The Rise And Fall Of The Serbian Empire And The Extinction Of Serbian Independence 1168-1496

From 1168 the power of the Serbs, or rather of the central Serb state of

Raska, and the extent of its territory gradually but steadily increased.

This was outwardly expressed in the firm establishment on the throne of

the national Nemanja dynasty, which can claim the credit of having by its

energy, skill, and good fortune fashioned the most imposing and formidable

state the Serb race has ever known. This dynasty ruled the country
uninterruptedly, but not without many quarrels, feuds, and rivalries

amongst its various members, from 1168 until 1371, when it became extinct.

There were several external factors which at this time favoured the rise

of the Serbian state. Byzantium and the Greek Empire, to which the Emperor

Manuel Comnenus had by 1168 restored some measure of its former greatness

and splendour, regaining temporary control, after a long war with Hungary,

even over Dalmatia, Croatia, and Bosnia, after this date began

definitively to decline, and after the troublous times of the fourth

crusade (1204), when for sixty years a Latin empire was established on the

Bosphorus, never again recovered as a Christian state the position in the

Balkan peninsula which it had so long enjoyed. Bulgaria, too, after the

meteoric glory of its second empire under the Asen dynasty (1186-1258),

quite went to pieces, the eastern and northern parts falling under Tartar,

the southern under Greek influence, while the western districts fell to

Serbia. In the north, on the other hand, Hungary was becoming a dangerous

and ambitious neighbour. During the thirteenth century, it is true, the

attention of the Magyars was diverted by the irruption into and

devastation of their country by their unwelcome kinsmen from Asia, the

Tartars, who wrought great havoc and even penetrated as far as the

Adriatic coast. Nevertheless Hungary was always a menace to Serbia;

Croatia, Slavonia, and the interior of Dalmatia, all purely Serb

territories, belonged to the Hungarian crown, and Bosnia was under the

supremacy of the Magyars, though nominally independent.

The objects of the Magyars were twofold--to attain the hegemony of the

Balkan peninsula by conquering all the still independent Serb territories,

and to bring the peninsula within the pale of Rome. They were not

successful in either of these objects, partly because their wars with the

Serbian rulers always failed to reach a decision, partly because their

plans conflicted with those of the powerful Venetian republic. The

relations between Venice and Serbia were always most cordial, as their

ambitions did not clash; those of Venice were not continental, while those

of Serbia were never maritime. The semi-independent Slavonic city-republic

of Ragusa (called Dubrovnik in Serbian) played a very important part

throughout this period. It was under Venetian supremacy, but was

self-governing and had a large fleet of its own. It was the great place of

exchange between Serbia and western Europe, and was really the

meeting-place of East and West. Its relations with Serbia were by no means

always peaceful; it was a Naboth's vineyard for the rulers and people of

the inland kingdom, and it was never incorporated within their dominions.

Ragusa and the other cities of the Dalmatian coast were the home during

the Middle Ages of a flourishing school of Serbian literature, which was

inspired by that of Italy. The influence of Italian civilization and of

the Italian Church was naturally strong in the Serb province, much of

which was under Venetian rule; the reason for this was that communication

by sea with Italy was easier and safer than that by land with Serbia. The

long, formidable ranges of limestone mountains which divide the Serbian

interior from the Adriatic in almost unbroken and parallel lines have

always been a barrier to the extension of Serb power to the coast, and an

obstacle to free commercial intercourse. Nevertheless Ragusa was a great

trade centre, and one of the factors which most contributed to the

economic strength of the Serbian Empire.

The first of the Nemanja dynasty was Stephen, whose title was still only

Veliki ['Z]upan; he extended Serb territory southwards at the expense of

the Greeks, especially after the death of Manuel Comnenus in 1180. He also

persecuted the Bogomils, who took refuge in large numbers in the adjacent

Serb state of Bosnia. Like many other Serbian rulers, he abdicated in

later life in favour of his younger son, Stephen, called Nemanjie (=

Nemanya's son), and himself became a monk (1196), travelling for this

purpose to Mount Athos, the great monastic centre and home of theological

learning of the Eastern Church. There he saw his youngest son, who some

years previously had also journeyed thither and entered a monastery,

taking the name of Sava.

