On The Road To Lonazep

The four knights rode onward in company until they came in sight of the

castle of Lonazep, where they saw striking preparations for the

tournament. For not less than four hundred tents and pavilions covered

the plain outside the great circle of the lists, and war-horses and

knights in armor were there in hundreds.

"Truly," said Tristram, "this is the royalest show that I ever saw."

"You forg
t," answered Palamides. "It had its equal at the Castle of

Maidens, where you won the prize."

"And in that tournament which Galahalt of the Long Isles held in Surluse

there was as great a gathering," said Dinadan.

"I was not there; who won the prize?" asked Tristram.

"Lancelot du Lake, and the next after him was the noble knight Lamorak

de Galis."

"A noble fellow, indeed, I never met his better, save Sir Lancelot. His

murder was shameful, and were they not the nephews of my lord Arthur

that slew him, by my faith they should die the death. And this without

prejudice to you, Sir Gareth."

"Say what you will on that point; I am with you," answered Gareth.

"Though my own brothers did that bloody work, I hold not with them. None

of them love me, as you well know, and I have left their company as

murderers. Had I been by when Lamorak was killed there might have been

another tale to tell."

"Truly that is well said of you," rejoined Tristram. "I would rather

have been there than to have all the gold between here and Rome."

"And I also," said Palamides. "It is a burning disgrace to the Round

Table fellowship that such a knight should have been ambushed and slain

on his way from a passage-at-arms where he had won the prize of valor."

"Out on such treason!" cried Tristram. "The tale of it makes my blood

run cold."

"And mine as well," said Gareth. "I can never love or respect my

brothers again for that ruthless deed."

"Yet to speak of it is useless," said Palamides. "His life is gone; we

cannot bring it back again."

"There lies the pity," said Dinadan. "No matter how good and noble a man

may be, when he stops breathing all else stops with him. By good luck,

though, the same rule holds with villains and cowards. As for Gawaine

and his brothers, except you, Sir Gareth, they hate the best knights of

the Round Table, and Lancelot and his kindred above all. Only that

Lancelot is well aware of this, they might draw him into as deadly a

trap as they drew poor Lamorak."

"Come, come, remember that Gareth is their brother," said Palamides.

"Let us change the subject. Here is this tournament,--what part shall we

play here? My advice is that we four hold together against all that may

assail us."

"That is not my counsel," said Tristram. "By their pavilions we may

count on some four hundred knights, and doubtless many of them worthy

ones. If we play the game of four against all comers we are likely to

find ourselves borne down by numbers. Many good knights have lost the

game by taking too great odds. Manhood is of little avail if it be not

tempered by wisdom. If you think it best we may try it, and see what we

can do in company, but, as a rule, I prefer to fight for my own hand."

As they thus talked they rode away from Lonazep, and in due time came to

the banks of the Humber, where they were surprised by a loud and

grievous cry that seemed full of doleful meaning. Looking over the

waters they saw approaching before the wind a vessel richly draped with

red silk. Not long had they waited when it came to the shore, at a point

close by where they stood.

Seeing this strange thing and hearing the doleful cries which came from

the vessel, the knights gave their horses in care of their squires, and

approached on foot, Tristram boarding the vessel. When he reached the

deck he saw there a bed with rich silken coverings, on which lay a dead

knight, armed save the head, which was crimsoned with blood. And through

great gaps in his armor deadly wounds could be seen.

"What means this?" said Tristram. "How came this knight by his death?"

As he spoke he saw that a letter lay in the dead knight's hand.

"Master mariners," he asked of those on board the vessel, "what does

this strange thing signify?"

"Sir knight," they answered, "by the letter which the dead knight bears

you may learn how and for what cause he was slain, and what name he

bore. Yet first heed well this warning: No man must take and read that

letter unless he be a knight of proved valor, and faithfully promises to

revenge the murder of this good warrior."

"There be those among us able to revenge him," answered Tristram. "And

if he shall prove to have been foully treated his death shall not go


Therewith he took the letter from the knight's hand and opened it. Thus

it read,--

"I, Hermance, king and lord of the Red City, request of all

knights-errant and all noble knights of Arthur's court, that they find

one knight who will fight for my sake with two false brethren, whom I

brought up from nothingness and who have feloniously and treacherously

slain me. And it is my will and desire that the valiant knight who

avenges my death shall become lord of my Red City and all my castles."

"Sir," said the mariners, "the king and knight that lies here dead was a

man of great virtue and noble prowess, and one who loved all

knights-errant, and, above all, those of King Arthur's court."

"It is a piteous case, truly," said Tristram. "I would fain take the

enterprise in hand myself, but that I have made a solemn promise to take

part in this great tournament. It was for my sake in especial that my

lord Arthur made it, and I cannot in honor and courtesy fail to attend

it. Therefore I am not free to undertake any adventure which may keep me

from the lists."

"I pray you, dear sir," said Palamides, who had followed Tristram into

the vessel, "to put this enterprise into my hands. I promise to achieve

it worthily or to die in the effort."

"Be it so," said Tristram. "You may go if you will. But first I wish

your promise to return so as to be with me at the tournament this day

week, if possible."

"That promise I freely give. If I be alive and unhurt, and my task be

not too arduous and long, I shall be with you by that day."

This said, Tristram left the vessel, leaving Palamides in it, and he,

with Gareth and Dinadan, stood watching it as the mariners hoisted its

sails and it glided swiftly away over long Humber. Not till it was out

of sight did they return to their horses, and look about them.

As they did so they beheld near them a knight, who came up unarmed save

a sword, and saluted them with all courtesy.

