Wrangell Ferdinand Petrovitch Baron Von 1796-1870 Born In

Pleskau, Esthonia. Educated in the school for cadets in St. Petersburg.

Entered the Russian navy in 1812; in 1817 took part in a scientific

expedition to Siberia and Kamtchatka; and in 1820 commanded an

expedition to explore the Russian polar seas, which reached 72 deg. 2'

north latitude. In 1827 appointed governor of Russian America (Alaska),

and during his administration made surveys of the country, opened roads,

built bridges, and instituted various other reforms and improvements. In

1834 recalled to Russia; in 1837 rear-admiral; in 1847 vice-admiral.

Strongly opposed to the cession of Alaska to the United States. =Index=:

(Sir James Douglas era) Succeeds Baranoff in Russian America, 45.

