Plan Du Fort De Lapresentation 1752 Sur La Riviere De Katarakoui

Photo copy. Original in the Depot de Fortifications des Colonies a

Paris. Surveyed by Order of His Excellency General Haldimand, Governor

Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Quebec, etc., etc. A Township or

tract of Land of six Miles square lying and being in the Province

aforesaid situated on the North side of Lake Ontario near the ancient

Fort Frontenac. This Township hath great advantages on account of its

situation, having Lake Ontario on its front, all the small bays afford

good harbours for Boats, and the lake abounds with variety of excellent

fish and wild fowl. The little River Cataraqui is navigable for Batteaux

from its entrance into the Lake to its Upper Boundary of the Township,

in which space are many proper situations for erecting mills. Surveyed

Oct. 27, 1785. John Collins, D. S. Gen. Coloured MS.

