The Crimson Eyebrows

With the opening of the Christian era a usurper came to the Chinese

throne. In the year 1 B.C. the emperor Gaiti died, and Wang Mang, a

powerful official, joined with the mother of the dead emperor to seize

the power of the state. The friends and officials of Gaiti were ruined

and disgraced, and in the year 1 A.D. a boy of nine years was raised to

the throne as nominal emperor, under whose shadow Wang Mang ruled

. Money was needed for the ambitious upstart, and he obtained it

by robbing the graves of former monarchs of the jewels and other

valuables buried with them. This, from the Chinese point of view, was a

frightful sacrilege, yet the people seem to have quietly submitted to

the violation of the imperial tombs.

Five years passed away, and the emperor reached the age of sixteen. He

might grow troublesome in a year or two more. Wang Mang decided that he

had lived long enough. The poisoned cup, which seems to have been always

ready in the Chinese palace, was handed to the boy by the usurper

himself. Drinking it unsuspiciously, the unfortunate youth was soon

lying on the floor in the agonies of death, while the murderer woke the

palace halls with his cries of counterfeit grief, loudly bewailing the

young emperor's sad fate, and denouncing heaven for having sent this

sudden and fatal illness upon the royal youth.

To keep up appearances, another child was placed upon the throne. A

conspiracy against the usurper was now formed by the great men of the

state, but Wang Mang speedily crushed plot and plotters, rid himself of

the new boy emperor in the same arbitrary fashion as before, and,

throwing off the mask he had thus far worn, had himself proclaimed

emperor of the realm. It was the Han dynasty he had in this arbitrary

fashion brought to an end. He called his dynasty by the name of Sin.

But the usurper soon learned the truth of the saying, "uneasy lies the

head that wears a crown." The Tartars of the desert defied his

authority, broke their long truce, and raided the rich provinces of the

north, which had enjoyed thirty years of peace and prosperity. In this

juncture Wang Mang showed that he was better fitted to give poison to

boys than to meet his foes in the field. The Tartars committed their

ravages with impunity, and other enemies were quickly in arms.

Rebellions broke out in the east and the south, and soon, wherever the

usurper turned, he saw foes in the field or lukewarm friends at home.

The war that followed continued for twelve years, the armies of

rebellion, led by princes of the Han line of emperors, drawing their net

closer and closer around him, until at length he was shut up within his

capital city, with an army of foes around its walls. The defence was

weak, and the victors soon made their way through the gates, appearing

quickly at the palace doors. The usurper had reached the end of his

troubled reign, but at this fatal juncture had not the courage to take

his own life. The victorious soldiers rushed in while he was hesitating

in mortal fear, and with a stroke put an end to his reign and his

existence. His body was hacked into bleeding fragments, which were cast

about the streets of the city, to be trampled underfoot by the rejoicing


It is not, however, the story of Wang Mang's career that we have set out

to tell, but that of one of his foes, the leader of a band of rebels,

Fanchong by name. This partisan leader had shown himself a man of

striking military ability, bringing his troops under strict discipline,

and defeating all his foes. Soldiers flocked to his ranks, his band

became an army, and in the crisis of the struggle he took a step that

made him famous in Chinese history. He ordered his soldiers to paint

their eyebrows red, as a sign that they were ready to fight to the last

drop of their blood. Then he issued the following proclamation to the

people: "If you meet the 'Crimson Eyebrows,' join yourselves to them; it

is the sure road to safety. You can fight the usurper's troops without

danger; but if you wish for death you may join Wang Mang's army."

The end of the war was not the end of the "Crimson Eyebrows." Fanchong

was ambitious, and a large number of his followers continued under his

flag. They had aided greatly in putting a Han emperor on the throne, but

they now became his most formidable foes, changing from patriots into

brigands, and keeping that part of the empire which they haunted in a

state of the liveliest alarm.

Against this thorn in the side of the realm the new emperor sent his

ablest commander, and a fierce campaign ensued, in which the brigand

band stubbornly fought for life and license. In the end they suffered a

crushing defeat, and for the time sank out of sight, but only to rise

again at a later date.

The general who had defeated them, an able prince of the Han family,

followed up his victory by seizing the throne itself and deposing the

weak emperor. The latter fled to the retreat of the remnant of the

brigand band, and begged their aid to restore him to the throne, but

Fanchong, who had no idea of placing a greater than himself at the head

of his band, escaped from the awkward position by putting his guest to


Soon after the "Crimson Eyebrows" were in the field again, not as

supporters of an imperial refugee, but as open enemies of the public

peace, each man fighting for his own hand. While the new ruler was

making himself strong at Loyang, the new capital, Fanchong and his

brigands seized Changnan, Wang Mang's old capital, and pillaged it

mercilessly. Making it their head-quarters, they lived on the

inhabitants of the city and the surrounding district, holding on until

the rapid approach of the army of the emperor admonished them that it

was time to seek a safer place of retreat.

The army of the brigand chief grew until it was believed to exceed two

hundred thousand men, while their excesses were so great that they were

everywhere regarded as public enemies, hated and execrated by the

people at large. But the career of the "Crimson Eyebrows" was near its

end. The emperor sent against them an army smaller than their own, but

under the command of Fongy, one of the most skilful generals of the age.

His lack of numbers was atoned for by skill in manoeuvres, the

brigands were beaten in numerous skirmishes, and at length Fongy risked

a general engagement, which ended in a brilliant victory. During the

crisis of the battle he brought up a reserve of prisoners whom he had

captured in the previous battles and had won over to himself. These,

wearing still the crimson sign of the brigands, mingled unobserved among

their former comrades, and at a given signal suddenly made a fierce

attack upon them. This treacherous assault produced a panic, and

Fanchong's army was soon flying in disorder and dismay.

Terms were now offered to the brigand chief, which he accepted, and his

army disbanded, with the exception of some fragments, which soon

gathered again into a powerful force. This Fongy attacked and completely

dispersed, and the long and striking career of the "Crimson Eyebrows"

came to an end.

