Aylmer Matthew Whitworth Baron 1775-1850 Entered The Army 1787

served in the West Indies, in Holland, and in the Peninsula under

Wellington. Reached the full rank of general, 1825, and in 1830 became

the governor-general of Canada; returned to England, 1835. =Index=: (General Brock era)

Present with Brock at battle of Egmont-op-Zee, 17. (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Pays official

salaries from the war chest, 21. (Louis Joseph Papineau era) His influence did not extend beyond

Quebec--hostility towards French-Canadians, 39-40; his conciliatory

attitude, 75-76; at open war with the Assembly, 77-78; remonstrates with

Assembly, 86; refuses to interfere in factional strife in Montreal, 87;

held responsible by Papineau and his friends for cholera epidemic,

88-89; bitterly attacked in the Ninety-Two Resolutions, 95; attacked by

Papineau, 100, 105; criticizes the Ninety-Two Resolutions, 106. =Bib.=:

Morgan, Cel. Can.; Dict. Nat. Biog.

