Johnson Sir John 1742-1830 Son Of Sir William Johnson Qv

Appointed major-general of militia, 1774. Fled to Canada, 1776, and

served under St. Leger against Arnold the following year. After the

close of the Revolutionary War, became superintendent-general of Indian

affairs in British North America. =Index=: (Lord Dorchester era) Commissioned to raise

regiment, 151; advises Dorchester in regard to Upper Canada, 258; his

claims to be first governor of that province, 259; Indian agent in Upper

Canada, 302. (John Graves Simcoe era) Disappointed at not being made governor of Upper

Canada, 99; head of Indian department, 127. (Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Made Indian agent, 156;

raises King's Royal Regiment of New York, 156; Haldimand's instructions

to, in regard to smallpox, 231; his consent necessary to marriage, 237;

Haldimand stands sponsor to child of, 296; MacLean's opinion of, 308.

