The Assassination Of Caesar

The republic of Rome was at an end. The army had become the power, and

the will of the head of the army was the law, of the state. Caesar

celebrated his victories with grand triumphs; but he celebrated them

more notably still by a clemency that signified his innate nobility of

character. Instead of dyeing the streets of Rome with blood, as Marius

and Sulla had done before him, he proclaimed a general amnesty, and his

se to power was not signalized by the slaughter of one of his foes.

He signalized it, on the contrary, by an activity in civil reform as

marked as had been his energy in war. The title and privilege of Roman

citizenship had so far been confined to Italians. He extended it to many

parts of Gaul and Spain. He formed plans to drain the Pontine marshes,

to make a survey and map of the empire, to form a code of laws, and

other great works, which he did not live to fulfil. Of all his reforms,

the best known is the revision of the Calendar. Before his time the

Roman year was three hundred and fifty-five days long, an extra month

being occasionally added, so as to regain the lost days. But this was

very irregularly done, and the civil year had got to be far away from

the solar year. To correct this Caesar was obliged to add ninety days to

the year 46 B.C., which was therefore given the unprecedented length of

four hundred and forty-five days. He ordered that the year in future

should be three hundred and sixty-five and one-fourth days in length, a

change which brought it very nearly, but not quite, to the true length.

A new reform was made in 1582, by Pope Gregory XIII., which made the

civil and solar years almost exactly agree.

Caesar did not live to see his reforms consummated. He was murdered,

perhaps because he had refused to murder. In a few months after he had

brought the civil war to an end he fell the victim of assassins. The

story of his death is famous in Roman history, and must here be told.

After his triumphs Caesar, who had been dictator twice before, was named

dictator for the term of ten years. He was also made censor for three

years. These offices gave him such unlimited power that he was declared

absolute master of the lives and fortunes of the citizens and subjects

of Rome. Imperator men called him, a term we translate emperor, and

after his return from Spain, where he overthrew the last army of his

foes, the senate named him dictator and imperator for life.

These high honors were not sufficient for Caesar's ambition. He wished to

be made king. He had no son of his own, but desired to make his power

hereditary, and chose his grandnephew Octavius as his heir. But he was

to find the people resolutely bent on having no king over Rome.

To try their temper some of his friends placed a crown on his statue in

the Forum. Two of the tribunes tore it off, and the crowd loudly

applauded. Later, at the festival of the Alban Mount, some voices in the

crowd hailed him as king. But the mutterings of the multitude grew so

loud, that he quickly cried, "I am no king, but Caesar."

At the feast of the Lupercalia, on February 15, he was approached by

Marc Antony, as he sat in his golden chair, and offered an embroidered

band, such as the sovereigns of Asia wore on their heads. The crowd

failed to applaud, and Caesar pushed it aside. Then the multitude broke

out in a roar of applause. Again and again he rejected the glittering

bauble, and again the people broke into loud cries of approval. It was

evident that they would have no king. At a later date it was moved in

the senate that Caesar should be king in the provinces; but he died

before this decree could be put in effect.

There was discontent at Rome. Even the clemency of Caesar had made him

enemies, for there were many who hoped to profit by proscription. His

justice made foes among those who wished to grow rich through extortion

and oppression. He secluded himself while engaged on his reforms, and

this lost him popularity. A conspiracy was organized against him by a

soldier named Caius Cassius and others of the discontented. For leader

they selected Marcus Junius Brutus, who believed himself a descendant of

the Brutus of old, and was won to their plot by being told that, while

his great ancestor had expelled the last king of Rome, he was resting

content under the rule of a new king.

Brutus, at length convinced that Caesar was seeking to overthrow the

Roman republic, and that patriotism required him to emulate the famous

Brutus of old, joined the conspiracy, which now included more than sixty

persons, most of whom had received benefits and honors from the man they

wished to kill. But no considerations of gratitude prevailed; they

determined on Caesar's death; and the meeting of the senate called for

the Ides of March (March 15) was fixed for the time and place of the

projected murder.

The morning of that day seemed full of omens and warnings. The secret

was oozing out. Caesar received more than one intimation of impending

danger. A soothsayer had even bidden him to "beware of the Ides of

March." During the preceding night his wife was so disturbed by dreams

that in the morning she begged him not to go that day to the senate, as

she was sure some peril was at hand. Her words failed to trouble Caesar's

resolute mind, but to quiet her apprehensions he agreed not to go, and

directed Marc Antony to preside over the senate in his stead.

When this word was brought to the assembled senate the conspirators were

in despair. Their secret was known to too many to remain a secret long.

Even a day's delay might be fatal. An hour might put Caesar on his guard.

What was to be done? Unless their victim could be brought to the senate

chamber all would be lost.

Decimus Brutus, one of the conspirators who had been favored by Caesar's

bounty, went hastily to his house, and, telling him that the senate

proposed that day to make him king of the provinces, bade him not to

yield to such idle matters as auguries and dreams, but show himself

above any such superstitious weakness. These cunning arguments induced

Caesar to change his mind, and he called for his litter and was carried


On his way to the senate new intimations of danger came to him. A slave

had in some way discovered the conspiracy, and tried to force himself

through the crowd to the dictator's litter, but was driven back by the

throng. Another informant was more fortunate. A Greek philosopher,

Artemidorus by name, had also discovered the conspiracy, and succeeded

in reaching Caesar's side. He thrust into his hand a roll of paper

containing a full account of the impending peril. But the star of Caesar

that day was against him. Thinking the roll to contain a petition of

some sort, he laid it in the litter by his side, to examine at a more

convenient time. And thus he went on to his death, despite all the

warnings sent him by the fates.

