Morris Alexander 1826-1889 Born At Perth Upper Canada Educated

at the University of Glasgow and McGill University; studied law and

called to the bar of both Upper and Lower Canada, 1851. Entered public

life in 1861 as member for South Lanark; minister of inland revenue,

1869-1872; appointed chief justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of

Manitoba, 1872; and the same year lieutenant-governor of Manitoba and

the North-West Territories; returned to Ontario, 1877, and sat in the

Ontario Legislature for East Toronto from 1878 to 1886. =Index=: (George Brown Era)

Member for South Lanark, advocates Confederation in a pamphlet, Nova

Britannia, 129; conference with George Brown on Confederation, 152,

154. =Bib.=: Works: Nova Britannia; Canada and Her Resources;

Treaties of Canada. For biog., see Dent, Can. Por. and Last Forty


