Lescarbot Marc

Born at Vervins, near Laon, France, about 1570.

Studied law and called to the bar in 1599. The previous year delivered

two Latin orations before the papal legate sent by Clement VIII to

arrange the terms of the treaty of Vervins. Through Poutrincourt

(q.v.), who had been one of his clients, induced to sail for Port

Royal, 1606; and spent twelve months in the New World, returning to

France in 1607. While at Port Royal,
ook an active part in the work of

building, gardening, etc., spent much of his time hunting and fishing;

and in the evening read and composed many of the poems afterwards

included in his Muses de la Nouvelle France. On his return, set to

work to prepare his account of Acadia. Spent the years 1612 to 1614 in

Switzerland; married in 1619. Beyond this year, nothing is known of his

life. =Index=: (Samuel de Champlain era) Arrival of, at Port Royal, 35; useful in the colony,

37; returns to France, 37. =Bib.=: Histoire de la Nouvelle France,

Paris, 1609; 2nd ed., 1611; reprinted 1612; 3rd ed., 1618; reprint of

1612 issue, 1866. In 1907 the Champlain Society, Toronto, published a

new edition, with an English translation and notes by W. L. Grant, and

an introduction by H. P. Biggar. See also Demarsy, Notes sur Marc

Lescarbot; Parkman, Pioneers of France; Hannay, History of Acadia.

