La Valtrie Seraphin Marganne Sieur De 1643-1693 A Native Of St

Benoit de Paris. Obtained a lieutenancy in the Lignieres Regiment; took

service under De Tracy, 1664, and came to Canada the following year.

Granted the seigniory of Lavaltrie in 1672; sent to the western posts as

commandant, and replaced by La Durantaye, 1683; accompanied Denonville

on his expedition against the Iroquois, 1687. Killed, 1693. =Index=: (Count Frontenac era)

Seignior, commands militia; in 1687 in attack on Iroquois, 209; killed

by Iroquois in 1693, 323. =Bib.=: Parkman, Frontenac.

