Rolph John 1792-1870 Born In Thornbury England Emigrated To

Canada. Practised as a physician in Toronto, and in 1837 took part in

the Rebellion. Connected with Mackenzie in the attempt to capture

Toronto. After the collapse of the movement fled to the United States,

where he practised for some years. Pardoned and returned to Canada,

1843; settled in Toronto. Joined with Lesslie, Perry, and others in

forming the Clear Grit party; founded a medical school in Toronto;

of crown lands in the Hincks-Morin ministry, 1851; resigned

from the government, 1854, and joined the opposition; retired from

public life, 1857. =Index=: (William Lyon Mackenzie era) Defends Judge Willis, 133; moves

address, 151; brings Gurnett to bar, 152; appointed executive

councillor, 294; resigns, 294; prepares answer to Governor Head, 298;

exposes opposition to Mackenzie's petition, 311; prevented from speaking

in the House, 319; speech ridiculing Governor Head's exculpation by

House, 323; pens "Declaration of Independence," 330; does not sign, 331;

to be "sole executive" of Rebellion movement, 350; changes day of

rising, 361; meets Mackenzie, 362; accompanies flag of truce, 368;

advises Lount to advance, 371; second flag of truce, 371; leaves for the

United States, 375; on Navy Island, 413; declines treasurership, 416;

amnestied, 474. (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Fight for reform, 13; appointed to Executive

Council by Head, 38-39; joint organizer of Rebellion of 1837, with

Mackenzie, 43; changes date of rising, 43; sent by Head to the rebels,

44; tells Lount to pay no attention to Head's message, 44-45; his exile

and return, a leader of the new Radicalism, 340-341. (Lord Elgin era) One of the

leaders of the movement that ended in the Rebellion of 1837, 110; a

conspicuous member of the Clear Grit party, 110; invited by Hincks to a

seat in Cabinet, 1851, 112; becomes commissioner of crown lands, 113;

president of Executive Council, 1863, 126; votes against his colleagues,

136. (George Brown Era) A leader of the Clear Grits, 39; plays a leading part in

movement for reform before the Rebellion, 39. (Egerton Ryerson era) Member for Middlesex

in Upper Canada Assembly, 65-66. =Bib.=: Dent, Upper Canadian

Rebellion and Last Forty Years; Dict. Nat. Biog. See also Rebellion

of 1837, Upper Canada.

