Young George Renny 1800?-1847 Born In Scotland A Brother Of Sir

William Young (q.v.). Founded the Nova Scotian newspaper in 1824,

and edited it until 1828. For several years a member of the Legislative

Assembly of Nova Scotia; and also of the Executive Council. =Index=: (Joseph Howe era)

Son of John Young, author of Letters of Agricola, 8; Speaker of Nova

Scotia Legislature, 99-100; associated with organization of Company to

build Intercolonial, 99-100; attacked by Lord Falkland, 100; offered

seat in Council by Sir John Harvey, 103; declines office, 104; elected

for Halifax, 106; member of the Uniacke administration, 110; resigns

from government, 132. =Bib.=: Campbell, History of Nova Scotia.

