Imperial Conference

Held in London, 1887. Canada was represented by

Sir Alexander Campbell and Sandford Fleming. Among the questions

discussed were those of inter-Imperial defence and trade, the Pacific

cable, etc. Another conference was held in Ottawa in 1894 (see

Colonial Conference, 1894); and another in London in June, 1896, Canada

being represented by Sir Mackenzie Bowell and Sandford Fleming. At an

adjourned meeting in October, 1896
Sir Donald Smith and Hon. A.G. Jones

represented the Dominion, Mr. Fleming being present in an advisory

capacity. On the occasion of Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee, 1897,

another conference was held in London, Joseph Chamberlain presiding, and

the self-governing colonies being represented by their premiers. Again,

in 1902, the colonial premiers met in London, under the presidency of

Joseph Chamberlain. The London Conference of 1907, presided over by Lord

Elgin, discussed various Imperial questions, but was chiefly memorable

because of the decision to hold similar meetings every four years, and

to provide a permanent bureau at London devoted specifically to the

interests of the Empire.

