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Hermitage At Caen L Laval Passes Three Years At 25
Hersault Mme
Henry Alexander The Elder 1739-1824 One Of The Pioneer Fur
traders in north-western America. Born in New Jersey. Entered the fur trade as a young man, 1760, or perhaps earlier. His Travels and Adventures open in that year and describe his experiences in the West for the following sixteen years. Sailed for Eur...
Henry Alexander The Younger
Nephew of preceding. Entered service of North West Company about 1792. His Journal, the original manuscript of which is in the Library of Parliament at Ottawa, and which was published in 1897, with introduction and elaborate notes by Elliott Coues, c...
Henry Iv King Of France 1553-1610 Succeeded Henry Iii In 1589
Henry John
(General Brock era) His mission to the New England states, 120; use made of his letters, 120; referred to in message of Madison to Congress, 186, 187; sells his letters to United States government, 187. =Bib.=: Cyc. Am. Biog. ...
Henry Patrick 1736-1799 American Statesman Index : Lord Dorchester Era His
rhetorical exaggerations, 197. =Bib.=: Cyc. Am. Biog. ...
Henry William Alexander 1816-1888 Joseph Howe Era Solicitor-general Nova
Scotia--becomes provincial secretary, 1856, 157; resigns from government, 164; delegate to Charlottetown Conference, 177. (Tilley era) Delegate from Nova Scotia to Charlottetown Conference, 73; and to Quebec Conference, 76. =Bib.=: Campbell, History o...
Newspaper published at Montreal. Established 1808. =Index=: (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) On debate on responsible government in Legislature, 1841, 94-95. ...
Newspaper published at Toronto. =Index=: (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Account of scene in Parliament, 1842, 126-127. ...
(Wolfe / Montcalm era) Commands the Montreal militia with Prud'homme, 105. ...
Heriot George 1766-1844 Born In Island Of Jersey Came To Canada
and appointed a clerk in the ordnance department at Quebec, 1799; deputy postmaster-general of British North America, 1800; and afterwards postmaster-general. Served in the War of 1812; second in command under De Salaberry at Chateauguay; major-genera...
(General Brock era) British war vessel, mutiny of crew, 11. ...
Hermitage At Caen L Laval Passes Three Years At 25
Hersault Mme
See Camaret, Marie. ...
Hertel De Rouville
(Lord Dorchester era) Appointed judge, 183. ...
Hertel Francois
(Count Frontenac era) Commands Three Rivers war party, 235; his old age, 235; leader in massacre of Salmon Falls, 251; joins De Portneuf in attack on Fort Loyal, 251. =Bib.=: Parkman, Frontenac. ...
Hertel Jacques
(Samuel de Champlain era) Interpreter, 144; arrives from France in 1613, 144. ...
Hervey William 1732-1815 British Soldier Spent The Eight Years
1755-1763 in North America. =Bib.=: Journals of the Hon. William Hervey in North America and Europe from 1765 to 1814, with Order Books at Montreal, 1760-1763. ...
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Established near Cataraqui, 265. (Lord Dorchester era) Applications from, for land grants, 218. ...
Hey William
An English lawyer; succeeded William Gregory as chief-justice of Quebec, 1766. Went to England, 1773, in connection with the Quebec Act, and did not return to Canada until 1775. Left Canada finally the same year, having been elected to the British Hou...
Hickson Sir Joseph 1830-1897 Born At Otterburn England After
some years' practical experience on various English railways, came to Canada, 1862, as chief accountant of the Grand Trunk. Subsequently promoted to the office of secretary of the company; general manager, 1874. Between that year and 1890, when he ret...
Higginson Captain
Private secretary to Sir Charles Metcalfe. ...
(Wolfe / Montcalm era) In battle of Ste. Foy, 259, 260. ...