiat Duc D'
Election Frauds
Eastern Townships
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Proposition to settle with disbanded Loyalists, 264. (Lord Dorchester era) Settled by British Americans, 289; mixed population of, 288. =Bib.=: Day, Pioneers of the Eastern Townships; Day, History of the Eastern Townships...
Easton James
(Lord Dorchester era) American officer, demands surrender of Carleton at Sorel, 113. =Bib.=: Cyc. Am. Biog. ...
Eau Chevalier D'
(Count Frontenac era) Goes on embassy to Iroquois, 262. ...
Echemin Indians
A tribe closely resembling the Micmacs of Nova Scotia, and inhabiting in the seventeenth century what is now eastern Maine and New Brunswick. They lived by hunting and fishing. =Index=: (Wolfe / Montcalm era) Enemies of the English, 16. ...
Edgar Sir James David 1841-1899 Studied Law And Called To The Bar
of Upper Canada, 1864. Elected to House of Commons, 1872. Sent on political mission to British Columbia, in connection with Canadian Pacific Railway. Returned to Parliament, 1884; elected Speaker of the House of Commons, 1896. =Index=: (Sir John A Mac...
Capital of province of Alberta. Situated on the North Saskatchewan. Occupies site of Edmonton House, of the Hudson's Bay Company, and, at a still earlier date, Fort Augustus, of the North West Company. Later was built by Hughes, and known at one time ...
Edmonton House
(Mackenzie / Selkirk / Simpson era) Built by Hudson's Bay Company, 6. ...
(Sir John A Macdonald era) University endowment in Upper Canada, 28-30; Macdonald's connection with separate school question, 82, 84; compulsory education established, 116. (Wilmot era) State of, in New Brunswick, 83; Wilmot's interest in, 83; grammar...
Edward And Annie
(Mackenzie / Selkirk / Simpson era) The vessel which brought the Red River settlers from Stornoway to Hudson Bay, 150-151. ...
Edward Vii 1841-1910 Succeeded To Throne 1901 Index : Lord Elgin Era His
visit to Canada in 1860, 7. (Sir John A Macdonald era) Visits Canada in 1860, and opens Victoria bridge, 87. =Bib.=: Dict. Eng. Hist.; Morgan, Tour of Prince of Wales through Canada; Gough, The King's Visit to Canada. ...
Effiat Duc D'
(Samuel de Champlain era) Second in list of Hundred Associates (Company of New France), 170. ...
Eldon John Scott First Earl 1751-1838 British Statesman Index :
(Lord Sydenham era) Resigns from Cabinet, 16. =Bib.=: Dict. Nat. Biog. ...
Election Frauds
(George Brown Era) In Russell County and Quebec City in 1857, 99-100, 106. ...
Election Laws
(Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Bill introduced, 99; rejected by Council, 100; La Fontaine-Baldwin government brings in a broader measure, 144; its terms, 144-145; opposition of Conservative press, 145-146; electoral reform measures, 286. ...
Elgin And His Time
Minutes of Executive Council, Correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., Serie E. Military Correspondence, Serie C, Volume No. 61. Letters of W. Macaulay to Civil Secretary as to seat of Canadian Government, 1847, Serie M, Volume No. 662. Correspondenc...
Elgin James Bruce Eighth Earl Of 1811-1863 Lord Elgin Era His Qualities As A
statesman, 3-4; his success in Canada, 4; his lineage, 5-6; his personal character, 6-8; education, 6; his contemporaries at college, 7; enters Parliament, 8; accepts governorship of Jamaica, 9; death of his first wife, 9; his successful administratio...
Eliott G A
See Heathfield. ...
Elisa Francisco
Commanded Spanish expedition to Nootka, 1790. Carried on extensive explorations in 1791, returning to Monterey the following year. =Index=: (Sir James Douglas era) His attempt to explore Juan de Fuca Strait in 1790, 26; sends Fidalgo to examine northe...
Ellice Edward 1781-1863 Louis Joseph Papineau Era Seignior Of Beauharnois Suggests To
colonial secretary union of Upper and Lower Canada, 47; his design revealed, 49; meets Papineau, 53. (Mackenzie / Selkirk / Simpson era) Opposes sale of Red River land to Selkirk by Hudson's Bay Company, 210-212; quoted on Dr. John McLoughlin, 220; be...
(Lord Dorchester era) Commissioner for exchange of prisoners, 207. ...
Elliott Colonel
(General Brock era) Indian superintendent at Amherstburg, 151; in charge of Indians in western district, 230. ...
Elmsley John 1762-1805 Born In England Succeeded William Osgoode
as chief-justice of Upper Canada, 1796, and again as chief-justice of Lower Canada, 1802. At the same time became a member of the Executive Council. In February, 1803, appointed president of the Legislative Council--a position he held until his death....