Duquesne De Menneville Michel Ange Marquis De

Appointed governor of

New France 1752, in succession to La Jonquiere. His policy was to

intercept communication between New England and the western Indians and

thus to restore the Indians to dependence on France. In the spring of

1753 sent a force of a thousand men under Morin to the Ohio district; a

fort was built at Presque Isle and another, Fort Le Boeuf, inland on

River Le Boeuf. Disease made ravages among the troops, and while 300

were left to garrison the forts, the remainder were compelled to return

to Montreal, and Duquesne's plans for a further advance were frustrated.

Nevertheless the Indians were brought into submission to the French.

Improved the organization of the government of the colony, and through

thorough discipline raised the efficiency of the colonial troops.

Succeeded in 1755 by the Marquis de Vaudreuil. =Bib.=: Parkman,

Montcalm and Wolfe; Bradley, The Fight for Canada; Fiske, New

France and New England.

