Palmerston Henry John Temple Third Viscount 1784-1865 Born In

Hampshire, England. Educated at Harrow, Edinburgh, and Cambridge. First

entered Parliament, 1807; lord of the admiralty, 1808; secretary of war,

1809-1828; foreign secretary, 1830-1840 and 1846-1851; home secretary,

1852; prime minister, 1855; defeated, but returned to power, 1857; again

defeated, 1858, and once more prime minister, 1859; warden of the Cinque

Ports, 1861. =Index=: (Lord Elgin era) Sends Elgin on mission to China, 212. (Lord Sydenham era)

Resigns from Duke of Wellington's Cabinet, 16. (Tilley era) On Intercolonial

Railway question, 55; on Confederation negotiations, 63-64. =Bib.=:

Dict. Nat. Biog.