It was the custom for every Serbian ruler to found a sort of memorial

church, for the welfare of his own soul, before his death, and to decorate

and endow it lavishly. Stephen and his son together superintended the

erection in this sense of the church and monastery of Hilandar on Mount

Athos, which became a famous centre of Serbian church life. Stephen died

shortly after the completion of the building in 1199, and was buried in

it, but in 1207 he was reinterred in the monastery of Studenica, in

Serbia, also founded by him.

The reign of Stephen Nernanji['c] (1196-1223) opened with a quarrel

between him and his elder brother, who not unnaturally felt he ought to

have succeeded his father; the Bulgarians profited by this and seized a

large part of eastern Serbia, including Belgrade, Nish, Prizren, and

Skoplje. This, together with the fall of Constantinople and the

establishment of the Latin Empire in 1204, alarmed the Serbs and brought

about a reconciliation between the brothers, and in 1207 Sava returned to

Serbia to organise the Church on national lines. In 1219 he journeyed to

Nicaea and extracted from the Emperor Theodore Lascaris, who had fallen on

evil days, the concession for the establishment of an autonomous national

Serbian Church, independent of the Patriarch of Constantinople. Sava

himself was at the head of the new institution. In 1220 he solemnly

crowned his brother King (Kralj) of Serbia, the natural consequence of

his activities in the previous year. For this reason Stephen Nemanji['c]

is called 'The First-Crowned'. He was succeeded in 1223 by his son Stephen

Radoslav, and he in turn was deposed by his brother Stephen Vladislav in

1233. Both these were crowned by Sava, and Vladislav married the daughter

of Tsar John Asen II, under whom Bulgaria was then at the height of her

power. Sava journeyed to Palestine, and on his return paid a visit to the

Bulgarian court at Tirnovo, where he died in 1236. His body was brought to

Serbia and buried in the monastery of Mile[)s]evo, built by Vladislav.

This extremely able churchman and politician, who did a great deal for the

peaceful development of his country, was canonized and is regarded as the

patron saint of Serbia.

The reign of Vladislav's son and successor, Stephen Uro[)s] I (1242-76),

was characterized by economic development and the strengthening of the

internal administration. In external affairs he made no conquests, but

defeated a combination of the Bulgarians with Ragusa against him, and

after the war the Bulgarian ruler married his daughter. In his wars

against Hungary he was unsuccessful, and the Magyars remained in

possession of a large part of northern Serbia. In 1276 he was deposed by

his son, Stephen Dragutin, who in his turn, after an unsuccessful war

against the Greeks, again masters of Constantinople since 1261, was

deposed and succeeded by his brother, Stephen Uro[)s] II, named Milutin,

in 1282. This king ruled from 1282 till 1321, and during his reign the

country made very great material progress; its mineral wealth especially,

which included gold and silver mines, began to be exploited. He extended

the boundaries of his kingdom in the north, making the Danube and the Save

the frontier. The usual revolt against paternal authority was made by his

son Stephen, but was unsuccessful, and the rebel was banished to


It was the custom of the Serbian kings to give appanages to their sons,

and the inevitable consequence of this system was the series of provincial

rebellions which occurred in almost every reign. When the revolt

succeeded, the father (or brother) was granted in his turn a small

appanage. In this case it was the son who was exiled, but he was recalled

in 1319 and a reconciliation took place. Milutin died in 1321 and was

succeeded by his son, Stephen Uro[)s] III, who reigned till 1331. He is

known as Stephen De[)c]anski, after the memorial church which he built at

De[)c]ani in western Serbia. His reign was signalized by a great defeat of

the combined Bulgarians and Greeks at Kustendil in Macedonia in 1330. The

following year his son, Stephen Du[)s]an, rebelled against him and deposed

him. Stephen Du[)s]an, who reigned from 1331 till 1355, was Serbia's

greatest ruler, and under him the country reached its utmost limits.

