Discovered by Cabot in 1497. Sir Humphrey Gilbert
established a short-lived colony on the island in 1583. Another attempt
was made in 1610, by the Company of London. A more successful effort at
colonization was that of Lord Baltimore in 1621. For a time the colony
was governed by the so-called "Fishing Admirals," the most famous of
whom was Richard Whitbourne, author of A Discourse and Discoverie of
Newfoundland. French influence on the island dated from the founding of
Placentia in 1660. In 1696 Iberville captured St. John's, and laid waste
the coast settlements. St. John's was again captured by a French
squadron, in 1760. A Legislative Assembly was granted to the colony in
1832 as a result of popular agitation; and responsible government
established in 1855. Efforts to bring about the union of the island with
Canada were made in 1864, and again in 1895, but without success.