"Fair sirs," he said, "I pray you, as knights-errant, to come and see my

castle, and take such fare as you may find there. This I heartily


"That shall we willingly do, and thank you for your courtesy," they

answered, and rode with him to his castle, which was near by.

Here they entered a richly-furnished hall, and, having laid off their

armor, took their seats at a well-laden table. But when the host saw

Tristram's face, he knew him, and first grew pale and then angry of


"Sir, mine host," said Tristram, on seeing this threatening aspect,

"what is wrong with you, I pray?"

"I know you, Tristram de Lyonesse," answered the knight, hotly. "You

slew my brother. Honor demands that I shall not seek revenge here, but I

give you warning that I will kill you when I meet you outside my


"I have no knowledge of you or your brother," answered Tristram. "But no

man can say that I ever killed any one except in fair and open fight. If

I have done as you say I stand ready to make what amends are in my


"I desire no amends," rejoined the knight. "But I warn you to keep from


Tristram at this rose from the table and asked for his arms, his

companions following him. Seeking their horses they rode away, but they

had not gone far from the castle when Dinadan saw a knight following

them, who was well armed, but bore no shield.

"Take care of yourself, Sir Tristram," he said. "Yonder comes our host

to call you to account."

"Then I must abide him as I may," answered Tristram.

Soon the knight came up, and, loudly bidding Tristram to be on his

guard, he rode furiously upon him with couched spear. But his valor went

beyond his strength, for he was hurled over his horse's croup.

Not content with this, he rose, mounted again, and driving his horse at

full speed upon Tristram, struck him two hard blows on the helm.

"Sir knight," said Tristram, "I pray you leave off this sport. I do not

care to harm you after having just eaten at your table, but beg you not

to try my patience too far."

The furious assailant would not cease, however, and continued his

assaults until Tristram was provoked to anger. In the end he returned

the knight a blow with the full strength of his mighty arm, so fierce a

buffet, indeed, that the blood burst out from the breathing holes of his

helm, and he fell to the earth and lay there like one dead.

"I hope I have not killed him," said Tristram. "I did not think to

strike the man so hard a blow, but I am not a log to stand at rest and

let him whet his sword on."

Leaving the fallen knight to the care of his squire, they rode on; but

not far had they gone when they saw coming towards them two well-armed

and well-horsed knights, each with a good following of servants. One of

these was Berrant le Apres, he who was called the king with the hundred

knights, and the other Sir Segwarides, both men of might and renown.

When they came up the king looked at Dinadan, who, through sport, had

put on Tristram's helmet. This he recognized as one he had seen before

with the queen of Northgalis, whom he loved. She had given it to La

Belle Isolde, and she to Tristram.

"Sir knight," asked Berrant, "whence had you that helm?"

"Not from you, I fancy. What have you to say to it?"

"That I will have a tilt with you, for the love of her who once owned

it. Therefore, defend yourself."

So they drew asunder, and rode at each other with all the speed of their

horses. But Dinadan, good knight as he was, was no match for the tough

and hardy warrior before him, and was sent, horse and all, to the


"I fancy I have something to say about the helmet now," said Berrant,

grimly. "Go take it off him, and keep it," he ordered his servant.

"What will you do?" cried Tristram. "Hands off, fellow. Touch not that


"To what intent do you meddle, sir knight?" demanded Berrant.

"To this intent, that the helm is mine. Nor will you get it from me till

you buy it at a dearer price."

"Do you mean that as a challenge?" asked Berrant. "Be it so, then; make


Together they rode with all speed, but with a change of fortune, for

Berrant found himself thrust over the tail of his horse. In a moment he

was on his feet, sprang briskly to his saddle, and, riding in anger upon

Tristram, struck at him fiercely with his sword.

Tristram was not taken unawares, but in an instant had his sword in

hand. A fierce combat followed, for the king with the hundred knights

was a warrior of tough sinews and tried valor, but at the last he

received such a buffet on the helm that he fell forward on his horse's

neck, stunned and helpless.

"By my faith, that helmet has proved unlucky for two of us," said

Dinadan. "It brought me a tumble, and now, sir king, you owe it a

buzzing head-piece."

"Who will joust with me?" asked Segwarides.

"It is your right," said Gareth to Dinadan, "but I pray you let me have


"You are heartily welcome to it. One tumble a day is enough for my weak

appetite," answered Dinadan. "I make you a free present of the


"That is no fair exchange," said Tristram. "The joust is yours by


"But not by choice," rejoined Dinadan. "Good faith, sir bruiser, I have

lived long enough to know when I have had my share, and that is a

lesson it would pay many of you battle-hungry knights to learn."

Then Gareth and Segwarides rode together, the result being that Gareth

and his horse went in a heap to the earth.

"Now," said Tristram, "the joust is yours."

"But the appetite is lacking," said Dinadan. "I have even less stomach

for it than before."

"Then will I try him."

With these words Tristram challenged Segwarides, who received a sore

fall in the joust that followed. Then the three knights rode on, leaving

their late antagonists the worse in heart and limb for the encounter.

They continued their ride till they reached Joyous Gard. Here Gareth

courteously declined to enter the castle, but Tristram would not hear of

his departure, and made him alight and enter as his guest. So they

disarmed and had good cheer, with La Belle Isolde as their hostess.

But Dinadan, when he came into the presence of Isolde, roundly cursed

the hour that he had been persuaded to wear Tristram's helm, and told

her of how he had been mocked by his comrade knight.

Much laughing and jesting at Dinadan followed, but this was a game in

which he was quite able to hold his own, however he might lack with

sword and spear. For Arthur's court held no other so witty of tongue and

merry of heart. And thus in jest and feast they passed the hours happily


