Mcleod Donald 1779-1879 Born In Scotland Educated At Aberdeen

University for the church, but entered the navy, 1803, and the army,

1808. Served in the Peninsula under Sir John Moore, and in Canada during

War of 1812-1814; wounded at the battles of Chrystler's Farm and Lundy's

Lane. Returned to Europe and fought at the battle of Waterloo. Came to

Canada, 1816; opened a classical school at Prescott; began publication

of the Grenville Gazette. Took part in the Rebellion of 1837, as a

major-general in the insurgent army. Fled to the United States; arrested

and tried at Detroit, but acquitted. Settled at Cleveland, Ohio, where

he died. =Index=: (William Lyon Mackenzie era) Occupies Point Pelee Island, 430. =Bib.=:

History of the Canadian Insurrection. For biog., see Dent, Upper

Canadian Rebellion.

