How Irish Missionaries And Scholars Spread Religion And Learning In Foreign Countries
Towards the end of the sixth century the great body of the Irish were
Christians, so that the holy men of Ireland were able to turn their
attention to the conversion of other people. Then arose an extraordinary
zeal for spreading religion and learning in foreign lands; and hundreds of
devoted and determined missionaries left our shores. There was ample field
for their noble ambition. For these were the Dark Ages, when the
civilisation and learning bequeathed by old Greece and Rome had been
almost wiped out of existence by the barbarous northern hordes who
overran Europe; and Christianity had not yet time to spread its softening
influence among them. Through the greater part of England and Scotland,
and over vast regions of the Continent, the teeming populations were
fierce and ignorant, and sunk in gross superstition and idolatry, or with
little or no religion at all.
To begin with the Irish missionary work in Great Britain. The people of
Northern and Western Scotland, who were solidly pagan till the sixth
century, were converted by St. Columkille and his monks from Iona, who
were all Irishmen; for Iona was an Irish monastic colony founded by St.
Columkille, a native of Tirconnell, now Donegal.
In the seven kingdoms of England--the Heptarchy--the Anglo-Saxons were the
ruling race, rude and stubborn, and greatly attached to their gloomy
northern pagan gods. We know that the kingdom of Kent was converted by the
Roman missionary St. Augustine; but Christianity made little headway
outside this till St. Aidan began his labours among the Northumbrian
Saxons. Aidan was an Irishman who entered the monastery of Iona, from
which he was sent to preach to the Northumbrians on the invitation of
their good king, Oswald. He founded the monastery of Lindisfarne, which
afterwards became so illustrious. He was its first abbot; and for thirty
years it was governed by him and by two other Irish abbots, Finan and
Colman, in succession. He and his companions were wonderfully successful,
so that the people of the large kingdom of Northumbria became Christians.
Not only in Northumberland but all over England we find at the present day
evidences of the active labours of the Irish missionaries in Great
Whole crowds of ardent and learned Irishmen travelled on the Continent in
the sixth, seventh, and succeeding centuries, spreading Christianity and
secular knowledge everywhere among the people. On this point we have the
decisive testimony of an eminent French writer of the ninth century, Eric
of Auxerre, who himself witnessed what he records. In a letter written by
him to Charles the Bald, king of France, he says:--"What shall I say of
Ireland, who, despising the dangers of the deep, is migrating with almost
her whole train of philosophers to our coasts?" And other foreign
evidences of a like kind might be brought forward.
These men, on their first appearance on the Continent, caused much
surprise, they were so startlingly different from those preachers the
people had been accustomed to. They travelled on foot towards their
destination in small companies, generally of thirteen. They wore a coarse
outer woollen garment, in colour as it came from the fleece, and under
this a white tunic of finer stuff. The long hair behind flowed down on the
back: and the eyelids were painted or stained black. Each had a long stout
walking-stick: and slung from the shoulder a leathern bottle for water,
and a wallet containing his greatest treasure--a book or two and some
relics. They spoke a strange language among themselves, used Latin to
those who understood it, and made use of an interpreter when preaching,
until they had learned the language of the place.
Few people have any idea of the trials and dangers they encountered. Most
of them were persons in good position, who might have lived in plenty and
comfort at home. They knew well, when setting out, that they were leaving
country and friends probably for ever; for of those that went, very few
returned. Once on the Continent, they had to make their way, poor and
friendless, through people whose language they did not understand, and who
were in many places ten times more rude and dangerous in those ages than
the inhabitants of these islands: and we know as a matter of history, that
many were killed on the way. But these stout-hearted pilgrims were
prepared for all this, and looking only to the service of their Master,
never flinched. They were confident, cheerful, and self-helpful, faced
privation with indifference, caring nothing for luxuries; and when other
provisions failed them, they gathered wild fruit, trapped animals, and
fished, with great dexterity and with any sort of next-to-hand rude
appliances. They were somewhat rough in outward appearance: but beneath
all that they had solid sense and much learning. Their simple ways, their
unmistakable piety, and their intense earnestness in the cause of religion
caught the people everywhere, so that they made converts in crowds.