Provincial and family revolts and petty local disputes with such places as

Ragusa became a thing of the past, and he undertook conquest on a grand

scale. Between 1331 and 1344 he subjected all Macedonia, Albania,

Thessaly, and Epirus. He was careful to keep on good terms with Ragusa and

with Hungary, then under Charles Robert. He married the sister of the

Bulgarian ruler, and during his reign Bulgaria was completely under

Serbian supremacy. The anarchy and civil war which had become perennial at

Constantinople, and the weakening of the Greek Empire in face of the

growing power of the Turks, no doubt to some extent explain the facility

and rapidity of his conquests; nevertheless his power was very formidable,

and his success inspired considerable alarm in western Europe. This was

increased when, in 1345, he proclaimed his country an empire. He first

called together a special Church council, at which the Serbian Church, an

archbishopric, whose centre was then at Pe['c] (in Montenegro, Ipek in

Turkish), was proclaimed a Patriarchate, with Archbishop Joannice as

Patriarch; then this prelate, together with the Bulgarian Patriarch,

Simeon, and Nicholas, Archbishop of Okhrida, crowned Stephen Tsar of the

Serbs, Bulgars, and Greeks. Upon this the Patriarch of Constantinople gave

himself the vain satisfaction of anathematizing the whole of Serbia, as a

punishment for this insubordination.

In 1353 the Pope, Innocent VI, persuaded King Louis of Hungary to

undertake a crusade against Serbia in the name of Catholicism, but Stephen

defeated him and re-established his frontier along the Save and Danube.

Later he conquered the southern half of Dalmatia, and extended his empire

as far north as the river Cetina. In 1354 Stephen Du[)s]an himself

approached the Pope, offering to acknowledge his spiritual supremacy, if

he would support him against the Hungarians and the Turks. The Pope sent

him an embassy, but eventually Stephen could not agree to the papal

conditions, and concluded an alliance, of greater practical utility, with

the Venetians. In 1355, however, he suddenly died, at the age of

forty-six, and thus the further development and aggrandisement of his

country was prematurely arrested.

Stephen Du[)s]an made a great impression on his contemporaries, both by

his imposing personal appearance and by his undoubted wisdom and ability.

He was especially a great legislator, and his remarkable code of laws,

compiled in 1349 and enlarged in 1354, is, outside his own country, his

greatest title to fame. During Stephen Du[)s]an's reign the political

centre of Serbia, which had for many years gradually tended to shift

southwards towards Macedonia, was at Skoplje (Ueskueb in Turkish), which he

made his capital. Stephen Du[)s]an's empire extended from the Adriatic in

the west to the river Maritsa in the east, from the Save and Danube in the

north to the Aegean; it included all the modern kingdoms of Serbia,

Montenegro, Albania, and most of Greece, Dalmatia as far north as the

river Cetina, as well as the fertile Morava valley, with Nish and

Belgrade--the whole eastern part of Serbia, which had for long been under

either Bulgar or Magyar control. It did not include the cities of Salonika

or Ragusa, nor any considerable part of the modern kingdom of Bulgaria,

nor Bosnia, Croatia, North Dalmatia, nor Slavonia (between the Save and

Drave), ethnologically all purely Serb lands. From the point of view of

nationality, therefore, its boundaries were far from ideal.

Stephen Du[)s]an was succeeded by his son, known as Tsar Uro[)s], but he

was as weak as his father had been strong. Almost as soon as he succeeded

to the throne, disorders, rebellions, and dissensions broke out and the

empire rapidly fell to pieces. With Serbia, as with Bulgaria, the empire

entirely hinged on the personality of one man, and when he was gone chaos

returned. Such an event for Serbia at this juncture was fatal, as a far

more formidable foe than the ruler's rebellious relations was advancing

against it. The Turkish conquests were proceeding apace; they had taken

Gallipoli in 1354 and Demotika and Adrianople in 1361. The Serbs, who had

already had an unsuccessful brush with the advance guard of the new

invaders near Demotika in 1351, met them again on the Maritsa river in

1371, and were completely defeated. Several of the upstart princes who had

been pulling Stephen Du[)s]an's empire to pieces perished, and Tsar

Uro[)s] only survived the battle of the Maritsa two months; he was

unmarried, and with him died the Nemanja dynasty and the Serbian Empire.

After this disaster the unity of the Serbian state was completely

destroyed, and it has never since been restored in the same measure.

