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Newspaper published at Toronto. Established, 1880. =Index=: (William Lyon Mackenzie era)
Urges monument to Mackenzie, 521.
New Caledonia
(Sir James Douglas era) Traversed by Mackenzie, 56; origin of name, 56; extent of district, 56; so named about 1806, 59; described, 97; furs and other products of the district, 99. =Bib.=: Bancroft, History of the North-West Coast; Morice, Northern In...
New Company
(Count Frontenac era) Name given to trading Company formed by inhabitants of Canada in 1645, 36. ...
New France
Name given to the French possessions in North America, otherwise known as Canada and Acadia. First discovered by Jacques Cartier in 1534. First settlement made in Acadia by De Monts, in 1604; and in Canada, by Champlain, in 1608. =Index=: (Lord Elgin ...
New Langley
(Sir James Douglas era) Or Derby, proposed as capital of British Columbia, 246. ...
New Ontario
Includes that part of the province known as northern and north-western Ontario, lying west of the Upper Ottawa River and its tributary lakes north of Lake Huron and Lake Superior, and extending to the eastern boundary of the province of Manitoba on th...
New Orleans
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Haldimand's enquiries regarding, 64; embassy to, 73; dissatisfaction at, 77; Haldimand's visit to, 78; Spaniards send troops to, 80, 81. ...
New Westminster
A city of British Columbia, founded by Colonel R. C. Moody in 1859, and first named Queensborough. The present name was given by Queen Victoria the same year, when the new town was selected as the capital of British Columbia. It was incorporated in 18...
New York City
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Haldimand in command at, 1, 87, 90, 91, 96, 121; Amherst in command at, 41; Gage in command at, 53; influenced by outbreak of violence at Boston, 86; rioting in, 91, 95; Lord North burnt in effigy at, 97; Haldimand's depa...
New York State
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Proposal to build Florida barracks there, 79; slow in joining revolt, 98, 101; Vermont's dispute with, 198, 203, 209, 215, 217; Indians migrate from, 258. (Count Frontenac era) British colony, plan for conquest of, 231. ...
See Niagara. ...
Newcastle Henry Pelham Tiennes Pelham Clinton Duke Of 1811-1864
Entered Parliament, 1832; chief secretary for Ireland, 1846; and secretary for war and the colonies, 1852-1854; secretary for war in 1854-1855; colonial secretary, 1859-1864; visited Canada in 1860, with the Prince of Wales, afterwards Edward VII. =In...
Discovered by Cabot in 1497. Sir Humphrey Gilbert established a short-lived colony on the island in 1583. Another attempt was made in 1610, by the Company of London. A more successful effort at colonization was that of Lord Baltimore in 1621. For a ti...
Newspaper published at Toronto. Established, 1880. =Index=: (William Lyon Mackenzie era) Urges monument to Mackenzie, 521. ...
(William Lyon Mackenzie era) Postage on, 93, 103, 106; their tributes to Mackenzie, 509-523. See also under names of individual newspapers. ...
Entree de la Riviere Niagara, dans le fond du Lac Ontario ou est marque la maison a Machicoulis et le fort proposee, 21 Juin 1726; fait a Niagara le Juin 21, 1726. Chaussegros de Lery. Coloured MS. Original in the Depot des Fortifications a Paris. Pla...
Niagara Newark Settled By Loyalists About 1782 Selected By
Simcoe ten years later as the capital of Upper Canada, and named by him Newark. The first Legislature of the province met there in 1792. The first public library in the province established in 1800. =Index=: (General Brock era) First seat of governmen...
Niagara Falls
First described from actual observation by Father Hennepin, in the narrative of his journey of 1678. The falls are indicated on Champlain's map of 1632, and are briefly mentioned in Ragueneau's Relation des Hurons, 1648. The name is of Iroquois origin...
Niagara Fort
(John Graves Simcoe era) Guards entrance to Niagara River, 51; held by the British pending settlement of Loyalist affairs, 55; cannon mounted on, 129; handed over to United States, 142. (Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Surrendered to British, 26; number ...
Nichol Lieutenant-colonel
(General Brock era) Quartermaster-general of militia, Upper Canada, 206; his statistical account of Upper Canada, 207; supports Brock's proposal to attack Detroit, 248. ...
Nicholson Sir Francis 1660-1728 Born In England Entered The Army
1678; lieutenant-governor of the colonies north of Chesapeake Bay, 1686-1689; and lieutenant-governor of Virginia, 1690-1694. Governor of Maryland, 1694; and of Virginia, 1698-1705. From 1705 to 1713 engaged in military operations against the French i...
Nicolas Deny's Map With Designs Attached Of Charnier En Forme
depressoir"; "Charnier en barrique"; "Les Brouettes"; "Timbre a laver la Morue"; Edifice de l'eschaffaut, complet hormis la couvertur d'un voile; Plan de l'eschaffaut, planchaye" et "Plan de l'eschaffaut portant la Terre"; MS. copy of map in the Louvr...
Nicolet Jean 1598-1642 Born At Cherbourg Normandy Came To
Canada, 1618, and the same year sent to the Algonquians of Allumette Island, on the Ottawa, to learn their language. Remained with the tribe two years; and afterwards spent eight or nine years with the Nipissings, gaining so much of their confidence t...
Ninety-two Resolutions
(Louis Joseph Papineau era) Drafted by Morin--embodied the grievances of Papineau and his followers, 85; inspired by Papineau, 85-86; their intemperate language, 89-93; real grievances set forth, 94-96; voiced complaints and indignation of the people,...
Nipigon Lake
Discovered by Charles de Greysolon, Sieur de La Tourette, brother of Du Lhut, about 1678. Built several trading-posts on or near the lake, between 1678 and 1686. La Verendrye had charge of these forts in 1727-1728, and acquired there much of the infor...