Chaumonot Joseph

Came to Canada, 1639, with Madame de la Peltrie,

Marie de l'Incarnation, and Fathers Vimont and Poncet. Accompanied

Brebeuf as missionary to the Neutral Nation, whose country was along the

north shore of Lake Erie, 1640. Sent to the Onondagas, 1655. Missionary

in charge of the Hurons at Old Lorette, where, in 1674, he built the

chapel in honour of Our Lady of Loretto. Died, Feb. 21, 1693. =Index=:

(Bishop Laval era) Accompanies mission to Gannentaha, 65; chief promoter of cult of

Holy Family, 86. =Bib.=: Shea, Vie de Chaumonot; Parkman, Jesuits in

North America; Campbell, Pioneer Priests of North America.

