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Ketchum Jesse
(William Lyon Mackenzie era) Elected to the Assembly, 150; delivers rejoinder
to governor, 300.
Kerr W J
Kicking Horse Pass
Kennebec River
A river of the state of Maine, rising in Moosehead Lake; about 200 miles long. =Index=: (Lord Dorchester era) Arnold's march up, 107. ...
Kennedy Captain
(George Brown Era) Agitates through newspapers and Toronto Board of Trade importance of acquiring and settling North-West Territories, 216; writes Lord Elgin on same subject, 216. ...
Kennedy Sir Arthur Edward 1810-1883 Governor Of Vancouver Island
1863-1867. Subsequently governor of Queensland. Died in Brisbane. ...
Kennedy William Nassau 1839-1885 Born At Darlington Ontario
Served as a lieutenant in the Ontario Rifles with the Red River Expedition, 1870. Settled in Winnipeg, and appointed registrar of deeds, 1872. A member of the North-West Council, 1873; mayor of Winnipeg, 1875-1876. Organized the Winnipeg Field Battery...
Kennedy's Regiment
(Wolfe / Montcalm era) On British right, 189. ...
Kenny Sir Edward 1800-1891 Born In Kerry County Ireland
Emigrated to Nova Scotia. Summoned to the Senate at Confederation. Became receiver-general in federal ministry, 1867-1869; president of the Privy Council, 1869-1870. For a time acting lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia. Vacated his seat in the Senate,...
Kent And Strathern Edward Augustus Duke Of 1767-1820 Fourth Son
of George III and father of Queen Victoria. Sent to Canada, 1791; served in West Indies, 1794; returned to Canada, 1796; commander-in-chief of forces in British North America, 1799-1800; governor of Gibraltar, 1802-1803; field-marshal, 1805. =Index=: ...
Kent Lodge
Near Quebec. =Index=: (Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Formerly Montmorency House, Haldimand's summer residence, 345. ...
(Lord Dorchester era) Movements on foot in, for separation from other American states, 247, 249. ...
(Tilley era) Elected as Confederation candidate for Northumberland, N. B., 107; moves the address in New Brunswick Assembly, 115. ...
Kerr D S
(Wilmot era) Council for Doak and Hill in libel case, 75. ...
Kerr W J
(William Lyon Mackenzie era) Attempts Mackenzie's assassination, 218; tried and convicted, 220. ...
Ketchum Jesse
(William Lyon Mackenzie era) Elected to the Assembly, 150; delivers rejoinder to governor, 300. ...
Kicking Horse Pass
Through Rocky Mountains, north of lat. 51 deg., length 104 miles, and elevation at watershed 5300 feet. This pass is followed by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. It was explored and named by Dr. Hector, of the Palliser expedition, in 185...
Killaly H H
Represented town of London in first Parliament after the union of 1841; chairman of the board of public works, 1841-1844, and 1844-1846. =Index=: (Lord Sydenham era) Made president of board of works for united province, 333. (Baldwin / La Fontaine / H...
Killian Doran
(Tilley era) Recruits Fenian army in New York, 105; his force arrives at Eastport, 105. ...
King Dr
(William Lyon Mackenzie era) Aids Mackenzie's escape, 389. ...
King Rev Wm
(George Brown Era) Moving spirit in negro settlement in Upper Canada, 113. ...
King's American Regiment
(Lord Dorchester era) Commanded by Fanning, 202. ...
King's College New Brunswick
(Wilmot era) Charter granted by George IV, 1828, 49; endowed by New Brunswick Legislature, 49; controlled by Church of England, 49-50, 51; proposed amendments to charter, 51-56; amendment bill finally passed, 56; becomes University of New Brunswick, 8...
King's College Nova Scotia
An academy opened at Windsor, Nova Scotia, 1788. The following year an Act passed for "the permanent establishment and effectual support of a college at Windsor," and L400 per annum granted towards its maintenance. Under this act, King's College open...
King's College Upper Canada
Granted royal charter, Mar. 15, 1827. ...
King's Printer Upper Canada
(John Graves Simcoe era) Louis Roy, first incumbent of office, 172; Roy succeeded by G. Tiffany, 173. ...
King's Royal Regiment Of New York
(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Raised by Sir John Johnson, 156; Beverley Robinson colonel of, 201; disbanded and receive grants of land, 255. ...