Van Rensselaer Rensselaer 1802-1850 Son Of General S Van

Rensselaer of Albany, New York; for some time employed as a clerk in the

post office, Albany. In November, 1837, while on a trip through the west

for the Albany Daily Advertiser, came in contact with the Canadian

revolutionists and was offered and accepted the position of

commander-in-chief of the rebel forces. After a few months' desultory

fighting, arrested on Feb. 28, 1838, at Syracuse, by the American

authorities, for violating the neutrality laws. Tried on Oct. 18, 1839,

and convicted; sentenced to six months' imprisonment and fined $250.

After serving the six months, the fine was remitted. =Index=: (William Lyon Mackenzie era)

Fights under Bolivar, 412; given command at Navy Island, 413; arrives

there, 415; his habits, 417; evacuates island, 424; plans attack on

Kingston, 429; failure of, 429; blames Mackenzie, 430; exonerates

Mackenzie, 430. =Bib.=: Cyc. Am. Biog.; Dent, Upper Canadian