A great French writer, Montalembert, speaks of the Irish of those days as
having a "Passion for pilgrimage and preaching," and as feeling "under a
stern necessity of spreading themselves abroad to combat paganism, and
carry knowledge and faith afar." They were to be found everywhere through
Europe, even as far as Iceland and the Faroe and Shetland Islands. Europe
was too small for their missionary enterprise. Many were to be found in
Egypt; and as early as the seventh century, three learned Irish monks
found their way to Carthage, where they laboured for a long time and with
great success.
Wherever they went they made pilgrimages to holy places--places sanctified
by memories of early saints--and whenever they found it practicable they
were sure to make their way to Rome, to visit the shrines of the apostles,
and obtain the blessing of the Pope.
The Irish "passion for pilgrimage and preaching" never died out: it is a
characteristic of the race. This great missionary emigration to foreign
lands has continued in a measure down to our own day: for it may be safely
asserted that no other missionaries are playing so general and successful
a part in the conversion of the pagan people all over the world, and in
keeping alight the lamp of religion among Christians, as those of Ireland.
Irishmen were equally active in spreading secular knowledge. Indeed the
two functions were generally combined; for it was quite common to find a
man a successful missionary, while at the same time acting as professor in
a college, or as head of some great seminary for general education. Irish
professors and teachers were in those times held in such estimation that
they were employed in most of the schools and colleges of Great Britain,
France, Germany, and Italy. The revival of learning on the Continent was
indeed due in no small degree to those Irish missionaries. It was enough
that the candidate for an appointment came from Ireland: he needed no
other recommendation.
When learning had declined in England in the ninth and tenth centuries,
owing to the devastations of the Danes, it was chiefly by Irish teachers
it was kept alive and restored. In Glastonbury especially, they taught
with great success. We are told by English writers that "they were skilled
in every department of learning sacred and profane"; and that under them
were educated many young English nobles, sent to Glastonbury with that
object. Among these students the most distinguished was St. Dunstan, who,
according to all his biographers, received his education, both Scriptural
and secular, from Irish masters there.
As for the numerous Continental schools and colleges in which Irishmen
figured either as principals or professors, it would be impossible, with
our limited space, to notice them here. A few have been glanced at in the
last chapter; and I will finish this short narrative by relating the odd
manner in which two distinguished Irishmen, brothers, named Clement and
Albinus,[4] began their career on the Continent.
One of the historians of the reign of Charlemagne, who wrote in the ninth
century, has left us the following account of these two scholars:--When
the illustrious Charles began to reign alone in the western parts of the
world, and literature was almost forgotten, it happened that two Scots
from Ireland came over with some British merchants to the shores of
France, men incomparably skilled in human learning and in the Holy
Scriptures. Observing how the merchants exhibited and drew attention to
their wares, they acted in a similar fashion to force themselves into
notice like the others. They went through the market-place among the
crowds, and cried out to them:--"If there be any who want wisdom (i.e.,
learning), let them come to us, for we have it to sell." This they
repeated as they went from place to place, so that the people wondered
very much; and some thought them to be nothing more than persons half
Strange rumours regarding them went round, and at length came to the ears
of King Charles; on which he sent for the brothers, and had them brought
to his presence. He questioned them closely, using the Latin language, and
asked them whether it was really the case that they had learning; and they
replied--in the same language--that they had, and were ready, in the name
of God, to communicate it to those who sought it with worthy intentions.
Then the king asked what payment they would expect, and they replied:--"We
require proper houses and accommodation, pupils with ingenious minds and
really anxious to learn; and, as we are in a foreign country where we
cannot conveniently work for our bread, we shall require food and raiment:
we want nothing more."
Now at this very time King Charles was using his best efforts to restore
learning, by opening schools throughout his dominions, but found it hard
to procure a sufficient supply of qualified teachers. And as he perceived
that these brothers were evidently men of real learning, and of a superior
cast in every way, he joyfully accepted their proposals. Having kept them
for some time on a visit in his palace, he finally opened a great school
in some part of France--probably Paris--for the education of boys of all
ranks of society, not only for the sons of the highest nobles, but also
for those of the middle and low classes, at the head of which he placed
Clement. He also directed that all the scholars should be provided with
food and suitable habitations: it was in fact a great free
boarding-school, founded and maintained at the expense of the king. As for
Albinus, he sent him to Italy, with directions that he should be placed at
the head of the important school of the monastery of St. Augustine at
Pavia. And these schools are now remembered in history as two great and
successful centres of learning belonging to those ages.