Quebec Library

Founded at Quebec in 1779. The first public library in

what is now Canada. On Jan. 7 of that year, the following advertisement

appeared in the Quebec Gazette: "A subscription has been commenced for

establishing a publick library for the city and district of Quebec. It

has met with the approbation of His Excellency the Governor and of the

Bishop, and it is hoped that the institution, so particularly useful in

this count
y, will be generally encouraged." The idea of the library

originated with Governor Haldimand, and the first lot of books was

purchased in England, under his instructions, by Richard Cumberland, the

dramatist. An Act of incorporation obtained in 1840. Five years later,

the library was absorbed by the Quebec Library Association, founded

1843; and in 1866 the Association dissolved and sold its books to the

Quebec Literary and Historical Society (q.v.). =Bib.=: A detailed

account of the Quebec Library, and the Quebec Library Association, will

be found in Wuertele's paper, in Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans.,


