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Kennedy Captain
(George Brown Era) Agitates through newspapers and Toronto Board of
Trade importance of acquiring and settling North-West Territories, 216;
writes Lord Elgin on same subject, 216.
Kennebec River
Kennedy Sir Arthur Edward 1810-1883 Governor Of Vancouver Island
Judah Henry Hague 1808-1883 Born In London England Came To
Canada, and called to the bar, 1829. Represented Champlain in the Assembly, 1843-1844. Appointed one of the Commissioners under the Act abolishing the Seigniorial Tenure, 1854. =Index=: (Lord Elgin era) Commissioner under Federal Tenure law, 186. ...
(General Brock era) Bill for exclusion of, passed by Lower Canada Assembly, but thrown out by Council, 104; further discussion of question, 116; instructions from Great Britain regarding, 117, 126; Act of Exclusion passed, 145. ...
(Lord Elgin era) Measures relating to, passed by second La Fontaine-Baldwin government, 86-87; (John Graves Simcoe era) Act for establishing Superior Court for Upper Canada passed, 92; amended, 94. (Lord Sydenham era) Bill passed by Special Council, 2...
Jurisdiction Question Of
(Bishop Laval era) In New France, 163. ...
Justices Of The Peace
See Magistrates. ...
Kaministiquia Or Kaministikwia Fort
At mouth of river of same name, north-west shore of Lake Superior. Built by Zacharie Robutel de La Nouee, in 1717. La Verendrye wintered there in 1731, while making preparations for his western explorations. The site abandoned in favour of Grand Port...
Kane Paul 1810-1871 Born In Toronto Received His First Training
under Drury, the drawing-master at Upper Canada College. Spent the years 1836-1840 in the United States; and then sailed for Europe, where he studied art in Italy and throughout the continent. Returned to Toronto in 1845, and shortly after set out on ...
Kaye John W
(Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Quoted on Metcalfe, 156, 158; on La Fontaine and Baldwin, 169-171; on Metcalfe, 176, 186, 236, 237. (George Brown Era) Defends Metcalfe's attitude towards political parties in Canada, 24. =Bib.=: Works: Life and Co...
Keefer Thomas Coltrin 1821- Born At Thorold Ontario Engaged In
the enlargement of the Welland Canal, 1841-1845, and then transferred to the Ottawa River works, 1845-1849. Made a survey of the St. Lawrence rapids, 1850; and prepared the report and plans which resulted in the building of the Victoria bridge at Mont...
Kempt Sir James 1764-1854 Commanded Brigade In Peninsula 1812
and division at Waterloo, 1815; governor of Nova Scotia, 1820-1828; and governor of Canada, 1828-1830. Made a privy-councillor, 1830; master-general of ordnance, 1834-1838; general, 1841. =Index=: (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) His efforts at co...
Kendrick Captain John
American seaman. Trading on North-West Coast, 1787-1793. Killed in Sandwich Islands, 1793. =Index=: (Sir James Douglas era) Voyage to North-West Coast in 1787, 23; at Nootka, 24; credited with rediscovery of strait of Juan de Fuca, 25. ...
Kennebec River
A river of the state of Maine, rising in Moosehead Lake; about 200 miles long. =Index=: (Lord Dorchester era) Arnold's march up, 107. ...
Kennedy Captain
(George Brown Era) Agitates through newspapers and Toronto Board of Trade importance of acquiring and settling North-West Territories, 216; writes Lord Elgin on same subject, 216. ...
Kennedy Sir Arthur Edward 1810-1883 Governor Of Vancouver Island
1863-1867. Subsequently governor of Queensland. Died in Brisbane. ...
Kennedy William Nassau 1839-1885 Born At Darlington Ontario
Served as a lieutenant in the Ontario Rifles with the Red River Expedition, 1870. Settled in Winnipeg, and appointed registrar of deeds, 1872. A member of the North-West Council, 1873; mayor of Winnipeg, 1875-1876. Organized the Winnipeg Field Battery...
Kennedy's Regiment
(Wolfe / Montcalm era) On British right, 189. ...
Kenny Sir Edward 1800-1891 Born In Kerry County Ireland
Emigrated to Nova Scotia. Summoned to the Senate at Confederation. Became receiver-general in federal ministry, 1867-1869; president of the Privy Council, 1869-1870. For a time acting lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia. Vacated his seat in the Senate,...
Kent And Strathern Edward Augustus Duke Of 1767-1820 Fourth Son
of George III and father of Queen Victoria. Sent to Canada, 1791; served in West Indies, 1794; returned to Canada, 1796; commander-in-chief of forces in British North America, 1799-1800; governor of Gibraltar, 1802-1803; field-marshal, 1805. =Index=: ...
Kent Lodge
Near Quebec. =Index=: (Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Formerly Montmorency House, Haldimand's summer residence, 345. ...
(Lord Dorchester era) Movements on foot in, for separation from other American states, 247, 249. ...
(Tilley era) Elected as Confederation candidate for Northumberland, N. B., 107; moves the address in New Brunswick Assembly, 115. ...
Kerr D S
(Wilmot era) Council for Doak and Hill in libel case, 75. ...
Kerr W J
(William Lyon Mackenzie era) Attempts Mackenzie's assassination, 218; tried and convicted, 220. ...
Ketchum Jesse
(William Lyon Mackenzie era) Elected to the Assembly, 150; delivers rejoinder to governor, 300. ...