That part of the country to the south of Skoplje fell completely under

Turkish control; it was here that the famous national hero, Marko

Kraljevi['c] (or King's son), renowned for his prowess, ruled as a vassal

prince and mercenary soldier of the Turks; his father was one of the rebel

princes who fell at the battle of the river Maritsa in 1371. North of

Skoplje, Serbia, with Kru[)s]evac as a new political centre, continued to

lead an independent but precarious existence, much reduced in size and

glory, under a native ruler, Prince Lazar; all the conquests of Stephen

Du[)s]an were lost, and the important coastal province of Zeta, which

later developed into Montenegro, had broken away and proclaimed its

autonomy directly after the death of Tsar Uro[)s].

In 1375 a formal reconciliation was effected with the Patriarch of

Constantinople; the ban placed on the Serbian Church in 1352 was removed

and the independence of the Serbian Patriarchate of Pe['c] (Ipek)

recognised. Meanwhile neither Greeks, Bulgars, nor Serbs were allowed any

peace by the Turks.

In 1389 was fought the great battle of Kosovo Polje, or the Field of

Blackbirds, a large plain in Old Serbia, at the southern end of which is

Skoplje. At this battle Serbian armies from all the Serb lands, including

Bosnia, joined together in defence of their country for the last time. The

issue of the battle was for some time in doubt, but was decided by the

treachery and flight at the critical moment of one of the Serb leaders,

Vuk Brankovi['c], son-in-law of Prince Lazar, with a large number of

troops. Another dramatic incident was the murder of Sultan Murad in his

tent by another Serbian leader, Milo[)s] Obili['c], who, accused of

treachery by his own countrymen, vowed he would prove his good faith, went

over to the Turks and, pretending to be a traitor, gained admission to the

Sultan's presence and proved his patriotism by killing him. The momentary

dismay was put an end to by the energetic conduct of Bayezid, son of

Murad, who rallied the Turkish troops and ultimately inflicted total

defeat on the Serbians. From the effects of this battle Serbia never

recovered; Prince Lazar was captured and executed; his wife, Princess

Milica, had to give her daughter to Bayezid in marriage, whose son thus

ultimately claimed possession of Serbia by right of inheritance. Princess

Milica and her son Stephen continued to live at Kru[)s]evac, but Serbia

was already a tributary of Turkey. In the north, Hungary profited by the

course of events and occupied Belgrade and all northern Serbia, but in

1396 the Turks defeated the Magyars severely at the battle of Nikopolis,

on the Danube, making the Serbs under Stephen fight on the Turkish side.

Stephen also had to help Sultan Bajazet against the Tartars, and fought at

the battle of Angora, in 1402, when Tamerlane captured Bayezid.

After Stephen returned to Serbia he made an alliance with Hungary, which

gave him back Belgrade and northern Serbia; it was at this time (1403)

that Belgrade first became the capital, the political centre having in the

course of fifty years moved from the Vardar to the Danube. The disorders

which followed the defeat of Bayezid gave some respite to the Serbs, but

Sultan Murad II (1421-51) again took up arms against him, and invaded

Serbia as far as Kru[)s]evac.

At the death of Stephen (Lazarevi['c]), in 1427, he was succeeded as

Despot by his nephew, George Brankovi['c]; but the Sultan, claiming

Serbia as his own, immediately declared war on him. The Serbian ruler had

to abandon Belgrade to the Magyars, and Nish and Kru[)s]evac to the Turks.

He then built and fortified the town of Smederevo (or Semendria) lower

down on the Danube, in 1428, and made this his capital. He gave his

daughter in marriage to the Sultan, but in spite of this war soon broke

out again, and in 1441 the Turks were masters of nearly the whole of

Serbia. Later George Brankovi['c] made another alliance with Hungary, and

in 1444, with the help of John Hunyadi, defeated the Turks and liberated

the whole of Serbia as far as the Adriatic, though he remained a tributary

of the Sultan. The same year, however, the Magyars broke the treaty of

peace just concluded with the Turks, and marched against them under their

Polish king, Ladislas; this ended in the disastrous battle of Varna, on

the Black Sea, where the king lost his life. In 1451 Sultan Murad II died

and was succeeded by the Sultan Mohammed. In 1453 this sultan captured

Constantinople (Adrianople had until then been the Turkish capital); in

1456 his armies were besieging Belgrade, but were defeated by John

Hunyadi, who, unfortunately for the Serbs, died of the plague shortly

afterwards. George Brankovi['c] died the same year, and at his death

general disorder spread over the country. The Turks profited by this,

overran the whole of Serbia, and in 1459 captured Smederevo, the last

Serbian stronghold.

