Mercier Honore 1840-1894 Born At Ste Athanase Quebec Educated

at the Jesuit College, Montreal. In 1865 called to the Quebec bar; and

in 1872 elected to the Dominion Parliament for Rouville. In 1879

appointed solicitor-general in the Quebec provincial Assembly; and in

1883 elected member for St. Hyacinthe, and liberal leader in the House.

In 1887 premier of Quebec and held office until Dec. 15, 1891, when the

ministry was dismissed because of the Baie de Chaleur Railway scandal.

Introduced the Jesuits' Estates Act in the Quebec Legislature. =Index=:

(Sir Georges E. Cartier era) One of the founders of Le Parti National and its organ Le

National, 30; eulogizes the clergy, 30. (Sir John A Macdonald era) Heads an agitation in

favour of Riel, 243; incorporates the Society of Jesus, 286; introduces

and passes the Jesuits' Estates Act in Quebec Legislature, 186, 287.

