Abercromby James 1706-1781 Entered The Army And Obtained

commission as major, 1742; lieutenant-colonel, 1744; colonel, 1746. Sent

to America with 50th Regiment, 1756; superseded Shirley and Webb in

command of the army; and then resigned command to Lord Loudon. In 1757

commanded second brigade against Louisbourg. On Loudon's recall, became

commander-in-chief, 1758. Led expedition against Ticonderoga, with Lord

Howe as second in command. On Howe's death, the campaign became a dismal

failure for the British, Abercromby being outgeneralled at every point

by Montcalm. Returned to England, and in 1772 deputy-governor of

Stirling Castle. =Index=: (Wolfe / Montcalm era) Sent to America with reinforcements, 33;

commands division intended to operate by way of Lake Champlain, 54;

repulsed at Fort Carillon, 55-61. (Sir Frederick Haldimand era) His recall, 21. See also Howe;

Rogers; Ticonderoga; Carillon. =Bib.=: Parkman, Montcalm and Wolfe;

Rogers, Journals during the Late War, ed. by Hough.