The conspirators meanwhile were far from easy in mind. There were signs

among them that their plot had leaked out. Casca, one of their number,

was accosted by a friend, "Ah, Casca, Brutus has told me your secret."

The conspirator started in alarm, but was relieved by the next words,

"Where will you find money for the expenses of the aedileship?" The man

evidently referred to an expected office.

Another senator, Popillius Laenas, hit the mark closer. "You have my

good wishes; but what you do, do quickly," he said to Brutus and


The alarm caused by his words was doubled when he stepped up to Caesar,

on his entrance to the chamber, and began to whisper in his ear. Cassius

was so terrified that he grasped his dagger with the thought of killing

himself. He was stopped by Brutus, who quietly said that Popillius

seemed rather to be asking a favor than telling a secret. Whatever his

purpose, Caesar was not checked, but moved quietly on and took his seat.

Immediately Cimber, one of the conspirators, approached with a petition,

in which he begged for the recall of his brother from banishment. The

others pressed round, praying Caesar to grant his request. Displeased by

their importunity, Caesar attempted to rise, but was pulled down into his

seat by Cimber, while Casca stabbed him in the side, but inflicted only

a slight wound. Then they all assailed him with drawn daggers.

Caesar kept them off for a brief time by winding his gown as a shield

round his left arm, and using his sharp writing style for a weapon. But

when he saw Brutus approach prepared to strike he exclaimed in deep

sorrow and reproach, "Et tu, Brute!" (Thou too, Brutus!) and covering

his face with his gown, he ceased to resist. Their daggers pierced his

body till he had received twenty-three wounds, when he fell dead at the

base of the statue of Pompey, which looked silently down on the

slaughter of his great and successful rival.

What followed this base and fruitless deed may be briefly told. The

senators not in the plot rose in alarm and fled from the house. When

Brutus turned to seek to justify his deed only empty benches remained.

Then the assassins hurried to the Forum, to tell the people that they

had freed Rome from a despot. But the people were hostile, and the words

of Brutus fell on unfriendly ears.

Marc Antony followed, and delivered a telling oration, which Shakespeare

has magnificently paraphrased. He showed the mob a waxen image of

Caesar's body, pierced with wounds, and the garment rent by murderous

blades. His words wrought his hearers to fury. They tore up benches,

tables, and everything on which they could lay their hands, for a

funeral pile, placed on it the corpse, and set it on fire. Then, seizing

blazing embers from the pile, they rushed in quest of vengeance to the

houses of the conspirators. They were too late; all had fled. The will

of the dictator, in which he had made a large donation to every citizen

of Rome, added to the popular fury, and a frenzy of vengeance took

possession of the people of Rome.

We must give the sequel of this murderous deed in a few words. Marc

Antony was now master of Rome. He increased his power by pretending

moderation, and having a law passed to abolish the dictatorship forever.

But there were other actors on the scene. Octavius, whom Caesar's will

had named as his heir, took quick steps to gain his heritage. Antony had

taken possession of Caesar's wealth, but Octavius managed to raise money

enough to pay his uncle's legacy to the citizens of Rome. A third man

of power was Lepidus, who commanded an army near Rome, and was prepared

to take part in the course of events.

Octavius was still only a boy, not yet twenty years of age. But he was

shrewd and ambitious, and soon succeeded in having himself elected

consul and put at the head of a large army. Cicero aided him with a

series of orations directed against Antony, which were so keen and

bitter, and had such an effect upon the people, that Antony was declared

a public enemy. Octavius marched to meet him and Lepidus, who were

marching southward with another large army.

Instead of fighting, however, the three leaders met in secret conclave,

and agreed to divide the power in Rome between them. This compact is

known as the Second Triumvirate. Its members followed the example of

Marius and Sulla, not that of Caesar, and resolved to extirpate their

enemies. Each of them gave up personal friends to the vengeance of the

others. Of their victims the most famous was Cicero, who had delivered

his orations against Antony in aid of Octavius. The ambitious boy was

base enough to yield his friend to the vengeance of the incensed Antony.

No less than three hundred senators and two thousand knights fell

victims to this new proscription, which while it lasted made a reign of

terror in Rome.

Brutus and Cassius had meanwhile made themselves masters of Greece and

the eastern provinces of Rome, and were ready to meet the forces of the

Triumvirate in the field. The decisive battle was fought on the field

of Philippi in Northern Greece. The division of Cassius was defeated,

and he killed himself in despair. Twenty days afterwards another battle

was fought on the same field, in which Brutus was defeated, and likewise

put an end to his life. The triumvirs were undisputed lords of Rome. The

imperial rule of Caesar had lasted but a few months, and ended with his

life. But with Octavius began an imperial era which lasted till the end

of the dominion of Rome.

