Ogden Peter Skene 1794?-1854 Son Of Isaac Ogden Qv Entered

the fur trade, was sent out to Astoria by Astor, and, finding that

Astoria had been transferred to the North West Company, entered their

service. Led trading expeditions into the interior, explored the

Yellowstone country, Lewis River and Utah, and discovered the Ogden

River in California. After the union of the North West and Hudson's Bay

Companies, moved to New Caledonia and became chief factor in 1835, with

headquarters at Fort St. James. Died at Ogden City, Oregon. =Index=: (Sir James Douglas era)

Sent with Anderson to establish post on the Stikine, 1834, 120;

frustrated by Russians, 120; reaches Sacramento River, 126; associated

with McLoughlin and Douglas on board of management of western

department, 187; dies, 1854, 265; in charge of New Caledonia, 285.