Meanwhile Bosnia had been for nearly a hundred years enjoying a false

security as an independent Serb kingdom. Its rulers had hitherto been

known by the title of Ban, and were all vassals of the King of Hungary;

but in 1377 Ban Tvrtko profited by the embarrassments of his suzerain in

Poland and proclaimed himself king, the neighbouring kingdom of Serbia

having, after 1371, ceased to exist, and was duly crowned in Saint Sava's

monastery of Mile[)s]evo. The internal history of the kingdom was even

more turbulent than had been that of Serbia. To the endemic troubles of

succession and alternating alliances and wars with foreign powers were

added those of confession. Bosnia was always a no man's land as regards

religion; it was where the Eastern and Western Churches met, and

consequently the rivalry between them there was always, as it is now,

intense and bitter. The Bogomil heresy, too, early took root in Bosnia and

became extremely popular; it was the obvious refuge for those who did not

care to become involved in the strife of the Churches. One of the kings of

Bosnia, Stephen Thomas, who reigned from 1444 till 1461, was himself a

Bogomil, and when at the insistence of the Pope and of the King of

Hungary, whose friendship he was anxious to retain, he renounced his

heresy, became ostensibly a Roman Catholic, and began to persecute the

Bogomils, he brought about a revolution. The rebels fled to the south of

Bosnia, to the lands of one Stephen, who sheltered them, proclaimed his

independence of Bosnia, and on the strength of the fact that Saint Sava's

monastery of Mile[)s]evo was in his territory, announced himself Herzog,

or Duke (in Serbian Herceg, though the real Serb equivalent is Vojvoda)

of Saint Sava, ever since when (1448) that territory has been called

Hercegovina. In spite of many promises, neither the Pope nor the King of

Hungary did anything to help Bosnia when the Turks began to invade the

country after their final subjection of Serbia in 1459. In 1463 they

invaded Bosnia and pursued, captured, and slew the last king; their

conquest of the country was complete and rapid. A great exodus of the Serb

population took place to the south, west, and north; but large numbers,

especially of the landowning class, embraced the faith of their conquerors

in order to retain possession of their property. In 1482 a similar fate

befell Hercegovina. Albania had already been conquered after stubborn

resistance in 1478. There remained only the mountainous coastal province

of Zeta, which had been an independent principality ever since 1371. Just

as inland Serbia had perished between the Turkish hammer and the Hungarian

anvil, so maritime Serbia was crushed between Turkey and Venice, only its

insignificance and inaccessibility giving it a longer lease of independent

life. Ivan Crnojevi['c], one of the last independent rulers of Zeta, who

had to fly to Italy in 1480, abandoning his capital, [)Z]abljak, to the

Turks, returned in 1481, when the death of Sultan Mohammed temporarily

raised the hopes of the mountaineers, and founded Cetinje and made it his

capital. His son George, who succeeded him and ruled from 1490 till 1496,

is famous as having set up the first Serbian printing-press there. Its

activities were naturally not encouraged by the Turkish conquest, but it

was of great importance to the national Serbian Church, for which books

were printed with it.

In 1496, Venice having wisely made peace with the Sultan some years

previously, this last independent scrap of Serb territory was finally

incorporated in the Turkish dominions. At the end of the fifteenth century

the Turks were masters of all the Serb lands except Croatia, Slavonia, and

parts of Dalmatia, which belonged to Hungary, and the Dalmatian coast and

islands, which were Venetian. The Turkish conquest of Serbia, which began

in 1371 at the battle of the Maritsa, and was rendered inevitable by the

battle of Kosovo Polje, in 1389, thus took a hundred and twenty-five years

to complete.

