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Pringle Captain
(Lord Dorchester era) Commands flotilla on Lake Champlain, 154.
Prince Of Wales Island
Prison Reform
Price David Edward 1826-1833 Born In Quebec Interested In
lumbering. Sat in the Assembly for Chicoutimi and Saguenay, 1855-1864. Although English-speaking and a Protestant, returned to the Legislative Council for a purely French-Canadian district, 1864. Appointed to the Senate, 1867. ...
Price James Hervey 1797-1882 Born In England Came To Canada And
settled at Toronto, 1828. Studied law and called to the bar, 1833. Took a leading part in the agitation preceding the Rebellion of 1837, but not concerned in the Rebellion itself. Elected to the Canadian Assembly as member for the 1st Riding of York, ...
Prices Of Commodities
(John Graves Simcoe era) In Upper Canada, 114. ...
Prideaux John 1718-1759 Born In Devonshire England Entered The
army in 1739 as an ensign. In 1743 took part in the battle of Dettingen; in 1745 promoted captain; in 1748 became lieutenant-colonel; in 1758 colonel; and in 1759 brigadier-general. In 1759 appointed by Pitt, commander of a division of the army in Can...
(Lord Dorchester era) Introduction of, from France, prohibited, 257. ...
(Lord Elgin era) Abolished in Upper Canada with respect to real estate, 87. ...
Prince Colonel
(William Lyon Mackenzie era) Defends Windsor, 447; shoots prisoners, 447; condemnation for, 448. ...
Prince Edward Island
Under the name of Isle St. John, it appears in Champlain's narrative and on his map. The name is found on earlier maps, and both the discovery and naming of the island have been attributed to Cabot, and again to Cartier, but without sufficient proof. ...
Prince Of Wales College
Located at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Founded, 1860, and amalgamated with the provincial Normal School, 1879. ...
Prince Of Wales Fort
At the mouth of the Churchill River, Hudson Bay. Built by the Hudson's Bay Company, between the years 1733 and 1771. It was of massive masonry, 37 to 42 feet thick; 310 feet long on the north and south sides, and 317 on the east and west; and is said ...
Prince Of Wales Island
On the north-west coast of North America. ...
Pringle Captain
(Lord Dorchester era) Commands flotilla on Lake Champlain, 154. ...
Prison Reform
(George Brown Era) Need of, in Upper Canada, shown by George Brown, 90; his strong interest in, 91-92. ...
(Lord Dorchester era) British, in America, 201; exchange of, after Revolutionary War, 207, 208; hardships suffered by Germans captured by Burgoyne, 208, 209; refuse service either as farm labourers or in American army, 210, 211; liberation and embarka...
Proclamation Of 1764
(Louis Joseph Papineau era) Attorney-general Yorke's opinion of, 11-13; Solicitor-general Wedderburne's views on, 14. ...
Proclamation Royal
(Lord Dorchester era) Following treaty of Paris, 7; its provisions, 7, 8. ...
Procter Henry A
(1787-1859). Born in Wales. Served in the army, and became colonel of his regiment. In 1812, being stationed in Canada, ordered by General Brock to prevent the landing of the American troops under General Hull at Amherstburg. This he successfully acco...
Programme Catholique
(Sir Georges E. Cartier era) Issued by Le Parti Catholique, 82; its terms, 82; disapproved of by Archbishop Taschereau, 82-83. ...
(Tilley era) Bill introduced by Tilley in New Brunswick, 34; difficulty with its enforcement, 35-39; causes defeat of government, 41; Act repealed, 41. See also Liquor question; Brandy question. ...
(George Brown Era) Beginnings of agitation for, in Canada, 231; opposed by George Brown, 232-233; at the bottom of objections to proposed Reciprocity Treaty of 1864, 232, 233; secret of its success in 1878, 241. (Sir Georges E. Cartier era) Cartier's ...
Protestant Protective Association
(Sir John A Macdonald era) Carries on an anti-Roman Catholic campaign, 289. ...
(Lord Dorchester era) Feeling aroused among, in connection with Quebec Act, 69. (Samuel de Champlain era) Fanaticism of Huguenot agents, 86; had large share of trade, 110; proposed to exclude, 110. (Bishop Laval era) Protestantism proscribed in Canada...